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DmC's cons and fails


Well-known Member
Notice: this thread is for BOTH pro-DmC and anti-DmC alike, pretty much everyone.
This has NO intention of hating the game, simply list things you consider as it's flaws and what you wish NT would change/add/improve when (and if) DmC2 announcement rolls around. Something like a feedback thread:

-the biggest disappointments of all for me are: Bad AI, not enough enemy variety, static bosses, easy, no lock on



Well-known Member
-A.I. isn't bad, it shuffles around the player and attempts to flank so it doesn't get its ass kicked instead of blindly attacking like in old games
-enemy variety, eh, there's like 17 types, good enough for me in ten hours
-half the bosses in dmc4 were pretty static
-DMD+no upgrades=let's see you do this
-ITSUNO TOLD THEM TO NOT INCLUDE LOCK ON, seriously that's not an issue its annoying to hear fans talk about it like NT didn't try to implement it before ITSUNO said NO


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
My only gripe is that some enemies require a specific strategy to wail on them, but then again, DMC3 had enemies a lot like that, where they could only be hurt one or two ways. The auto lock-on hasn't failed me yet, generally I grapple/attack the enemy I want, and even when I don't, I can fix that to my advantage.


Stylish and Viewtiful
-A.I. isn't bad, it shuffles around the player and attempts to flank so it doesn't get its ass kicked instead of blindly attacking like in old games
-enemy variety, eh, there's like 17 types, good enough for me in ten hours
-half the bosses in dmc4 were pretty static
-DMD+no upgrades=let's see you do this
-ITSUNO TOLD THEM TO NOT INCLUDE LOCK ON, seriously that's not an issue its annoying to hear fans talk about it like NT didn't try to implement it before ITSUNO said NO
Those are all things you like about the game. None of those are downsides.


Well-known Member
Only cons I have in the game is that the audio can be off because of the loading icon and I wish there were more bosses. Other than that. I didn't care everything else.


Well-known Member
-A.I. isn't bad, it shuffles around the player and attempts to flank so it doesn't get its ass kicked instead of blindly attacking like in old games
-enemy variety, eh, there's like 17 types, good enough for me in ten hours
-half the bosses in dmc4 were pretty static
-DMD+no upgrades=let's see you do this
-ITSUNO TOLD THEM TO NOT INCLUDE LOCK ON, seriously that's not an issue its annoying to hear fans talk about it like NT didn't try to implement it before ITSUNO said NO

I'm not arguing at all, just stated my opinions, you were supposed to do the same (write things you disliked) not disproving what I wrote.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Dante wasn't as big of an asshole as I wanted him to be. I wanted him to be a comeplete insensitive jerk who generally cared for absolutely nobody but himself. I mean he was this, but not to the degree that I wanted him to be.

I wanted him to be as big of an ass as Laxus from Fairy Tail.


Well-known Member
Im jut going to copy past one of my few posts and add some ****.

DmC Devil May Cry is kinda Devil May Cry occidental edition.

I see DmC like I see the movie Quarantine (an american remake of [Rec]), its unnecessary and it does worse everywhere except maybe in the looks.

+But the level design was quite nice looking and refreshing.

- The story tries to be something that it isnt.
- The combat system just straight up inferior to dmc4 and bayonetta.
- The game is ezpz lemon squeazy on nephlim. (Took me 17 levels to die for first time)
-The boss are just so bad, that it's not even funny.

After finishing the game once it felt like eating in a fast food.

But the game isnt bad at all, its a huge improvement when compared to heavenly sword. I would give the game 15/20, Just like quarantine isnt a bad movie, dmc devil may cry isnt a bad game but its unnecessary and inferior when compared to the original.

I dont know If i'll have the envy to finish the game in SoS and DMD yet.

Just started playing SoS and it feels about as difficult as dmc4 normal mode...
Controller in hand it doesn't feel tight like previous dmc title, is it because of the 30 fps or maybe cause NT doesnt have the talents to make to make it work ?

I feel like its the best BTA made outside of japan, but its leagues behind the big boys.


Well-known Member
-ITSUNO TOLD THEM TO NOT INCLUDE LOCK ON, seriously that's not an issue its annoying to hear fans talk about it like NT didn't try to implement it before ITSUNO said NO

I disagree to some extent on this; the soft lockon works well, though honestly I've yet to see a slasher game pull off non-lock on particularly well; closest is probably Ninja Gaiden, and even then I remember the occasional "THAT'S NOT WHO I F***KIN WANTED TO HIT!!" syndrome creeping up, leading to my quick and painful death on Master Ninja runs.

