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does DmC reboot actually have deeper combat then DMC 4


Oh, wow. Just shoot it back with a charge shot? Instant SSS rank?
lol, I'll even be fair, its a little harder to get SSS in DMC4 than DmC. My point is that the style meter has nothing to with depth, and in the end I think DmC has a more satisfying implementation of the system. It's pretty much someone telling you "you fking rock every second." Honestly, I think the one flaw of the style system in DmC is that it stops at certain values, like 50 hit aerial is max, when it should have been that none of the combos have any caps. Can you imagine stuff like 200 HIT AERIAL Combo, that would have been fun and really promoted the way game should be played, which is with constant aggression.
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Guilty as charged. I basically live for this kind of gameplay.

I was being a bit dickish, but there's nothing wrong with preferring that type of gameplay, I just want a modern version of it to be programmed with class and really be about reaction times, I don't want any static camera bullshit or enemies gliding towards me and what not, I want fully remappable controls as well, just because some designer prefers making his block or dodge right stick doesn't mean I have to just deal with it and learn.


Mors Ante Infamiam
You're joking about GoW right, you can't be serious if you think any game besides maybe Bayonetta and DMC4 have anything on DmC's combat. I say maybe because Bayonetta has too much QTE for my liking. and Dante in DmC has 95% of the moves he did in DMC4. So, I"ll say it again, DmC has the one of the most in depth and intuitive combo systems ever made in the hack and slash genre.

Show me this in GoW or even Bayonetta (this isn't fair, because Bayonetta 2 I'm excited for it as well, and well most uploads of old combos are of **** quality)... And no epic cutscenes with QTE mashing don't count...

or this:

If harder inputs, less intuitive controls, shorter evade/block windows is what you think gives a game depth than you should realize that doesn't have anything to do with the depth of Dante's moveset.

DmC is easier, because its about being the best Dante in any given situation, the AI reacts to you and doesn't just mindlessly attack. It's kinda sad that most people who complain about the AI and difficulty tend to play with little aggression and if you play too defensively you never get to experience the AI in DmC as it was intended.

To me, the replay value comes from playing the levels are dictating the flow of battle myself. When enemies just mindlessly attack, or have long invulnerable windows, it becomes tedious, as if the game is dictating the flow of combat vs me doing it. Honestly, I think if DmC gets rereleased on PS4 and Xbox One, it will see a lot more popularity due to the ease of the share buttons.
I haven't actually played GoW or Bayonetta, but I've only heard good things and comparisons to DMC. Ok so ignore those games, my point about DmC lacking after games like DMC3/4 came out still stands.

Vid doesn't work.

Nice gameplay. Still has nothing on 3/4. Like I said before, DmC isn't a bad game, but like DMC2 it just doesn't live up to its predecessor(s).

I keep seeing people say DmC has good controls, are you serious? Default L3/R3 DT, X/[] for gun special, 2 evade buttons for no apparent reason, and the fact that you can't change DT/gunspec through the controls menu? I'd hate to have played DmC on a console and not having been able to change the .ini file.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
I keep seeing people say DmC has good controls, are you serious? Default L3/R3 DT, X/[] for gun special, 2 evade buttons for no apparent reason, and the fact that you can't change DT/gunspec through the controls menu? I'd hate to have played DmC on a console and not having been able to change the .ini file.

For one thing, you can change the controls in the menu - my Devil Trigger is D-Pad Down and my Gun Special is L2 (I put Angel and Demon Mode on L1 and R1), and for another, the two evade buttons have a reason - trying to hit both shoulder buttons to perform a specific dodge move isn't easy on the fingers. Granted, I myself still uses R1+R2 for Demon Dodge, but that's just me :tongue:

I love DmC's controls, because they removed a lot of the restrictive feel that was left over from Resident Evil. I don't understand why such a fast-paced hack 'n' slash series had to have such slow and restrictive controls, to be quite honest. Whatever "problems" there may be with DmC's controls I have adapted to, because I'm gamer, and that's what I do with every game I play.


Mors Ante Infamiam
For one thing, you can change the controls in the menu - my Devil Trigger is D-Pad Down and my Gun Special is L2 (I put Angel and Demon Mode on L1 and R1), and for another, the two evade buttons have a reason - trying to hit both shoulder buttons to perform a specific dodge move isn't easy on the fingers. Granted, I myself still uses R1+R2 for Demon Dodge, but that's just me :tongue:
Oh? I can't change gunspec and DT through the menu ingame. I mapped my DT/GS through the .ini file and the rest in the actual game:

I know that's weird as hell but that's what I'm used to from DMC4:

