I hate the new artstyle. It seems Capcom is really pushing for that muted CGI fake photorealistic look this gen. I suppose they were one of the few developers with a lot of colour in their games in the previous generation so now it's time for them to go grey, black and "realistic" while everyone else shy away from it.
And they seem to want to please the fans too much, RE7 went beyond the roots infact it went under the tree roots and dug the black mud out and painted their games with it. RE7 is the first in the mainline games without a rocket ending dammit!!
I look at DMCV like a soft reboot, eases my pain. I vastly prefer the cartoon-y look, it went well with the cheese and fun nature of their games with occasional melodrama. Seriously not a fan of the new RE engine, but fine, variety I suppose..