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DmC's gameplay being easy?


the devil is not as black as he painted
darn of course it is.. it's the superior mechanic and gameplay that makes it easy, kudos to Ninja Theory and Capcom for delivering that.. it's everything i could ever hoped out of an action h/s..

- the movements are precise, when you stops, it stops, it doesnt get floaty or felt like on slippery floor.. an i never had any problem hitting my target even without lock on, platforming and stuffs -precise-
- when you walk, jump and dive into action, the pace remains the same, it doesnt suddenly became faster
- it's fluid and free, all movements feels connected to each other, isn't stiff and i have all the freedom to act,
- and yes, it lack variety, but dante's an amateur, i could see where it's coming from..

as a matter of fact, any h/s game would be easy with that mechanic, name the hardest one, can you imagine dark souls if the hero was implemented with DmC's mechanic? shiznit easy!

now instead of keep saying the gameplay is easy we should've suggest how the enemies should behave, since with that mechanic, a more aggresive/agile/smarter enemies are a must.. and that is exactly what is lacking from the gameplay

i honestly think DmC set the new standard for gameplay, any other devs could base from that and improve with the enemies, if some game could come up with that, now that's a great game

Elijah Guerrero

Well-known Member
While I do love the control scheme and mechanics for the game, I did still feel like it wasn't as punishing as its predecessors. Didn't stop it from being fun, but I'd like that extra hard mode for longtime DMC players like myself.
Well the Definitive Edition is shaping up to be for those who love DmC and want more challenge to their games (the hardcore players), Our Lord and Savior SamD is here to bring forth the SSSENSATIONAL game.

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
i'd say the biggest problem with DmC's difficulty is the fact that every enemy is designed to telegraph there attacks for you to dodge
i can't think of a single attack that doesn't give you a full second to dodge out of the way
this on top of demon dodge made things real easy for me


the devil is not as black as he painted
Well the Definitive Edition is shaping up to be for those who love DmC and want more challenge to their games (the hardcore players), Our Lord and Savior SamD is here to bring forth the SSSENSATIONAL game.

but not the kind of challenge actually new, more horde of enemies, more health, cant use items and stuffs is so common, NT needed breakthrough which i believe they could deliver, i would love to see better ai and enemy behaviour, on any h/s games by any developers even.. that should make the mechanics and gameplay they made put up to good use..

i'd say the biggest problem with DmC's difficulty is the fact that every enemy is designed to telegraph there attacks for you to dodge
i can't think of a single attack that doesn't give you a full second to dodge out of the way
this on top of demon dodge made things real easy for me

exactly, while telegraphed attacks was also common in games, on DmC it's rather striking.. enemies on enslaved was harder i think.. NT should have seen this, and probably make better one with hellblade.. coming to PC, so i'm hoping for it..

Derkavac and Dream Runners

c'mon dragon master, it's dodgeable.. that's what i've been doing before getting familiar with the parrying or usage of eryx
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That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
It's easier, because:
  • The normal mode isn't the Japanese hard mode
  • The dodge button is dedicated to a single press instead of combining L1 and X
  • Said dodge move is reliable, doesn't have a delay, and doesn't automatically convert to ****ing JUMP whenever one pulls back on the analogue stick
  • Movement and control is smoother and less clunky
  • The camera doesn't consist of nauseous, disorienting, the outdated angles and fixed-perspective BS the past games couldn't let go of, even YEARS after the series strayed from being the prototype of Resident Evil
  • Much like DMC4, moves are purchased through skill points instead of grinding endlessly for Red Orbs, making the game more accessible from an early stage of each subsequent playthrough
  • Dante isn't screaming "Blast-Off!", "Breakdown!", "HUAGH!", "WHOO!", "Chew on THIS!", or "IT'S COOL!" every time you pull off any move, making it easier to concentrate without the insufferable screech of a try-hard man-child fraternity clown hyped up on sugar, pizza, and his own ego.
Those are the reasons why DmC is easier. They don't automatically make the game better, especially from a mechanics perspective, but certainly easier...which from what I understand, was both Capcom and Ninja Theory's intent from the beginning.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
  • Dante isn't screaming "Blast-Off!", "Breakdown!", "HUAGH!", "WHOO!", "Chew on THIS!", or "IT'S COOL!" every time you pull off any move, making it easier to concentrate without the insufferable screech of a try-hard man-child fraternity clown hyped up on sugar, pizza, and his own ego.
I actually missed these. It's another reason why DMC4 disappointed me. In DMC3 Reuben sounded so into it. But in DMC4 it's just...bare-boned.


the devil is not as black as he painted
It's easier, because:
  • The normal mode isn't the Japanese hard mode
  • The dodge button is dedicated to a single press instead of combining L1 and X
  • Said dodge move is reliable, doesn't have a delay, and doesn't automatically convert to ****ing JUMP whenever one pulls back on the analogue stick
  • Movement and control is smoother and less clunky
  • The camera doesn't consist of nauseous, disorienting, the outdated angles and fixed-perspective BS the past games couldn't let go of, even YEARS after the series strayed from being the prototype of Resident Evil
  • Much like DMC4, moves are purchased through skill points instead of grinding endlessly for Red Orbs, making the game more accessible from an early stage of each subsequent playthrough
  • Dante isn't screaming "Blast-Off!", "Breakdown!", "HUAGH!", "WHOO!", "Chew on THIS!", or "IT'S COOL!" every time you pull off any move, making it easier to concentrate without the insufferable screech of a try-hard man-child fraternity clown hyped up on sugar, pizza, and his own ego.
Those are the reasons why DmC is easier. They don't automatically make the game better, especially from a mechanics perspective, but certainly easier...which from what I understand, was both Capcom and Ninja Theory's intent from the beginning.

