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how far

how far will you go to help your friends?

will you lie to them to keep them by your side?

how will you feel if you lost one of your friends?

what will you do if you lost a friend?


The devoted
i think this may turn into a flame pit fairly quickly...

If they are good friends there isnt much i wont do, i was playing paintball with a close friend and he was about to get shot, so i did an action movie style thing to take the shot, then he got taken out about 3 seconds later :lol:

but if they arent good friends then i dont mind seeing them walk off in a mood because they think that im always wrong, when im usually right with their answers...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
The very last thing I would ever consider doing to my friends, or anybody; is lie.


The devoted
I would lie to my friends, if it benefits them, e.g. talking about a game i dont like, but humouring them so that they dont get annoyed


Dines with dementia
Considering I have only one friend in real life that isn't that close to me I doubt I'd do something rash like taking a bullet for her. But for my sister, that's a different story. I'd probably jump in front of a car to save her since I know she'd do the same. Anywhoo, I have never argued with my friend about anything, and I doubt I have lied to her. But I did get back stabbed by 2 so-called friends in high school, so that's probably why I can seem a bit unfriendly. That situation kinda screwed me up pretty bad back then.

Bah, I'm rambling again.. My point is that since I entered uni all I see around me are ignorant people that wouldn't make good friends because they have "high standards" when it comes to who they want to hang out with. So what's the point of putting so much trust in those people..


that zzzombiekid
Not too far... Just enough for them to realize I care... Maybe... :3
Nothing too harsh like giving your life for them, though. I would love to for my best friends, though.


New Member
I have a wide offline/online variety of friends, and from those, only 3-4 can be considered my best friends.

Well, for their own good, I would go a bit over the top, to be honest.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I'd fight for my friends. No matter what......actully I pioritize my girlfriend above all else.:lol:

If I had to choose between all of my friends or a girl I like then, sorry friends.:D:lol:


Is not rat, is hamster
Black Dragon Knight;149424 said:
how far will you go to help your friends?
Depends - if it's on the local bus route, then I suppose I could go a fair distance.

Black Dragon Knight;149424 said:
will you lie to them to keep them by your side?
Lying is the best part of friendship - nothing like BSing our best mate so that they buy something hideous and you look better than them when you go out later :D

Black Dragon Knight;149424 said:
how will you feel if you lost one of your friends?
A bit stupid - I'd probably wish I'd put that electronic tag on them after all - easier to find, then.

Black Dragon Knight;149424 said:
what will you do if you lost a friend?
Go to the nearest information point and ask them to put a call out over the public address system. Usually does the trick.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Well, I have, like, two friends and they're both cool and laid-back so I don't have to worry about losin' 'em unless I do something incredibly stupid. That's one of the benefits of being unpopular: Less responsibility. :p
yeah i have lost many friends already which isnt good but it was rather circumstances cause i havent been able to talk to my school friends since i finished school which made me loose em so circumstances play a crucial role
i lost a lot of friends and i almost lost more. i would lie to keep my friends. and if i can i would give my life for them.[a life transferation]. if i lost a friend i would hole up in my room and drink a lot of milk and cry.


TimeLord Detective
Friends (the ones we supposedly really care about) are really important to our lives, whether we want to admit it or not. However, every person has times when she/he wants to be alone, and usually when you're feeling like that you'd think that you have no need for friends because you're currently feeling fine by yourself. Personally, I'm afraid that if something happens to a friend of mine while I'm at this stage, I'd turn out to be a pretty ungrateful lil' bastard:p

When I'm normal though, I think that for certain people I'd like to help them, but not to the point of endangering myself, however that can change, since while there is the mood I described in the first paragraph, there is also the opposite mood, in which we might end up doing a whole lot for the people important to us:lol:

(Thankfully I have only around 5 people, so I think I can manage:p)
Tony_Redgrave;149886 said:
However, every person has times when she/he wants to be alone, and usually when you're feeling like that you'd think that you have no need for friends because you're currently feeling fine by yourself. Personally, I'm afraid that if something happens to a friend of mine while I'm at this stage, I'd turn out to be a pretty ungrateful lil' bastard:p

i agree with what you said.


Gosh Napoleon...
Black Dragon Knight;149625 said:
i lost a lot of friends and i almost lost more. i would lie to keep my friends. and if i can i would give my life for them.[a life transferation]. if i lost a friend i would hole up in my room and drink a lot of milk and cry.
OMG LMFAO.....DUDE? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: hmm... why milk?

how far will you go to help your friends?
Oh I'd definately kill myself in order for them to stay alive. :lol::lol::lol:

will you lie to them to keep them by your side?
Who the hell never lied to their friend? ANYONE who says that they have NEVER lied or will never lie to their friends must have none..... Or their full of anus.

how will you feel if you lost one of your friends?
Good, I'll never hang out with that douche bag again after what he must of done.

what will you do if you lost a friend?
Have a party.


¬_¬ ⌐_⌐
Black Dragon Knight;149424 said:
how far will you go to help your friends?

will you lie to them to keep them by your side?

how will you feel if you lost one of your friends?

what will you do if you lost a friend?

1- No.
2- Yes.
3- Normal.
4- Say: God thanks!
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