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DmC Theories


Well-known Member
The first thing I thought when I heard "You don't **** with a god" was "probably this game's version of Sparda?"


Well-known Member
The first thing I thought when I heard "You don't **** with a god" was "probably this game's version of Sparda?"

Sparda does seem like he was on the level of a god so its possible. That would mean that Dante's mother would be a demon if Sparda is still Dante's father.


Well-known Member
I'm kinda liking the new theme, if you think about it his new look fits.

Because the city is obviously looking for the Demon named Dante, thus his alias "Tony Redgrave".
And it is said that Demons have white hair (forgot where I read this) which is why the original's is white.

Notice that the "DmC Dante" has a white patch, to me that kinda means one of the two; one being his hair is gradually turning white or two is that his hair isn't naturally black and in fact dyed.

He's on the run, so its not surprising that he would have an alias, with a change of appearance.

only problem I have is that resemblance to the guy from Twilight...his facial features are more of him then they are of Dante..


Well-known Member
Sparda does seem like he was on the level of a god so its possible. That would mean that Dante's mother would be a demon if Sparda is still Dante's father.
Maybe not, I wouldn't take that too literally, he may be a Demon, but the leader of them all, and since in this game demons are metaphors to "forces" that have control over the world (corporations, politicians, the media), the leader of the demons is pretty much a god in this world.

How many villains claimed to be a god and yet none of them actually was? I think it's just a way to show how powerful he is right now. And the irony of a demon calling himself a god is just too awesome to pass.


Well-known Member
How many villains claimed to be a god and yet none of them actually was? I think it's just a way to show how powerful he is right now. And the irony of a demon calling himself a god is just too awesome to pass.

We dont know if the "god" is a villain or not and since angels r in the game its possible that he is an opposing force to demons and Malice which seems to control the city.


Well-known Member
To me it sounds like the typical thing a villain would say, especially the way he says "You don't f*ck with a god!".


Well-known Member
Bayonetta say's "Don't f with a witch" and she's the good guy.

Well, she IS a witch, so it only makes sense. She doesn't delude herself by calling herself a goddess. And the way she says it is in a more provocative way rather than an angry, arrogant way.


Well-known Member
Well, she IS a witch, so it only makes sense. She doesn't delude herself by calling herself a goddess. And the way she says it is in a more provocative way rather than an angry, arrogant way.
Yeah, the guy in the DmC trailer says it more like "you're gonna regret it", and Bayonetta more like "haters gonna hate" :D


Well-known Member
Okay, I think I found a way for DmC and DMC to connect. So far, there has been no mention of the Legend of Sparda in DmC. Maybe that's because Sparda's rebellion never happened. Instead, in this universe of DMC, Sparda never rebelled, so the demons were able to take over the Human world and delude the minds of the people. Mundus, becoming conqueror of two worlds, expanded his power and became the god- like force known as Malice.

Two millenias later, Sparda had fallen in love (I guess) to a fallen angel (the only possible way for a demon and angel to mate) and gave birth to a (pair of twin) boy(s). Being blessed with gifts from his lineage, the boy was able to see the reality of the world around him and tried to warn people about it, but was caught and imprisoned.

Years later, the boy, now a teenager, is out of prison and continues his previous efforts of thwarting the Demon's rule over the Human world


Well-known Member
Well, she IS a witch, so it only makes sense. She doesn't delude herself by calling herself a goddess. And the way she says it is in a more provocative way rather than an angry, arrogant way.

The voice a could actually belong to a god we dont really have any info saying otherwise. Just because he is a god doesn't really mean he's all powerful or invincible or even a vallain it just means he's really strong. Also we dont know if its even being said to Dante.


