Angelo Credo said:Gears 2 was pretty good, a marked improvement over the first one, playing Horde mode with friends is the most fun I've had with a game in quite a long time, sure, the campaign is lacking, and criminally short, and the multiplayer is...In a word, awful, to be frank, Horde makes up for all of the game's shortcomings for me.
Really, I've found little else quite so fun as running around with a friend, slaughtering wave after wave of suicidal Locust, makes for great giggles.
^So you basically agree that 2/3 of the game is crap? Sorry, but If I am going to get a game to have fun with a friend I look for something MUCH better, like something with a good story, enjoyable characters, and am epic multiplayer because when I buy a game I expect to enjoy every aspect, not just one. (Call of duty modern warfare is a good example of a shooting/war game done right)
Angelo Credo said:You do have a good point.
The campaign was longer than the first, but really, it didn't feel long enough if you get what I mean, I practically shot through the game in about a total of 8 hours, and I don't really have an incentive to do it again, I just play it for the Horde mode now.
Don't get me wrong, Gears 2 is a massive improvement over the first, by miles, and Horde mode is sheer brilliance, and is more fun than several barrels of particularly whimsical monkeys, it just felt a little too short for me to get into it, nor form any real attachment to the characters.
Take Carmine for example, when he kicked the bucket, I felt nothing for him, I'm surprised he lived as long as he did after the team got back together...
^Exactly the characters where horribly done. A bunch of gung-ho macho men located somewhere in their power armor are absolutly convinced they are heros in their own action movie, exactly whaty puts me off war games.
I played wanting them to die.:dry:
The campaign was WAY too short, I would only consider RENTING a game this short.
Angelo Credo said:I'd still be willing to name Gears 2 one of my top 5 games of 2008.
Not me.
Just thought I would explain some of the reasons I don't like the games, not trying to flame here.