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DMC4 Voiceactors Announced...


Aya Brea

The sites in Japanese, so if you can read it lucky you. Gladly they posted their names in english and have a picture for each of them. :] I can't wait to hear'em all!

Hey! The guy who plays the voice of Nero looks familiar... Didn't he play in Power Ragers? >__> Gosh Dante's voice actor looks bloody hot. @_@


Demon a$$-kicker
I saw this news before, and my reaction was.....

DAAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! Dan Souuthworth is voice-acting for Credo? All my dreams have been shattered. *dies*

:lol: That was stupid. XD

Dante's voice actor is Reuben Langdon who also did his voice and motion capture for DMC3. He is my favorite Dante in the series. ^_^


Aya Brea
No problem, guys! <3 So I guess it's official there is no Vergil. ]:

Lolz, Power Rangers! Good stuff. The original series that is.


that zzzombiekid
DAAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNNN TOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Starts breaking some glass* Why the heck is Vergil not there!!?? *Calms down* Okay, Im okay... just overexaggerating...
+Rep for VI Rainbow, sweet info there!


Aya Brea
I understand how you feel DemonSlayer6. I'm just gonna hope there is some reference in the game of him. That'll make me happy.


Unloved Someone
eh... Reuben Langdon ain't the ****... I give him thumbs for voice acting, but I don't find him all that attractive, as a matter of fact, none of them were :\


Aya Brea
Why? What makes you say that? I mean, he's not the hottest guy in the universe, but he's honestly not bad looking at all. He is a really good VA.


that zzzombiekid
Hmph, Nero's voice actor looks like a girly man... no offence if anyone likes him... so does that priests... oh, and Agnus's VA looks like an ordinary street guy from my country or something! :lol: Seriously!


Aya Brea
Everyone has their right to express their opinion on this. :] If we couldn't do that then there would be no point to a forum to exist for others to chat and tell others what they think. Even if they don't agree.

...We're getting off topic, but yeah. :]

I do have to say, DemonSlayer6, the guy who plays the voice of Angus looks like someone I'd see walking down the rode. From what I've heard from the trailer, his voice fits Angus.
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