Why are people acting like playing a game where you input a command to see a story unfold something terrible that game industry pulled out of its ass in the last decade?
Because these days it's going out of control, also invading genres that are NOT adventure. The industry is slowly getting more and more obsessed with treating games like movies, and every now and then disasters like The Order 1886 or Quantum Break come out, remembering us that nowadays, it almost seems developers put more effort in their cutscenes and scripts (and sometimes, failing at that too) rather than the gameplay mechanics. You know, what makes a game a game.
And it gets even worse when devs do this in franchises that have no business in this kind of practice. Adventure games may be the exception, cause in that genre, as the name itself suggests, the narrative IS an essential part of the experience (even though as I said, there are adventure games that actually do have solid gameplay along with a beefy and substantial story...), but when the "story over gameplay" trend spreads out onto other genres and is taken to an extreme, excuse me, but there's a fundamental problem there that shouldn't be ignored.
As for the type of games you defend, I know it's a controversial topic, always has been, and I know what you think about it, but I'm sorry, I am of the opinion that if you're gonna make a "game" that consists for the 90% of text or cutscenes alone, then that's only a game because of the interactive element of hitting a button to go on, and you'd better off writing a book or making a CGI animated movie instead, cause that's what you're doing, basically.