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Goku vs Superman 2


Legendary Devil Hunter
Yeah I'm sorry, but they have a good point.
Goku will always have limits, Superman doesn't. Goku is always trying to get better, while Superman only uses as much power as he needs too (Something Batman took advantage of in the Dark Knight Returns).

Honestly I like Goku more, and was rooting for him in the first fight. Emphasis on first fight, as for this round I was rooting for Superman, cause I felt that if Goku had won, it would just have been done to appease butthurt fans.

Hell Ben and Chad (Wiz and Boomstick) have come out and said they dislike Superman and are DBZ fans, but they put their bias aside for the sake of the episode, something I wish more people would do when their preferred character loses


Legendary Devil Hunter
The only point they made & i agree with is.

1. Goku's abilities are plausible to that character & that universe.

2. Superman's abilities aren't plausible to that character or the universe his in.

In other words if writers want Superman to lift infiniti then he'll lift infiniti all done without any reasonable explanation as to how.
Superman is a BS broken character just as the DC Universe is.

DragonBallZ & that universe can tell you how abilities get from point A to point Z with reasonable explanations as to how.
The DC Universe uses the explanation of "Well his Superman/Batman"
Makes no logical sense for any DC character but that's their answer.
It's the 12yr old changing the rules anyway he ways to strategy.
And that's relevant how? I'm sorry, but now you sound like one of the people who argue that Terminator should beat RoboCop, just because he's more realistic and RoboCop's op


Elite Hunter
And that's relevant how? I'm sorry, but now you sound like one of the people who argue that Terminator should beat RoboCop, just because he's more realistic and RoboCop's op

LOL true dat. That doesn't matter when it comes to merely say what the result should be.

But yeah Superman would beat Goku, methinks.


Legendary Devil Hunter
Personally the only results that I was truly disappointed in were Cloud vs Link and Dr Doom vs Darth Vader
Zelda vs Peach, I was surprised, but I let it go
Rainbow Dash vs Starscream, not a brony, but Starscream sucks
Batman vs Captain America, Batman goes toe-to-toe with Deathstroke, a character who's back story is kinda similar to Cap's, but he's actually superhuman (Captain America is peak-human, meaning he's just under superhuman, so's Batman. The difference, Cap got there with a super soldier serum, Bat's the old fashion way)


Well-known Member
I just wish the fight had been longer.
Who won didn't really come as a surprise anyways.

Reasonable, scientific, Metaphysics, & natural philosophy comparisons Superman could not physically do much of what's set in DC comics without killing himself
That's actually, and surprisingly, not true.

Aside from some of the feats listed in the video, most of the things Supes has done are well within his abilities.
And fact of the matter is, Superman's power can increase infinitely.

But really, that isn't what the DC comics are even about.
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Legendary Devil Hunter
It all boils down to a simple fact. Goku has limits, he's known for breaking limits, but he'll always have them.

Where as Superman has no limits, he draws power from solar radiation, like a battery. The more solar radiation he has, the stronger he is. It's how his anatomy works. That's the only explanation that can be given.

Likewise, it's been stated that power levels are bulls#!t, the entire point of introducing them, was to show how pointless they are.


Legendary Devil Hunter
They're freakin comic books. That's the best explanation there is, okay?
Does it make the character op? Yes. Is that relevant? No

If ScrewAttack believes power levels are BS then let them prove it.
They quoted the freakin official Dragon Ball encyclopedia on that. What more do you need?


Well-known Member
Really, so explain how a living entity can hold that much power ?
Without the BS explanation of "Well it's Superman"
Without devolving into techno-babel and pseudoscience?

But I can't explain Goku without devolving into those things either.

They never factor in power levels because they can't because they have a very poor understanding of how DragonBallZ power levels are measured in comparison to anything else.

The entire point of power levels was to show how ridiculous they were.

They almost literally mean nothing.

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
1. Yes it is relevant because a plausible explanation as to why it can be done keeps anyone from doing it.

