The real reason it feels anticlimactic, more than any weak characterization or poor acting, is the setting.
The characters reach this conclusion as they have with every major character and plot development throughout the game: By standing around and talking about it. Instead of Vergil dramatically seizing power for himself or Dante destroying the means of controlling the world, instead of actually demonstrating their intentions in a dramatic or exciting way, they're just...talking. It's flat, lazy and tedious story telling when it should be the game's defining moment, in a visual medium by a design group who are lauded as experts.
It rings so hollow you could drum a beat on it.
The characters reach this conclusion as they have with every major character and plot development throughout the game: By standing around and talking about it. Instead of Vergil dramatically seizing power for himself or Dante destroying the means of controlling the world, instead of actually demonstrating their intentions in a dramatic or exciting way, they're just...talking. It's flat, lazy and tedious story telling when it should be the game's defining moment, in a visual medium by a design group who are lauded as experts.
It rings so hollow you could drum a beat on it.