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I just thought of something...


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Don't you think this makes topic kind of pointless? You make topic about game you not interested in and never intend to play and talks about changes in it...which you not intend to discover on yourself, instead watching them on youtube and telling how pointless they are o_O
This coming from the same guy who goes to the DmC forum and complains about how you don't like it and constantly brings up something against it and you wanna come to ME about pointless topics?


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I find that surprising. Where'd you see those at.
I think couple of times under announcement articles. Can't say for sure atm though where exactly.
This coming from the same guy who goes to the DmC forum and complains about how you don't like it and constantly brings up something against it and you wanna come to ME about pointless topics?
There is the reason why I never make topics about DmC ;)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Okay guys enough is enough. If you two don't get on then I suggest you both ignore each other.

@Innsmouth: Your baiting wasn't needed. If I see this kind of thing again. I won't go so easy.

Regardless, @DragonMaster2010: It takes two to tango. Don't allow yourself to be provoked.

Carry on, but do so carefully.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
Thing is even thought its been 7 years since DMC4 came out, that doesnt mean they have been working on it for 7 years as the dev team probably worked on other projects (like RE6, MvC3 or Dragon's dogma).

So realistically they might have been working it since DmC came out which would have given them a year and a half to do whatever they thought would be appealing.

I rather have them push the game a year and do a full remake from scratch because this game had a lot of good ideas that had so much potential.

But I'd settle for a substantial Vergil campaign that does clear up the Nero Origin mess or atleast set it up better.


Well-known Member
Thing is even thought its been 7 years since DMC4 came out, that doesnt mean they have been working on it for 7 years as the dev team probably worked on other projects (like RE6, MvC3 or Dragon's dogma).

So realistically they might have been working it since DmC came out which would have given them a year and a half to do whatever they thought would be appealing.

I rather have them push the game a year and do a full remake from scratch because this game had a lot of good ideas that had so much potential.

But I'd settle for a substantial Vergil campaign that does clear up the Nero Origin mess or atleast set it up better.
I don't think anyone expects that they have been working on it for 7 years. But I do think it's possible that Itsuno was working on this after the Dragon's Dogma dlc was released, because what else has he really been working on?

I'm pretty sure they probably have only spent a year on DMC4:SE because Capcom is releasing both DmC:DE and DMC4:SE to build hype for DMC5(or DmC2). So they aren't going to entirely remake DMC4, and instead focus on a new DMC (which has been sort of rumored to be in development). Hell you could say a new DMC game teaser might be even released this year at say TGS. All signs point to it.

nephlim god

Well-known Member
All i want is more devil may cry . As long as it contains dante and vergil ill be more than made up . Hate waitint thoo. I want to no if i can let myself get excited about dmc se . I dont wana be let down


Well-known Member
All of the 'sort of rumors' about a new DMC have been spread by fans. There's no reason to believe it aside from almost baseless predictions. It basically goes like this- Fan 1: What do you think of the likelihood of a new DMC? Fan 2: Sparse information that suggests a possibility, which could go for nearly any franchise. Boom, you've got a rumor, regardless of whether it has a good reason to exist.

Also, there's a good chance DMC 4: SE hasn't been worked on since Dragon's Dogma's DLC, as we can't be sure Capcom already thought it was a good idea at that point, and everyone needs a bit of a break after a project like that. For all we know, it could've been worked on for a month and Vergil wasn't even completed in the engine when the teaser was released.

To be clear, I'm not saying that I don't want a DMC 5, or that I don't want DMC 4: SE to be an amazing upgrade with plenty of additional content. I'm just saying there's little reason to suppose these things, so to act like we should be angry if DMC 4: SE isn't essentially a remake is unfair to the people working on this project. If you were happy with DMC 3: SE, you should be happy with DMC 4: SE doing just as much to change the game, even if it has slightly more time to be made.

I'm fine with optimism, but it's the threat of hating on Capcom if they don't meet your unrealistic standards that bothers me.


General gamer
All of the 'sort of rumors' about a new DMC have been spread by fans. There's no reason to believe it aside from almost baseless predictions. It basically goes like this- Fan 1: What do you think of the likelihood of a new DMC? Fan 2: Sparse information that suggests a possibility, which could go for nearly any franchise. Boom, you've got a rumor, regardless of whether it has a good reason to exist.

Also, there's a good chance DMC 4: SE hasn't been worked on since Dragon's Dogma's DLC, as we can't be sure Capcom already thought it was a good idea at that point, and everyone needs a bit of a break after a project like that. For all we know, it could've been worked on for a month and Vergil wasn't even completed in the engine when the teaser was released.

To be clear, I'm not saying that I don't want a DMC 5, or that I don't want DMC 4: SE to be an amazing upgrade with plenty of additional content. I'm just saying there's little reason to suppose these things, so to act like we should be angry if DMC 4: SE isn't essentially a remake is unfair to the people working on this project. If you were happy with DMC 3: SE, you should be happy with DMC 4: SE doing just as much to change the game, even if it has slightly more time to be made.

I'm fine with optimism, but it's the threat of hating on Capcom if they don't meet your unrealistic standards that bothers me.
On a realistic note, yes it might be too much to expect them to add some (well needed) changes to 4. I do think that because Vergil will be added they could give Nero Yamato as another melee weapon and give him some of Vergil's moves but Capcom are too lazy to do so I suppose! Alternate costumes are a must for DMC4: SE as without them I'll not get the game until a price drop (unless it is £30, in which case I'd get it only to play with a better controller on ps4)


Well-known Member
If I'm being honest, costumes and some graphical upgrades are very much a simpler proposition and I wouldn't be surprised if most of the new content was along those lines. Most of all, I just want the same quality of models from the cutscenes in the main game, since the new systems can certainly handle that. It's pretty clear from the hair models that they were trying to cut alpha-sorting out of the rendering pipeline during gameplay, most likely for performance on the PS3 and Xbox 360 and mid-range gaming PCs (in 2008).

I think the main disconnect I see around the forums is that we think of things from a fan's perspective more often than we see it through the eyes of Capcom in Japan. I imagine having 'merely' playable Vergil in DMC 4: SE sounds like a much larger value proposition to them than it does to many of us. I would be happy with more, certainly, but if all I get is DMC 4 with Vergil, that'll be enough for me to relive it, cutscenes or no.

I think the price is the only real issue, here, since 40 USD still feels like a bit much when I have the PC version. Also, I've been playing it with the PS4 controller on PC and it's definitely an improvement. If I'm being honest, this is a decent strategy, since there aren't many (any?) good hack n' slash games out for PS4, yet, so they'll be in the market just in time to capitalize on the drought before we get some decent titles over the next couple years.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Y'know, I guess it isn't so much a stretch to think that they might not add some extra content. Just the mention of Dragon's Dogma makes me think of how huge an addition Bitterblack Isle was. Who knows? Maybe we'll get a small Vergil scenario in the same vain as Vergil's Downfall.

Either way though, I think there should certainly be more costumes, because really, there weren't any in the original, and that made me sadpoops at the time. Hell, add a DMC1 Dante skin in DMC4:se and I'll have to get a whole new wardrobe, because there'll just be semen everywhere.

I might finally get my DMC1 Dante with Rebellion then :p
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