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Enemy changes for Special Edition


Well-known Member
Just somethings I want changed about the enemies in DMC4.

Fix The Chimera'd Enemies
Don't get me wrong, like the idea of enemies being able to get out of combos, there's a reason I like the Dreamrunners in DmC.
But the problem with the Chimera enemies is that they give you little to no warning as to when they are about to hit.

Here's my suggestion; give the Chimera'd enemies a bigger tell before their tendrils start flailing again and make it so you don't have to shot them as much to deactivate them.

Frost Animations
The attack animations are too ambiguous for how fast they are, because seriously, when in the middle of a fight, it's hard to tell the difference between their attacking, dodging, and their getting stunned animation.

Feel free to give any suggestion as to what you think should be changed about the enemies.



Well-known Member
Dante and Nero are overpowered as it is- I don't think we need to nerf those enemies in any way from a functional perspective (like deactivating Chimera'd enemies more easily). I do agree, however, that the animations could be less ambiguous. Not enough to over-telegraph things, but enough to understand what's going on.

One change I would like to see is Blitz taking reduced melee damage even when the shield is up, since it hurting you is enough incentive to avoid it anyway. Also, it would be neat if you could use some weapon aside from Pandora to instantly break him out of the shield, like Yamato or the Devil Bringer (timed just right).

Even if you disagree with those specific changes, I think we can all admit that Blitz could use a slightly more creative design for its behavior and weaknesses. For now it's basically like a hulked out version of the witches from DmC.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Do something abou the Blitz.
I know they're enemies whom you just stall till they explode, but enemies like that annoy me sometimes. At least make it so that we could hit them with actual damage.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
All enemies are more than manageable in DMC4. I see no reason to nerf them down. Enemies are actually to suppose to pose challenge, not to be cannon-fodder. Turning them all into cannon-fodder will make it much to simple.


Well-known Member
All enemies are more than manageable in DMC4. I see no reason to nerf them down. Enemies are actually to suppose to pose challenge, not to be cannon-fodder. Turning them all into cannon-fodder will make it much to simple.
Yeah, they should be a challenge, not cheap.
And honestly some of them have very cheap aspects to them.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Yeah, they should be a challenge, not cheap.
And honestly some of them have very cheap aspects to them.
None of them was very cheap. It's not comparable to Ninja Gaiden games where you deal with group of enemies each of them one-shotting you with fireball or NG3: RE with 10-15 enemies swarming you. I never have same feeling by DMC4.


Well-known Member
None of them was very cheap. It's not comparable to Ninja Gaiden games where you deal with group of enemies each of them one-shotting you with fireball or NG3: RE with 10-15 enemies swarming you. I never have same feeling by DMC4.
Like I said, some enemies have cheap aspects to them which made them not fun to fight.
If you want an example, just look at my original post.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Like I said, some enemies have cheap aspects to them which made them not fun to fight.
If you want an example, just look at my original post.
I read them, and actually that's why I appreciate this aspects. When enemies actin without warning you feel as if those are real enemies and not some AI, that gives you red signal before every move.


Elite Hunter
Besides, Frosts do have a warning: they make a distinct sound when they attack, like water solidifying or something like that.

And Chimeras, you need to learn the time interval before a tendril swing and another. Once u do that, they're pretty easy to predict. Also, I don't know if you know but Chimeraed enemies have even less HP than their normal counterparts. So they're already nerfed down a bit. They lose defence in favor of attack.
They are also super weak to Nero's Exceed and Charge Shots, and Dante's Gatling and shotgun.
All this considered, I see no reason to scale them down further.

Instead, power up the MScarecrows.


Well-known Member
I read them, and actually that's why I appreciate this aspects. When enemies actin without warning you feel as if those are real enemies and not some AI, that gives you red signal before every move.
Getting hit out of nowhere, with no time to react, sounds unfair. Not fun.


Elite Hunter
Getting hit out of nowhere, with no time to react, sounds unfair. Not fun.

You do have time to react. Thing is, you need good reflexes. Also you need to get to know the enemy you're fighting, its behavior and characteristics, like the audio (or video) clues, or the time interval before an assault and another. Read my post above.

The only cheap circumstance I found in the game is Angelo Agnus's fight, at the very beginning, when he hits you with his Gladius as soon as the pre-fight cutscene ends.


Well-known Member
Besides, Frosts do have a warning: they make a distinct sound when they attack, like water solidifying or something like that.
Between the blaring music, the sounds your character makes, and the sounds of other enemies around you.
That sound isn't very "distinct", nor does it stand out much.

you need to learn the time interval before a tendril swing and another
But even most advanced players don't bother to combo them via exploiting the delay.
They tend to just incapacitate them with guns, then spam DT stingers.


Elite Hunter
It is a pretty distinct sound to me, it's similar to the one they make when they inglobe themselves in their ice shells, I can very well hear it. Also, Frosts will also "glow" (it's not exactly a glow, but I found no better term) a bit, before attacking.

Of course they don't waste time comboing Chimeras. They have a laughable amount of HPs, they just die too fast to be worthy of a cool combo.
Maybe they're a bit more worthy being comboed in LDK, where you can just Omen them to disable them, and then create a cool looking sequence of moves.
But all in all, Chimeras themselves are already weak enemies with predictable attacks, once you studied their patterns.


General gamer
I believe that the chimera should have a clear vocal sound a split second before the attack. It's true that you can learn the timing but sometimes you're just a second off and it ruins a good combo which can be unnecessarily annoying. Overall though I think that Echidna needs fixed as I personally think that fight is a little too easy, I also think that Basilisks should either be removed or tweaked for Dante as they don't work as well with him in my opinion.


Elite Hunter
@Frazz that is true, Basilisks are clearly Nero centered enemies... yet it's Dante the one who gets the presentation cutscene for them LOL


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Getting hit out of nowhere, with no time to react, sounds unfair. Not fun.
Like Foxtrot said, time to react is there. In most higher tier HnS enemies are giving little to no warning before attack. I dunno if you played Ninja Gaiden 2, but you're getting killed in seconds on highest difficulties because how fast and relentless enemies. so It's just requires to get sense of timing to get past them, instead of simple dodge at the right moment. That kinda separates games holding your hands from games that require practice .
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