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DmC Theories


smug jerk
Ok I think that this theory is a little out there, but I may have an explanation for why some people say dante's personality changes so much in every game. It may be that something like what happens with "The Doctor" happens with dante except instead of also changing alot physically it's just his personality where certain traits are just rearranged and are more prominant.
Elaborate, please. Who exactly is "The Doctor"?


Le bystander
capture dante only to tell him the truth about his demonic heritage and steal his cells/or sperm lol........to create clones and babies and form an army take over whatever......**** i can do these theories too.


Well-known Member
This is not a really good theory, but it won't leave my mind so I'll share it with you guys:

In the "The Fight" trailer, the announcer says that they're looking for the terrorist that "goes by the name of Dante", it may be just a manner of speaking, but it may also imply that his real name is not actually Dante (Tony??), which brings us back to the first trailer, where the "treatment" consists in asking him "what is your name?", as both a way to make him give up on "being Dante" and to make him to give up information about the 'organization'* and his real name 'Tony', the mindless kid living in their lies ("Their world is a lie", that would also indicate that demons are represented by the power in the system, politicians and stuff like that ["There are demons everywhere, in every level of society, in every part of the world"]), but Dante, following what we also saw on the E3 trailer ("Do not accept the world as it is"), and being a guy who makes justice to his sword's name, will not follow their plan and in a scene that may be the first time he'll activate Devil Trigger in the game will answer to "WHAT. IS. YOUR. NAME?" with a Devil Trigger transformation, blowing the walls, looking to the camera and saying "My name is Dante", chosing to see the world as it really is.

*On a side note, maybe the Resistance he may fight for is how we'll see the old names in this game. If his real name is not Dante, maybe each member of this Resistance use a different historical person's name, so we could have Dante, Vergil, Nero...

It's nothing really good, just thought I should share it.

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Although I know this is a Reboot with no connection to the original series, I still wonder if Capcom ever decides to return to the original series if they will somehow add this game to the original series cannon?
Maybe not.


Well-known Member
Seriously...what the hell do you think i have been saying all this time..

From what I have read, you don't think that the parallel universe thing is enough of an excuse for them to change the things they do. I say that it is exactly enough reason for them to do so. They don't need more of an explanation.
You make it sound like that parallel universes belongs to comics only and that they have to be experts on the subject for them to make a parallel universe when in matter of fact they don't. If Capcom/Ninja Theory have decided that this new Devil May Cry happens in a parallel universe to the original series, then that is just something you need to accept. You might not like it and you don't have to like it, but there's no reason to try and prove the developers wrong in their decisions, because you will fail in doing so. They are the ones making the game, they make the rules, not you or anyone else.


smug jerk
This is not a really good theory, but it won't leave my mind so I'll share it with you guys:

In the "The Fight" trailer, the announcer says that they're looking for the terrorist that "goes by the name of Dante", it may be just a manner of speaking, but it may also imply that his real name is not actually Dante (Tony??), which brings us back to the first trailer, where the "treatment" consists in asking him "what is your name?", as both a way to make him give up on "being Dante" and to make him to give up information about the 'organization'* and his real name 'Tony', the mindless kid living in their lies ("Their world is a lie", that would also indicate that demons are represented by the power in the system, politicians and stuff like that ["There are demons everywhere, in every level of society, in every part of the world"]), but Dante, following what we also saw on the E3 trailer ("Do not accept the world as it is"), and being a guy who makes justice to his sword's name, will not follow their plan and in a scene that may be the first time he'll activate Devil Trigger in the game will answer to "WHAT. IS. YOUR. NAME?" with a Devil Trigger transformation, blowing the walls, looking to the camera and saying "My name is Dante", chosing to see the world as it really is.

*On a side note, maybe the Resistance he may fight for is how we'll see the old names in this game. If his real name is not Dante, maybe each member of this Resistance use a different historical person's name, so we could have Dante, Vergil, Nero...

It's nothing really good, just thought I should share it.
Actually that is pretty good. Never thought about the assumed name.


smug jerk
Thanks XD
Praise, where praise is due.
So let's just think a little more into it.

So, we have this guy called Tony Redgrave, droning around like all the good people, until, maybe even throught that chick that runs after him in the game, he finds out there is more to this dull world, than meets the eye. "Demons are everywhere. In every level of society, in every part of the world.". Maybe the girl also tells him of his duality? Of him being present in Limbo just as well as in the real world and that he must be careful, because the demons are trying to eliminate him as a potential threat to their power-base: Humanity's ignorance. Tony might show the world, that the infernal is real and people would take up arms to defend themselves against the lurking demonkind.
So one day, he walks past the lense of a camera; next thing he knows is the world going vibrant and colourful and then a thud and blackness radiating from the back of his head.
He awakes in chains, dangling from the ceiling in some kind of torture chamber. A plain camera watches him, as he spits out loose teeth and blood, groaing from the pain.
"What is your name?".
Confusion. Defiance. Electroshocks.
"What is your name?".
Fear overcomes him, confusion about his situation. A dark chamber, a mysterious voice and suddendly everything that crazy chick said a few days ago makes sense. More electroshocks. He screams from the pain.
"I will ask you again: What is your name?"
Dante thinks about everything he has discovered in the past few days, the inherent dangers and the great puppet show, that the demons are performing. Reminiscing about a legend he had heard quite a while ago, of a man descending into the depths of hell, he answers: "My name is Dante."
And then maybe Pat somehow manages to break in and save him?

