Finally a DMC game that can rival DMC3... so then

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“Must not sleep... must warn others."
Aug 10, 2013
I remember thinking this game would never happen. That after DmC failed Capcom would decide the franchise wasn't worth it anymore. Glad things took a turn around because this one might be my favorite since DMC3 and that's saying a lot.

All this being said I think this might be the last entry in the series. It's pretty cut and dry with its ending and it very much, feels like the end of Dante's journey.

Does anyone agree? Do you think this'll be the final entry?
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feels like the end of Dante's journey.

not at all? it literally ends as DMC2.
Meaning there is nothing finsihed whatsoever, at least in my opinion.
Didn't play the game, just watched the ending on YT, but nah... there is a gazillion ways they can continue the game. Besides, they did bring Vergil back from Hell - twice, if my memory serves me. Dante and Vergil making a comeback is not out of question.
I don't want to go into spoilers since I didn't put it in the tag but tbh, just being alive isn't reason enough for a sequel imo. I feel this'll likely be the last mainly because I just feel the central conflict is concluded.
It's more of a resolution than an end to the story. It's a good place to stop making new games but there's still potential for more if you choose to keep going.

I wouldn't mind a new cast tho.
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Maybe the last story will be Nero taking out Mundus who comes back while Dante is off doing his own thing and Vergil is too , possibly still trapped in the demon world

Or going there own way

As to the thread I agree , the fun factor, thrills and action rival 3
I think this game not only rivals 3, but actually surpasses it on so many levels. That's a huge achievement and I myself doubted it was possible, but this is now my new favorite DMC. **** it, my new favorite action game, period.

As for the ending, well, I think it's a fairly safe one. In that it's open enough that leaves them room for continuation but it also provides a resolution to the whole brotherly conflict and Dante's duty as a demon hunter, what with him busy eradicating demons from the Underworld itself and entrusting Nero with keeping the human world safe. Which now that I think about it, can be a way to make another game, but with Nero as undisputed protagonist. After all they never said they were never gonna make another DMC again. It was just alluded that it would be the end of the sons of Sparda saga.
I'm happy for Nero to continue as protagonist if he matures from the whiny crap

Especially after his newfound power gain

Also I agree with foxtrot after a rethink , DMC 5 is indeed top dog for me too
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They would probably make a dmc 6 since the ending close many things in the history of dmc but started a new beginning... It's not a coincidence they decide to make vergil good now, obviously they will make him playable in dmc 6 alongside dante an nero, so fan will have what they always wanted vergil playable in a dmc main campaign, and since dmc 5 will probably sell well they will not trowh away a sequel with vergil since is capcom we are talking, it s always a company that want money, and Capcom never make a game that ended a series like mgs 4 did in term of story... They are making more resident evil game and they would probably never stop them, this goes for dmc as well if it will sell well they will continue...
btw, does somebody noticed, there is menu scene after the game, where both Vergil and Nero sitting at coffee table?
Yes there is also a scene with dante and vergil who are sitting in the van and dante is reading a journal while talking to vergil
Yes there is also a scene with dante and vergil who are sitting in the van and dante is reading a journal while talking to vergil
I'm actually wondering if it's suggestion that they did left dmeon world? Because all in trailer scenes are somehow referencing something happening, like for an example, Trish and Lady in trailer after Morrison information.
I'm actually wondering if it's suggestion that they did left dmeon world? Because all in trailer scenes are somehow referencing something happening, like for an example, Trish and Lady in trailer after Morrison information.
I don't know, I hope is a suggestion that they get out
Well Vergil told Nero he wouldn't lose next time , meaning he planned to come back and fight him again

And he gave him his book to hold onto til then

So it heavily suggests they don't plan to stay in the demon world
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Honestly most of the games are better than 3 to me. From a purely gameplay standpoint I can't stand more than half of 3's enemy roster. The chess pieces, Fallen, basically anything that isn't a Hell or an Abyss is incredibly difficult to juggle or keep styling on them in general.
I hope this is the final entry for the main storyline. Doing more would be overkill imo.


The gameplay looks and feels top notch so it's super fun to play, and combat mechanics surpass the systems of the previous entries, yes, but what I can't forgive is the decisions they've made with the art direction.

DMC is characterized by excellent environmental design too, not just combat, and dmc5 fails to capture the ambience of 1 and 3 which makes those games so legendary. So for me it's ;

1> 3 > 5 > 4 > 2
Actually we have to have one more game to finish things up based on some things with Virgil's past. There's just too many unanswered questions left.

The way I would do it is this. First, delve into Virgil's past about whoever the girl was. We'd start the game AS Virgil. Second, we see him go on a trip to insanity land which makes him lust for power and we see that girl die right before our eyes (explaining the line he says in 3 to Dante about strength and protecting). It would be a memory and then Virgil would start lusting for power again. Third, we then play as Dante, who talks sense into him (as they fight, naturally) and Virgil finally comes to terms with what power really is. The ability to do what you can with the tools you already have or even none at all. Overcoming any and all odds even without yamato. Would be interesting to have him fight Dante hand to hand (maybe even with Dante having the sword) and winning. MGS style.

We'd probably need a boss in the next game who confronts Virgil about his past. Some sort of "memory demon". Hell, it could even be Nero asking questions. Some Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker thing. We could play as Virgil first, then Dante, then fight against Virgil as Dante (who's desperate for power to protect people), killing the "boss demon", then fighting Virgil one last time for funsies after he's been talked sense into. Maybe with a splash of Nero here and there. It's kind of like what happens in Dragon Ball Z with Goku, Gohan and Vagita (and Virgil is totally like Vagita. With Dante as Goku and Nero as Gohan).

I swear they got a lot of ideas from DBZ. They made it work quite well though.
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I'm cool with them continuing if they want to. If it sucks I'll play something else :P.

I feel like if we get a Nero solo game it shouldn't be another Sparda family drama.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind getting Vergil- and Nero- -centric spinoff games. I'd say that DMC4, aside from being rushed, might have suffered also from having to tell both Dante's and Nero's stories, and since Nero was a newcomer, it simply wasn't enough, so it left a lot of open questions which they had to answer with DMC5. Maybe expand on the idea of DMC4SE, explore what it was exactly Vergil was doing in Fortuna, and Nero's past with Credo and Kyrie? Might be a good way to give Kyrie more characterization, as well.
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