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If you were to bite the dust, how would you want it to happen?


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I wanna die in a fiery, gory, gruesome explosion.
The plan would be to fill a few small balloons with C4 and remote detonators. Swallow the balloons. Then, swallow a few handfuls worth of steel bearings and marbles. Then, I would get into a situation in which I was surrounded by cops and innocents. I would be in my car, which would also be filled with C4, and the corpses of dead animals (as many as I can find, the more decomposed the better). Ihen, I would get out, get the cops to surround me somehow (probably a gun). When the cops are near enough, I would blow myself up. The C4 would blast the steel bearings out of my body (most gruesome) and the explosion would hopefully turn the marbles into hunks of molten glass, and both the bearings and marbles would injure/kill the cops. At the same time of my explosive demise, the C4 in my vehicle would explode, which would shred and scatter the corpses of the dead animals (and maybe humans, if I decided to go on a killing rampage before this) onto the innocent people near where I parked my car. I think that would be fun.^_^


The devoted
i would want to die quickly and painlessly, and something with alot of fire, im a pyromaniac. i think that ti will be something like:

I go to MCM expo next week, i cos0play as L with alot of hairspray in my hair, i start messing around with my lighters(i do it controlled all of the time) then something goes wrong and i burn my hair, and die for some reason lol


Devil's Advocate

Ok......... *is disturbed*

I dunno... I know I wanna be shot before I die, somewhere that isnt fatal, just so I know how it feels. I don't believe people can relate to that sort of pain.

Personally I think I just wanna die as quick and painless as possible, nothing gruesom, nothing like the above. I want my body to be unscarred, no blood, nothing showing...

Perhaps just not wake up from sleep...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Me and my friends used to have discussions about this frequently. :lol:

Me and my best friend always answered in the same way, in style, we both wanted to die with our most stylish clothes on, hair up in a way that looks cool, sprayed to buggery with Lynx Africa/Vice and just look...Cool doing it.

If that doesn't work, I'd like to die on stage, playing guitar, in the most awesome way possible, preferably with a huge light show going on behind me...Yes, I want to go out with a major bang. ^_^


Dines with dementia
Trish67;120999 said:
I wanna go to sleep and not wake up
Hear hear... Anything else would be too spooky. Maybe falling asleep in front of the TV with a smile on my face and dying in my sleep.


Is not rat, is hamster
Am I the only one here who would prefer it NOT to happen? :lol:

Either way, I'm not too fussed...when you come close to death I guess you either freak out or feel peaceful. Personally, I felt peaceful...not a care in the world....


The devoted
TBH i dont really care, if i died tonight, then it wouldnt be too bad, i have done alot of things in my life, im very bored in it ATM most of the time, and it would be a peaceful death, but i guess that i wana live to see how my life turns out lol


I don't mind how, when, where I die actually - so long it's not of some stupid reasons. That includes: suffocate in car while napping and turning car A/C on, suffer heart attack after knowing I won a lottery with huge prize, stab myself with a syringe filled with euthanasia drugs (don't laugh - it happens to vets from time to time...), having a cardiac arrest/ fit while playing video games... things like that =]


Shall we dance?
A little corny; probably sleeping in the same bed with the person I love or next to them when I die; or just dying without pain.


NerosDevil;121284 said:
A little corny; probably sleeping in the same bed with the person I love or next to them when I die; or just dying without pain.

It's not corny at all to me. That is probably the exact way I would wanna go.

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
I wanna bite the dust in a dusty room so I could feel the dust when I bite it.

There's a huge speculation that the world's gonna die on the 10th of this month anyway.

Sweden are making a man-made Black-hole, and it's probably gonna take the world with it!

So start planning your deaths now fella's and feline's!

I don't think it will happen anyway.


New Member
Some rain falling down, me and the person I love, hugged with our faces in front of each other, soaking from the rain drops above us, sleeping and never waking up again.
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