But in the case of DmC, the problem of no hard lock-on comes to shine when you're dealing with a room full of baltos and hell knights. You might want to nab that annoying grenade chuckin Baltos over your head but if a Hell Knight is infront of him, the Hell Knight's the one getting the grapple.

But while I'm at it, my current criticism is just with the cutscenes when you try to use an alternate skin. All the cutscenes look like their real time modeled, yet Dante pops back and forth between his standard look and white hair when using an alt costume. Little nitpick yea, but half the enjoyment of an alt costume is seeing the character go through the cutscenes in a different look and/or attire.

Oh yea, and I won't be surprised if some people are given seizures on the nightclub level. Sensory overload. And fighting the Spawn with all those blinding flashing lights HHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH


Stylish and Viewtiful
I disagree to some extent on this; the soft lockon works well, though honestly I've yet to see a slasher game pull off non-lock on particularly well
Hate to just sound like a jerk, but the soft lock on doesn't work well at all. There are a great deal of bugs.

Friend of mine showed off a rather huge one.


Well-known Member
Hate to just sound like a jerk, but the soft lock on doesn't work well at all. There are a great deal of bugs.

Friend of mine showed off a rather huge one.

I've never had that problem yet, but I think most of the time I'm holding the direction I'm aiming for. The soft lockon like in most slashers, seems to go for whomever is currently the closest, which may have been the case here. If there are cases of helm breaker locking on to the enemy on the ground instead of the one you're currently air comboing, likely something is ****ed then. Still I think holding in the general direction works for me.


Stylish and Viewtiful
^ Just use the analog stick to point to where you wanna go.
I've never had that problem yet, but I think most of the time I'm holding the direction I'm aiming for. The soft lockon like in most slashers, seems to go for whomever is currently the closest, which may have been the case here. If there are cases of helm breaker locking on to the enemy on the ground instead of the one you're currently air comboing, likely something is ****** then. Still I think holding in the general direction works for me.
That's instinct for most players. The fact that it didn't work means something is wrong with the code.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Oh yea, and I won't be surprised if some people are given seizures on the nightclub level. Sensory overload. And fighting the Spawn with all those blinding flashing lights HHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH

My brother named that level "Devil May Seize." He agreed with me that the "Round 1: FIGHT" stuff showing up on screen was damn awesome though.


Well-known Member
I disagree to some extent on this; the soft lockon works well, though honestly I've yet to see a slasher game pull off non-lock on particularly well; closest is probably Ninja Gaiden, and even then I remember the occasional "THAT'S NOT WHO I F***KIN WANTED TO HIT!!" syndrome creeping up, leading to my quick and painful death on Master Ninja runs.

But in the case of DmC, the problem of no hard lock-on comes to shine when you're dealing with a room full of baltos and hell knights. You might want to nab that annoying grenade chuckin Baltos over your head but if a Hell Knight is infront of him, the Hell Knight's the one getting the grapple.

But while I'm at it, my current criticism is just with the cutscenes when you try to use an alternate skin. All the cutscenes look like their real time modeled, yet Dante pops back and forth between his standard look and white hair when using an alt costume. Little nitpick yea, but half the enjoyment of an alt costume is seeing the character go through the cutscenes in a different look and/or attire.

Oh yea, and I won't be surprised if some people are given seizures on the nightclub level. Sensory overload. And fighting the Spawn with all those blinding flashing lights HHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH
modeling extra costumes takes A LOT of work dude, they can't help it if a extra costume causes issues such as no clipping or if it doesn't show up in full motion cutscenes, it doesn't happen very often though with costumes like the dmc 3 dante costume though


Well-known Member
modeling extra costumes takes A LOT of work dude, they can't help it if a extra costume causes issues such as no clipping or if it doesn't show up in full motion cutscenes, it doesn't happen very often though with costumes like the dmc 3 dante costume though

Why? NG pulls it off just fine, and Bayonetta. I wouldn't have a problem with that if the cutscenes were pre-rendered, but most all of these are directly animated by the ingame models, but the costume pops up in some cutscenes but not others. I'm thinking it may be just a matter of overlooked coding.


