Finally,you state an opinion. Thumbs up,my brudda.I threw DMC 4 into a fire and roasted some hot dogs on it a long time ago. I rather pretend that piece of crap doesn't exist. I don't even know what the f*ck is a Tam whatever you said and don't care. I don't think Dante is a great character. I never thought he was. Devil May Cry may be one of my favorite game series but that's just it, I love the video games. To be honest I couldn't care less about most of the characters. Dante changed with every game making the reboot no different to this trend and Dante, all of all video game characters, never falls in line with my favorites. Some of my favorite characters in video game history are like:
-Multiple Metal Gear Solid characters
-Sly Cooper
-John Marston
-Mega Man etc.
Sorry, but Dante never falls in line with my favorite's list. Any version of him. I like the very first version of him the best out of them all. I couldn't care less about any other one. Even the DmC one is like, well that's Dante with a haircut. I can tolerate him but he still isn't anything to write home about. Dante never was. Call me a supposedly fake fan or something now if you like but I don't care for Dante all that much. He's ok but other characters are far cooler and more interesting than he will ever be. My head canon of Dante is more entertaining than the real character.
And I agree,I also like other characters more than Dante,but I don't think he's as horrible as you make him to be. People like him for his smart one liners and his funny attitude towards a good challenge and danger,if you don't like those kind of people you're obviously going to hate Dante.
But you seem to ignore the other stuff I was talking about,I'd really like to see you talking about how you lied about the move list numbers and how Splash and Helm Breaker can be substituted for Full House. And no lies please.