2. ScrewAttack can quote the Dragon Ball encyclopedia all they want, however if you're using Saiyan transformations then power levels are going to come into play.
If power levels are BS then there's need for transformations & if ScrewAttack isn't using transformations then ScrewAttack isn't using the DragonBallZ Universe at it's best.
And if ScrewAttack isn't using DragonBallZ Universe at it's best then their vs battle is full of crap.
And if ScrewAttack's vs battle is full of crap then they've wasted everyone time & they have absolutely no argument in any vs battles
i know for the first Superman vs Goku fight
they did a ton of research
this explains it in more detail


but for goku they worked with
Derek Padula who is an aouther of 2 books about dragon ball
the staff of Kanzenshuu.com witch is apparently the go to dragon ball site

for superman they worked with
the staff of the Superman Super Site
and the staff of Superman Homepage

but yeah just click the link it not that long and explains who those people are
(better then i'm willing to cus i'm lazy)

im just saying from what iv heard from them the first fight at least didn't sound half assed at all
sounded like a lot of hard work and passion when in to it


Fake Geek Girl.
Superman wins. Get over it weebs.

And I say this as a also a massive Dragonball fan. I also love and know comics so. Supes got it.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
You guys should already be well aware of our stance on these 'vs' threads. I can see this leading nowhere besides a lot of bickering over two fictional characters being pitted against one another in a hypothetical scenario.

Some are going to give the win to whichever one they prefer more. Some will say one wins 'hands down'. Others will say that they both have equal strength.

Regardless of that, when somebody has given their opinion on who they think is the victor, someone else will argue against their points and we get into this rally of back and forth defensiveness.

But look at it this way - You can't expect to put this up and have everyone agree with the outcome. Not that I'm saying that this was the reason. I'm just saying that if it's debatable, I'd appreciate it if everybody looked at both sides with a sensible and rational approach without having to argue over anything.

@Chancey289: This is what I mean. You could easily give reasons for why Superman would win instead of simply say "He wins. Deal with it. I know comics". It doesn't add anything to the topic and can easily be used as fuel to spark responses from those that don't agree. Either elaborate with proper examples and points or don't add comments of this nature.


And the brighter the flame, the deeper the shadow
why would anyone watch batman vs superman.

scorpion won against Ryu because HE simply DODGED ryu's raging demon.


Elite Hunter
If you actually think about it, the explanation of how Supes has his powers (his cells draw energy from the yellow sun, charging him, and the more he absorbs, the more powerful he gets) makes infinitely more sense and is way more "scientifically believable" than increasing one's spiritual energy (cause that's where the strength of DB's characters comes from) through physical training. And this is coming from a martial artist.

If anything, I'd call BS on DB's universe and say that that is not a reasonable explanation for all those power increases.

But at the end of the day, it doesn't even matter cause what's BS in our world may not be in a fictional one.

And yeah, it's irrelevant when it comes to merely decide who the winner would be. So, Vampire, if you've got grudges against DC, this is not the place to spew your hate. I suggest a visit to the Room of Spirit and Time. Eh?


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
There is one rival warrior that could crush Superman like a tin can. And that's this guy:

Why? Well, as anyone who reads comics knows, Superman's single vulnerability is magic. And I'm not talking blasts of condensed energy or Saiyan force---I mean legit, rune-based enchantments from another plane of immortality...you know, the exact kind of magic that Thor, his hammer, and the Odin Force sealing his powers are literally soaked in.


Legendary Devil Hunter
You guys should already be well aware of our stance on these 'vs' threads. I can see this leading nowhere besides a lot of bickering over two fictional characters being pitted against one another in a hypothetical scenario.
It may seem hard to believe, but I didn't mean for this to be vs thread, I just posted this so people could see the fight (The title of the thread is the title of the video, 'Goku vs Superman 2'). But I'll admit, I got carried away in some of the comments.
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