Well-known Member
That's instinct for most players. The fact that it didn't work means something is wrong with the code.

And most any other slasher game. It looks like the enemy he helmbroke was technically a tad closer at the moment than the one he was air comboing, so it targeted him.


Well-known Member
I don't believe I'm participating in a topic squarely negative about the game made by a known hater(cons and fails? Really? I'm sure you could have thought of a less annoying title), but whatever, I do have a complaint or two.

-Lack of button inputs. It isn't even because of the lack of lock on, because really it isn't necessary, but there's a lot of inputs they could have mapped that would have opened up more possibilities to add new abilities.

-Speaking of the lock on though, while it IS there, maybe if they just put a cursor on it would shut people up. You CAN switch targets and everything, but everyone that complains about the lock on acts like it isn't even there at all.

-They should take out demon dodge and replace it with some kind of block. Maybe. This is a hard one, because having so many attacks in the game that can be parried is actually wonderful, and taking that away would actually suck. But maybe by putting something like Royal Guard on the demon stance and adding a way to release it'd be better. I'm not sure. Again, MAYBE.

-If they choose to keep the current parry system and demon dodge, tighten up the windows on both. And everything else too. Now that we have this game to ease us into the new system, it'd only be natural progression that it's harder in the next game(likely on next gen systems, and likely able to handle the game running at 60 fps). Maybe tone down the damage boost on the demon weapons.

-More bosses. The bosses here aren't as bad as people say. I don't see how they're worse than the older ones. They have attacks of which you must learn the tells, and how to avoid them. They don't have predictable patterns and all of that mess. There just needs to be more of them. In this game they could have easily made the Butcher, Tyrant, and Drekavac bosses. Give em more health, a couple more moves, an appropriate intro, and we'd have been set. Hell, they could have still kept the normal enemy variants. Just made a more dangerous one as a boss. Or let some of the other bosses(like the Hunter) harass Dante throughout the game. They did say the "hunters" found Dante. Unless they meant, "hunter's."

-I honestly don't have a problem with the aligned enemies, only the fact that an attack from the wrong weapon bounces off of them. It breaks up the combat. Maybe have them tank the damage and stun, but don't stun Dante. I know it's what usually happened in the old series, but still. When there's so many of them and no lock on it can be a little annoying. But by no means do I think they're bad enemies. These aren't the first enemies you have to take out a preferred way, and I quite like that the DT renders they're immunities irrelevant.

-Speaking of DT, I like it and everything, but maybe give the floating effect a time limit. I'm not entirely sure, but I thought they would eventually hit the ground anyway, but yeah. Maybe a few other DT specific abilites. I'm not too pressed about it since DMC3 didn't have any besides copy/pasting Alastor onto Nevan and the DTE, but it'd be nice to get something else to use with DT. Even if it's purely aesthetic flair on his already existing moves(though I'm sure they'd go ahead and add different/stronger properties), I'd like it. Maybe we'll get that in the next game since this is him just coming into his DT. He may get an actual change in form next time around.

-I like the platforming, but add in more puzzles and objectives like with mission 18. I like puzzles, and it makes me think of DMC1(and to a lesser extent, DMC3).

-Speaking of DMC1, here's a problem I've had with ALL of the games after it. WHERE TF ARE THE CRITICAL HITS!? ADD THESE BACK IN! THEY WERE AWESOME, AND NEAT AS HELL TO DISCOVER! I do think they're on the right track, though. You can shoot the wings off of enemies, deflect damn near everything thrown at you, it's a lot better than the enemies of 2-4. I mean, they had a FEW similar things, but DM/mC are much better, IMO.

-Not really a qualm with the gameplay here, but the game could use more action scenes. A lot more.

Now all of these don't necessarily make the game bad to me. It's still a solid 9, and the best action game since Bayonetta(which is highly overrated for some reason).


Well-known Member
Here are my cons for DmC:

- It's too short. I would like it to be a longer game. The story was great, but after having completed it, I want more.
- A lock-on would be nice. I have a hard time focusing on the enemies I want to focus on when there are many at a time. Luckily I prefer using the Angel weapons, so they hit several enemies at a time.
- The sound jumps from time to time during cutscenes.
- Too little screentime with Vergil wearing his awesome fedora.
- Dante doesn't smoke.
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