Just so it's not lost in the woodworks, Sony announced that they're expansion of PS2 Backwards-Compatible titles is coming to a close, leaving only the remaining games in its sparse digital library.
Yeah, but that guy's a moron. Sony hasn't delivered any backwards compatibility, they've just tried to sell us older games digitally or through streaming, which is what they always do, how they try to milk us, by selling us games we already own. If I tried putting in my copy of Trapt on my PS4 it won't play so let's not pretend they're even trying to get us backwards compatibility. The PS4 isn't backwards compatible just because there's a few titles in it's library that are remasters from its predecessors.
On top of that we have a guy who can't understand why anyone would want to play games that outdated. It's not like video games that are old can still be fun or worthwhile since the only thing worth paying attention to is the graphics, right? The problem is that this a'hole has pull in these matters.
And so, here we are, with a bunch of execs who don't get why we don't buy games we already own while people like me have a table with a PS3 next to a PS4 with a PS2 slim on top of said PS4 while people with an XB1 only need one machine now. I'm willing to bet that they are only interested in a form of backwards compatibility that requires the player to pay for it again, a stream of revenue, rather than a real backwards compatibility, which they tried with the fat PS3's and it backfired on them because it made the systems too expensive. The thing is if Sony wanted to give us a real way to play our old games they would and not trying to sell us a streaming service, which in itself is a noble concept, or trying to make us buy the old game we might already own. If they wanted to give us some kind of real BC they'd figure it out, like maybe making an external disc drive with the PS2 components or the PS3's Cell processor, which you plug in to your PS4 via USB or a limited edition BC PS4 which is limited because apparently only a hand full of people would really want one.
Wasn't there a major title that Capcom was going to announce at E3? We already knew that MvCI existed so they definitely didn't mean that.