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I just thought of something...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
For me it's like you have two ways of looking at it.

1. Your expectations are low. You're sure to probably be let down (This is Capcom)

2. You think this is going to kick ass. There must be a reason to even call it a Special Edition.

I'm mixed between 1 and 2. The only thing swaying me more towards 2 is the fact that DMC 4 was 7 years ago.

Then again if they were to add so little yet try to big up DMC 4:SE. Then they're basically giving us more reasons to lose faith in them. A monumentally stupid move. And I hope they are smarter than that.

I mean c'mon, 7 years!


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
For me it's like you have two ways of looking at it.

1. Your expectations are low. You're sure to probably be let down (This is Capcom)

2. You think this is going to kick ass. There must be a reason to even call it a Special Edition.

I'm mixed between 1 and 2. The only thing swaying me more towards 2 is the fact that DMC 4 was 7 years ago.

Then again if they were to add so little yet try to big up DMC 4:SE. Then they're basically giving us more reasons to lose faith in them. A monumentally stupid move. And I hope they are smarter than that.

I mean c'mon, 7 years!
Well, that's Capcom for ya, doing hasty business decisions as of the late 2000's... So yes, I am in the mix of your 1 and 2 there as well!


Fake Geek Girl.
For me it's like you have two ways of looking at it.

1. Your expectations are low. You're sure to probably be let down (This is Capcom)

2. You think this is going to kick ass. There must be a reason to even call it a Special Edition.

I'm mixed between 1 and 2. The only thing swaying me more towards 2 is the fact that DMC 4 was 7 years ago.

Then again if they were to add so little yet try to big up DMC 4:SE. Then they're basically giving us more reasons to lose faith in them. A monumentally stupid move. And I hope they are smarter than that.

I mean c'mon, 7 years!
The best option is to just not get your hopes up too high, so if in inevitably disappoints then you won't be so broken up about it.

I got my hopes real high for DMC 4 before, never again.

Some kind of Monster

Well-known Member
Here's what i want.
1. A healthy ten mission campaign for Vergil with his own weapons cutscenes and styles. A new Bloody Palace mode
2. More outfits for Dante and Nero
3. I never liked and never played DmC but that new stuff like the must style mod is a great idea bring that in DMC4.
4. Dante's own campaign. Not gonna happen but that can't stop me from hoping that it will.
5. Capcom release the new content on PC!


In a place where no one follows me. i Walk Alone!
Here is an old saying I saw in my Facebook news feed from one of my friends he or she shared:
"If you don't want disappointment, then expect nothing."
Or something similar along that line. These are true words of the wise!


Supporter 2014
@LordOfDarkness & @Chancey289

Off-topic: What if I said I needed to tweak my DMC4 Vergil theory? Yes, it still involves him being t3h deaded.

Don't worry, Lord of Darkness, I won't make him dead in your case. I'll just make him alive but trapped in another dimension (skipping through fields of flowers because you don't like sad endings for Vergil lol) because what else would he be doing all this time if he were still alive? Singing Double Rainbow? XP

Back On-topic:

I just want DMC4 to have more melee weapons for all three characters... even if it's just one more. Three weapons in total would actually be a pretty good deal. Oh, and also explain what Vergil's part was in all this.

Problem is that DMC4 doesn't need much additional content.
Ok, I'm going to pretend that you didn't know that DMC4 was less than 40% complete (according to Vash The Shell Bullet on youtube), otherwise, you ignoring that fact would just scream bias on your part.

And yes, I'm still beyond angry that Capcom charged full price for a game that was less than halfway finished. There's no excuse for that. None, whatsoever.
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Well-known Member
Here is an old saying I saw in my Facebook news feed from one of my friends he or she shared:
"If you don't want disappointment, then expect nothing."
Or something similar along that line. These are true words of the wise!
I never expected DMC4 to get a special edition, so that's something...

Ok, I'm going to pretend that you didn't know that DMC4 was less than 40% complete (according to Vash The Shell Bullet on youtube), otherwise, you ignoring that fact would just scream bias on your part.

And yes, I'm still beyond angry that Capcom charged full price for a game that was less than halfway finished. There's no excuse for that. None, whatsoever.
TBH that was pretty much a bull **** statistic, there is no way to know how complete DMC4 became. Even going by the art book, a lot of games have tons of concept art that is never used so I think he was off base making such wild speculation regarding "content". But it's all in good fun anyway so it's whatever. The switch from PS3 only to PS3/XBOX360 is really what cut the content in half (one of the first multiplatform games for both systems using their new engine), so I'm sure they spent a lot of time ironing out engine bugs...


Supporter 2014
But you're not being honest, you're being biased. No one really knows what happened (except for the employees), but considering the fact that most people say it's half a game (Gaming Brit also says this @ 18:48 -- "Everyone knows that DMC4 is basically half a game.") then I'm inclined to believe this, even if the "hardcore fanbase" isn't.

So no, it's not BS, not if a lot of people are saying that. You're overlooking DMC4's flaws due to your own fanatical devotion towards its mechanics and cheesy one-liners.

