Nice. It's good to see the DmC fanbase growing by the day.snip
Nice. It's good to see the DmC fanbase growing by the day.snip
These combat discussions are getting a little tiresome. The combat of DMC4 and DmC both work just fine and have plenty of content. As to which one has more "depth" or is "better" is really up to the player to decide. I much prefer DMC4 to DmC combat but does that make it universally better? Not at all. I think it's about time we put this to rest.
I also think some of the pros don't have a proper PC to handle the game, and just never were willing to really give it a chance, if you're mastered the old control scheme then even if a new one seems better designed you have a crapton of muscle memory that makes it hard for you to adjust.
A "pro" can take this as the game being too easy in technical mastery.