and from what i know, that guy doing previous DMC -dont know who- is also involved with DmC combat right? and i do think it's better, better enemies is the only thing needed to justify the better of it

I actually missed these. It's another reason why DMC4 disappointed me. In DMC3 Reuben sounded so into it. But in DMC4 it's just...bare-boned.

because in 4 dante is a mature adult but still act like the young dude he was in 3.. some characters forgot to grow up..


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
I actually missed these. It's another reason why DMC4 disappointed me. In DMC3 Reuben sounded so into it. But in DMC4 it's just...bare-boned.
You say "into it"...I say "trying way, WAY too hard." I'd rather take an entire game of Reuben Langdon turning in a "bare-bone" performance than an adjacent five minutes of him acting the way he did in DMC3.

My ears are still ringing with the obnoxious whooping and splitting pitches he spewed in that game. I love Langdon---he's still the best Dante around, the only Date Masamune to speak of, and a worthy innovator of motion-capture performance. But that agonizing, patience-thinning performance he turned in for DMC3 is by far his absolute worst attempt at voice acting and delivery.


Fake Geek Girl.
You say "into it"...I say "trying way, WAY too hard." I'd rather take an entire game of Reuben Langdon turning in a "bare-bone" performance than an adjacent five minutes of him acting the way he did in DMC3.

My ears are still ringing with the obnoxious whooping and splitting pitches he spewed in that game. I love Langdon---he's still the best Dante around, the only Date Masamune to speak of, and a worthy innovator of motion-capture performance. But that agonizing, patience-thinning performance he turned in for DMC3 is by far his absolute worst attempt at voice acting and delivery.
It can get very grating when he literally never. shuts. up.

I'm like dude, really?

In DmC, if there's a quip during battle, it's done for a particular situation. Which sometimes hide referential Easter Eggs.

For example, when Dante pulls an enemy towards him for the first time with Ophion Demon Pull he says "Get over here!" Which is a clear reference to Mortal Kombat.


Elite Hunter
This thread, I think it's pointless (no offense, absolitude). Any experienced player can tell you that DmC is easy, whether compared to DMC or taken on its own. Heck, even newbs can realize that.
Still fun, yes, but easy indeed.

And I miss those Dante's screams during combat too. They make me pumped and enjoy the slaughter!
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Fake Geek Girl.
This thread, I think it's pointless (no offense, absolitude). Any experienced player can tell you that DmC is easy, whether compared to DMC or taken on its own. Heck, even newbs can realize that.
Still fun, yes, but easy indeed.
Difficulty is subjective.

You can't really say "everyone realizes it's easy". My friend Victoria has only beaten the game once on Nephillim. Sure she's not a longtime fan as DmC was her first Devil May Cry, but she's an avid gamer in general. She's one of my tougher opponents in stuff like MK for example, and could make you eat shizz in shooting games.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I consider it's not only one of the easiest games in DmC franchise, but also much easier than many HnS out there. Enemy AIs are really low and pose no challenge at all unless they coming into gimmick groups and that if you consider invincible frames makes it really easy. I agree combat is fluid enough, but it doesn't need any strategy to it like older titles. Even as newcomer to franchise you can tackle this game without much effort.

If you implement this moves into games like NGS2, it still be crazy difficulty, because you fight in enclosed spaces more than often and many bosses don't have weak spots making mechanics useless. As for Dark Souls it would be, sry for my wording, terribly stupid to implement such mechanics into it in the first place. It's like "what if we gave characters in DS guns that kill any enemy from afar."


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
It depends on the player really , for someone like me who beat the originals on DMD and hell and hell then yes it is very much easier. However new players to the series will get a challenge and find it tough on sos or dmd.

Ha on a side note i would rather ng2 master ninja mode over GMD on my first playthrough on 4 , i invented new curse words at the time lol


Elite Hunter
Yeah well, sure there can be people that might struggle a bit. But still, the vast majority of people found the game to be child's play. For example, ever since the game came out, I've yet to find someone who considers DmC hard, on Steam. Almost everybody says he had fun, but not a hard time with it.
Easiness has been one of the major complaints for DmC, and that's why they fix it in the upcoming DE, and the reason why most players will buy it, from what I've gathered asking around.


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
They would need GMD to be 3x harder than DMD on DmC DE for it to be to my liking challenge wise. Il probably like hardcore mode though.


It's very easy.
But, if you're like me and change your control scheme up on PC to what Sam D recommended me once (about a year or two ago)
then you're ****ed.
I can't get passed the first mission on DMD because I'm still not used to said controls.
RB - Shoot
Y - Gun Special
X - Attack
D pad - DT
It's very disorienting.
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