The Vash video said that inside sources, as in, sources from inside Capcom itself, said that it was less than 40 percent done. None of the commenters on that vid challenged Vash when he said that, so I'm going to take his word for it.

If you want to discuss this point of contention with him, feel free. He'll most likely talk to you about it, if you ask nicely.

However, if you don't want to go through the trouble of doing so, then don't. Just don't immediately dismiss it as "BS" either.


If you feel that I took your quote out of context in any way, shape, or form, please feel free to let me know.

And please clarify whether or not you think that this game was really less than halfway finished. The fans aren't quite ready to believe this yet, it seems.
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Well-known Member
But you're not being honest, you're being biased. No one really knows what happened (except for the employees), but considering the fact that most people say it's half a game (Gaming Brit also says this @ 18:48 -- "Everyone knows that DMC4 is basically half a game.") then I'm inclined to believe this, even if the "hardcore fanbase" isn't.

So no, it's not BS, not if a lot of people are saying that. You're overlooking DMC4's flaws due to your own fanatical devotion towards its mechanics and cheesy one-liners.

The Vash video said that inside sources, as in, sources from inside Capcom itself, said that it was less than 40 percent done. None of the commenters on that vid challenged Vash when he said that, so I'm going to take his word for it.

If you want to discuss this point of contention with him, feel free. He'll most likely talk to you about it, if you ask nicely.

However, if you don't want to go through the trouble of doing so, then don't. Just don't immediately dismiss it as "BS" either.


If you feel that I took your quote out of context in any way, shape, or form, please feel free to let me know.

And please clarify whether or not you think that this game was really less than halfway finished. The fans aren't quite ready to believe this yet, it seems.
. Most of the talk about DMC4's development have been rumors and speculation based on what little we have, so I'd prefer he'd mention a "source" but w/e (I've never seen anything explicitly mention the completion percent of DMC4)... And I'm pretty sure we'll never have a full picture beyond the art book, unless DMC4:SE adds a bunch of the cut content (concept and/or actualized). That is my hope that there's say enemy models not used lying around that they could scrap together for a Vergil Campaign.

If you want to see what I literally consider half a game, look at Metal Gear Rising.
The only reason I doubt they'll add DLC is because this is a Special Edition. Like DMC3's version of a special edition. Which means like probably one cutscene of Vergil and then just him as a skin character.
I meant that vanilla DMC4 had no DLC, so to make DMC4:SE worth it they might add content that could have been DLC early on, to keep the 2 "rereleases" in parity in terms of extra content (because DmC had Vergil DLC campaign). If DMC4:SE is indeed $40 like DmC:DE, I don't think Capcom would get a lot of sales without more than a bloody palace add-on (plus LGD and turbo mode). The game is older than DmC, so you need something a little extra to wash people's mouth's of Nero's reverse campaign... But you never know, and I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Ok, I'm going to pretend that you didn't know that DMC4 was less than 40% complete (according to Vash The Shell Bullet on youtube), otherwise, you ignoring that fact would just scream bias on your part.

And yes, I'm still beyond angry that Capcom charged full price for a game that was less than halfway finished. There's no excuse for that. None, whatsoever.
Because anyone can say anything and you eat it up without thinking? Try not to believe anything you hear on Internet. Yes, it has trouble development. But many games have content cut from them before they released, If you want to talk this talk, DmC had also removed content, according to this dev topic here. Where that one developer claimed that they wanted to make much more out of the bosses (like fight on train) and thn had to remove it because coding was to complex to make it.
So yeah, DMC4 may be not 100% complete but it still doesn't require huge amount of tweaking and corrections like DmC ;)


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I'm glad I have no hopes for the DMC4 SE from the beginning that way when it comes out and if it fails to reach anyone's expectations, I'll gladly drink up what's there for it and watch gameplay via youtube.


Well-known Member
I think it's pretty ironic that people want DMC4 to fail that desperate
LOL, I don't even like the game and I wish it the best to at least improve. Heck I never seen anybody here wishing this to fail, not even on other places like youtube and silconera. They all were "Lexington Steel'ing" in their pants the last time I remember.

Again, I say, even if the changes are very small, this will still outsell the DmC: DE for sure. If the fans are disappointed with this version, I'd laugh and say "Dafuq are yall crying for? You guys already got your "better game", what else do yall want?"

As for this Edition itself, I also have low expectations for it, but also neutral.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
It means whether it's good or not, it won't matter to me since I won't be buying it anyway.
Don't you think this makes topic kind of pointless? You make topic about game you not interested in and never intend to play and talks about changes in it...which you not intend to discover on yourself, instead watching them on youtube and telling how pointless they are o_O
LOL, I don't even like the game and I wish it the best to at least improve. Heck I never seen anybody here wishing this to fail, not even on other places like youtube and silconera. They all were "Lexington Steel'ing" in their pants the last time I remember.

Again, I say, even if the changes are very small, this will still outsell the DmC: DE for sure. If the fans are disappointed with this version, I'd laugh and say "Dafuq are yall crying for? You guys already got your "better game", what else do yall want?"

As for this Edition itself, I also have low expectations for it, but also neutral.
I dunno I seen pretty many people talking about how they not interested in DMC4, etc
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