Well-known Member
this isn't GOW with gods...thats just ridicules lol

that guy that says "you dont fu*k with a god" is clearly just full of himself just like how Arkham was when he took sparda's power in DMC3.

he kinda sounds like him too :O


Well-known Member
this isn't GOW with gods...thats just ridicules lol

that guy that says "you dont fu*k with a god" is clearly just full of himself just like how Arkham was when he took sparda's power in DMC3.

he kinda sounds like him too :O

Just because this isn't a game about gods doesn't mean there are no gods. It is ignorant to state otherwise, especially since we don't know much about how the world is compiled in this game.


Well-known Member
Just because this isn't a game about gods doesn't mean there are no gods. It is ignorant to state otherwise, especially since we don't know much about how the world is compiled in this game.
"we don't know much about how the world is compiled in this game"

Well I'm just following the pattern from DMC1,2,3 and 4, it's not "ignorant" to base the fact of the previous games, this is a reboot BUT if its anything like the last four then there aren't going to be any so called gods. Its just "my opinion" after all.

In the previous games the only mention of "god" was only a mear meaning on their new found power.

what is ignorant however is taking what he said so literal. "you don't F with a god" just off of that very common sentence?

Fact is I'v heard similar frazes in film's, series, and video games.... 9/10 they weren't what they claim.

This thread is about "Theories" after all, so you could believe what you want.


Well-known Member
Just because this isn't a game about gods doesn't mean there are no gods. It is ignorant to state otherwise, especially since we don't know much about how the world is compiled in this game.

I wanted to say this but didnt know how to word it correctly so people would understand

Well I'm just following the pattern from DMC1,2,3 and 4, it's not "ignorant" to base the fact of the previous games, this is a reboot BUT if its anything like the last four then there aren't going to be any so called gods. Its just "my opinion" after all.

In the previous games the only mention of "god" was only a mear meaning on their new found power.

what is ignorant however is taking what he said so literal. "you don't F with a god" just off of that very common sentence?

Fact is I'v heard similar frazes in film's, series, and video games.... 9/10 they weren't what they claim.

This thread is about "Theories" after all, so you could believe what you want.

When it comes to this part of the game you can't really look at previous games in the series considering the fact that there were no angels in the game although some claimed to be angels they were still demons. But in DmC angels are an actual existence since Dante himself is half angel meaning that there is a chance that people rule over the angels and called are gods.


Well-known Member
I wanted to say this but didnt know how to word it correctly so people would understand

When it comes to this part of the game you can't really look at previous games in the series considering the fact that there were no angels in the game although some claimed to be angels they were still demons. But in DmC angels are an actual existence since Dante himself is half angel meaning that there is a chance that people rule over the angels and called are gods.
Now that you put it that way, I see your point.

Dante is half Angel/Devil now after all right, since in the previous titles it was Human/Devil. It's actually a possibility now that I think about it hmm..


Well-known Member
Well, is he really half angel and half devil? From what I understand, he just have powers that are both angelic and demonic. It doesn't necessarily mean that he is a hybrid of those races.


Well-known Member
Well, is he really half angel and half devil? From what I understand, he just have powers that are both angelic and demonic. It doesn't necessarily mean that he is a hybrid of those races.

This is what is says on the NT website "The Dante of DmC is a young man discovering and coming to terms with what it means to be the child of a demon and an angel."


Well-known Member
Well, is he really half angel and half devil? From what I understand, he just have powers that are both angelic and demonic. It doesn't necessarily mean that he is a hybrid of those races.
Yeah dude, its been confirmed by Ninja Theory that he is in fact born of half Angel.

This is quoted from their official page.

The Dante of DmC is a young man discovering and coming to terms with what it means to be the child of a demon and an angel. This split personality has a major impact on gameplay with Dante being able to call upon angel and demon abilities at will, transforming his Rebellion sword on the fly to dramatically affect both combat and movement.

So he's "the child of a Demon and an Angel"..basically a "hybrid"
Here's the Link; http://www.ninjatheory.com/games.php

This is what is says on the NT website "The Dante of DmC is a young man discovering and coming to terms with what it means to be the child of a demon and an angel."

you beat me with that quote by mear seconds lol
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