You can say I'm arrogant but I just speak my mind and wouldn't care if you take it with a grain of salt. You don't know me whatsoever. I think DMC 4 is the worst in the entire series and I explained why but because I flame a game you like you interpret it as some kind of insult? I don't know if you were there but this fanbase freaked the hell out over 4. They hated it as well. The reason why I hated 4 so much was how much of a dissapointment it was. I don't like 4 because it was a very lazy game and Capcom evidently just didn't give a crap about one of my favorite game series. Like Resident Evil 6 which was my 2012 worst game of the year. I'm quite the Resident Evil fan so you know how let down I was where the survival horror game becomes the mediocre action game. If you came in my face telling me how much you think Spider-Man sucks I wouldn't get all p!ssed off about it because while I love Spider-Man some people out there don't. If anything your post in this forum gives me that you actually think you're better than the people who enjoy DmC just because you enjoy the original series more. You flat out said it. I enjoy BOTH.No dude,ya don't. It's just the way you word it out that comes off as very...arrogant. Try to be more friendly with your post. People don't like it when somebody comes off stating that their opinion is clearly wrong.For example
If somebody told that to you,wouldn't it **** you off? That's so annoying and disrespectful,people are bound to be annoyed.
And this
not only were you the one wrong,you didn't even provide any evidence. If that's not arrogant to you,I don't know what is.
The very 1st Devil May Cry is still the best game out of the entire series. I still play that game to this day and have beaten it like a million times. You don't even care for the first one as much as 3 and 4 and I could throw out some sh!t at you saying "you're no real DMC fan because you don't think the original legend that started it off is the best." But I won't because not everyone in the world shares the same opinion. I can't freaking say anything good about DmC without getting my sh!t jumped constantly by a fanatical fanbase who acts like DmC is the worst game in the world which couldn't be farther from the truth and is absolutely ridiculous. It's a pretty strong title that is above the average mark. It's Devil May Cry to me and I don't mind the change in direction as much as you people do because I don't want to see the same exact crap all the time. I'm fine with it taking some creative liberties. And the final product wasn't bad. If Capcom did it I can be pretty sure it would be a hell of a lot worse.