Well anyhow: This might work...


Well-known Member
I like the way you described the scene, are you a writer (or a wannabe like I am)?

Anyway, I trust Ninja Theory to deliver the best game in the series for sure. Still not so sure about the best combat (even though I'm sure it will be the best looking combat), but the best overall game for sure.

I don't even want to watch the next trailers until the game is released so I won't get spoiled. :oops:


Enma Katana no Kami
I have to say though that you reminded me of the "Capcom has rights" thing. And it makes me discussing this more just stupid :p
But logic keeps bringing me back into discussign same thing over and over lol.

the real problem isn't the fact that you don't think that Dante is Dante it's that you get offended when other people do not go out of their way to specify that they are referring to two unrelated characters. if you accept that other people accept that Dante is Dante than there is no problem with you thinking of them as two different characters.


Well-known Member
I'm reminded of an 80's movie I watched with my dad once called "They live" in which the protagonist finds a pair of sunglasses that allows him to see the world for what it really is (in that case was taken over by an alien race and now controls humans through a media smokescreen). In the Devil May Cry TGS 2011 Special Trailer its pretty obvious that aspects of that movie is being used. In the first part of the trailer the carnival signs change from images of food to saying " GLUTTONY IS GOOD" and other things such as "CONSUME" and "OBEY". My theory is that the hell gates are fully open and the demons have taken over the human world completely, infiltrating and using a "big brother" approach to enslave humans while they're completely obvious to it. The "limbo"world that Dante implies that he's being dragged into is a distorted representation of what the demons have done to our world while the regular humans are trapped in their fantasy world of "nothing strange going on here" represented by their faded gold outlines seen in the limbo world by Dante (and the player) . The whole inception thing going on is literally the world trying to stop Dante and going as far as taking on a living form and speaking to him ( Dante running in the art gallery and seeing the words "DANTE" on the wall and "F*CK YOU" on the floor) . At some point Dante gets overwhelmed and is arrested for vandalism (maybe his haphazard attempts in trying to get humans to see the truth) and is put in a rehabilitation program. The program is probably set up do to an increasing amount of disobedient humans ( the impressionable youth) who are either listening to Dante or are figuring things out for themselves and hence formed a resistance group. The electroshocks and general torture toward Dante is probably the police department (obvious run by demons) wanting to either:
A) Know how this kid sees the truth (not knowing he's part demon).
B) Find out why "one of them" is turning against demon kind to warn the humans.

Asking him for his name in the trailer is mostly likely dramatic effect. As a reboot nobody knows who Dante is yet so for the news caster choosing the words "...goes by the name Dante" may not imply that his name isn't Dante.

The "Angel" aspect to Dante could be more of a figurative label. In DMC4 most of the antagonists saw themselves as angels and calling themselves saviors even when they're really in demon form.

Yeah that's just my wall of text...

The movie I'm talking about is :
to this trialer :


smug jerk
all that text you just posted
First of all: Warm welcome to the forums, that's a pretty impressive post to begin your time here, not bad at all.
Hope you'll find your way around here soon, and looking forward to see more of your ideas around.


Well-known Member
First of all: Warm welcome to the forums, that's a pretty impressive post to begin your time here, not bad at all.
Hope you'll find your way around here soon, and looking forward to see more of your ideas around.

Thanks, I've actually be lurking around for a while but didn't get around to make an account until now. I figured if I'm going to start I'd star with something more solid then "er.. yeah I agree with what he said.."

I really enjoy the posts from others so far too. As much as there is a love/hate thing going on in the DMC community over this reboot , I love that fact that's it's made people debate and discuss the series again. As much as people don't want to admit it Capcom really doesn't know what to do with DMC anymore, the story is drifting nowhere and leaving alot of unanswered questions and contradictions in it's path. / slight off topic


smug jerk
I really enjoy the posts from others so far too. As much as there is a love/hate thing going on in the DMC community over this reboot , I love that fact that's it's made people debate and discuss the series again. As much as people don't want to admit it Capcom really doesn't know what to do with DMC anymore, the story is drifting nowhere and leaving alot of unanswered questions and contradictions in it's path. / slight off topic
See, this now embarassing for me, but there's nothing else i can say except "er.. yeah I agree with what you said.." ;)


Well-known Member
"They live"

I knew i saw that hidden truth thing b4 just couldnt remember since i've only seen it once. So as it seems there's nothing really original happening in DmC its a whole bunch of good ideas from other things put together it would seem.


First of the Dead
I knew i saw that hidden truth thing b4 just couldnt remember since i've only seen it once. So as it seems there's nothing really original happening in DmC its a whole bunch of good ideas from other things put together it would seem.
ah i wouldn't say that, considering we don't know anything about the story.


X will never be Y
ah i wouldn't say that, considering we don't know anything about the story.
That's not true. We know that DmC is inspired by punk movement.
Punk movement rebelled against goverment.

In DmC NT's Dante and his circle of ressistance against demons are working against demons.
In They Live the humans are under a illusion that are upheld by signals from a transmitter.
In DmC there is same kind of illusion. "They are demons everywhere".

So we do know quite a bit about DmC story.
But we don't know the details. Such as who will NT's Dante meet, who's the big bad wolf, and so on.


First of the Dead
there are demons everywhere in every dmc game lol
and really the only thing we know about the story is the city is alive, and dante has an angel side.
punk movement doesn't have to do with the story, it just has to do with dante's appearance.
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