L2=exceed/change weapon
x=nothing/change gun

I love DmC's controls, because they removed a lot of the restrictive feel that was left over from Resident Evil. I don't understand why such a fast-paced hack 'n' slash series had to have such slow and restrictive controls, to be quite honest.
One thing DmC did very well was making Dante very responsive to changes in direction. The soft-lock seems better at actually locking onto the thing you want to lock onto when you're swarmed, although it's awful for locking aerial targets. The hard lock is the opposite, great for flying nuisances, but if you're swarmed it's better to not even use R1 a lot of the time.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Ah, yeah, the PC Version is funky and doesn't let you change those from the Options, but the console version does, luckily. And in the end that's what's always matter most, that you find a control scheme that you like.
I keep seeing people say DmC has good controls, are you serious? Default L3/R3 DT, X/[] for gun special, 2 evade buttons for no apparent reason, and the fact that you can't change DT/gunspec through the controls menu? I'd hate to have played DmC on a console and not having been able to change the .ini file.
here is working video:

And yes I do think DmC has amazing controls, advanced players always modify certain keys, so remapping DT and Gunspecial or shoot is no different than remapping Nero's gun in DMC4. Anyway, these really aren't the things I was talking about when I said the controls are brilliant in DmC. The real innovation lies in the the whole trigger system and how it allowes seamless integration of various styles and moves that were once done through a very tedious toggle mechanic. Additionally, I love the logical ways buttons work, jump doubles as skystar glide, angel dodge works both as an evasive maneuver and trickster dash, the dedicated launcher button is dedicated bring to ground button in air, and so forth.

Here is my scheme:

Dpaddown - Deviltrigger.

X - Light Attack

Y - Gunspecial

B - Heavy Attack

A - Jump

LB - Dodge

RB - Shoot

LT - Angel Mode

RT - Demon Mode

Left Stick - Toggle ranged target

Right Stick - Center Camera


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
here is working video:

And yes I do think DmC has amazing controls, advanced players always modify certain keys, so remapping DT and Gunspecial or shoot is no different than remapping Nero's gun in DMC4. Anyway, these really aren't the things I was talking about when I said the controls are brilliant in DmC. The real innovation lies in the the whole trigger system and how it allowes seamless integration of various styles and moves that were once done through a very tedious toggle mechanic. Additionally, I love the logical ways buttons work, jump doubles as skystar glide, angel dodge works both as an evasive maneuver and trickster dash, the dedicated launcher button is dedicated bring to ground button in air, and so forth.

Here is my scheme:

Dpaddown - Deviltrigger.

X - Light Attack

Y - Gunspecial

B - Heavy Attack

A - Jump

LB - Dodge

RB - Shoot

LT - Angel Mode

RT - Demon Mode

Left Stick - Toggle ranged target

Right Stick - Center Camera

Mine is almost the same except my jump is x and my gunspecial is a and my light attack is y


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
As fr dmc4 I've an odd one

Y is style button
B is melee
X is jump
A is shoot
Rb is devil arm switch
Rt is gun switch
Lt is devil trigger
Lb is lock on

For Nero
X jump
Y snatch
B melee
A shoot
Rb exceed
Rt lock on
Lt devil trigger


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
[quoIe="OppressedWriter, post: 530126, member: 24625"]wow, weird how we all have our preferences, shoot on A is def interesting.[/quote]

Ya i find shoot as a frees up the x y and b for aerials and JC and makes it more fluid to slide your thumb across x and y or press x and b I find it has a great rhythm for attacking


Well-known Member
That I don't believe.

DmC's gameplay focuses on crowd control, distance, quick fingers, and dexsterity.

DMC3's gameplay is more about quick fingers, and strong button mashing hands.

All of the DMC games focus on crowd control. Very rarely are you only fighting one enemy outside of a boss fight and it's not like Assassins creed where the AI just attacks you one at a time. If multiple AI's are attacking at once than that requires crowd control. Also I am not sure what you mean by "strong button mashing hands"? If you mean being good at mashing buttons randomly than I would heavily disagree. I am also not sure what you mean by dexterity.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
All of the DMC games focus on crowd control. Very rarely are you only fighting one enemy outside of a boss fight and it's not like Assassins creed where the AI just attacks you one at a time. If multiple AI's are attacking at once than that requires crowd control. Also I am not sure what you mean by "strong button mashing hands"? If you mean being good at mashing buttons randomly than I would heavily disagree. I am also not sure what you mean by dexterity.

DMC doesn't focus on crowd control like DmC does. DMC has the style of single attacking each enemy around you. For example, DMC4 Dante can't hit everyone with some of his weapons at once. He has to lock on from one enemy to the next to do some of his attacks. Meanwhile with DmC, you don't have that limitation and are free to just slash away at all enemies around you without having to lock on to only one individual enemy.

By strong button mashing, I mean the attacks that require strong button mashing like million stab, dance Macabre in DMC3, and mostly all the moves in DMC3 for crazy combos.

And by dexterity, I mean keeping a keen eye on all the moves you do along with jump canceling, weapon canceling, and angel glide to angel dodge canceling. Plus there's knowing all your attacks and doing them at the right time or setting off Kablooy shots at the right time, hell even shotgun charge shots should be preformed at the right time in case you hit the enemy away, it comes back at you, have a charged punch ready, then set off kablooy, do richoshot,drive, and finally flush.
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