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DmC Theories


Well-known Member
Here is my theory and all revolves around this one picture.


I think this drawing could be a symbolic foreshadowing of a Dante VS Demon Dante (of some sorts).

First lets examine the image.

1) It shows 2 guys who look exactly like Dante (this one) and Dante in his demon form (DT) so its highly about Dante.

2) The 2 guys appears to be fused together or is fusing together to become 1 being (hinting at Dante fully mastering or completing his demon blood).

3) The biggest of them all, it shows 2 guys who look the same and appears to be using the same weapon on each side fighting each other.....like an inner war.

My theory is that for Dante to fully master his demon powers he was must defeat his demon side like literally face his own demons. So it works like this. Remember the beginning of the new tgs trailer that it showed Dante going DT in what appears to be some white space almost as if he was in some surreal dimension (his inner realm) that I think comes out when he enters DT (reason why when DT activates the area becomes gray and it looks like a new dimension) so Dante enters this dimension you can say to face defeat his demon side to overcome either some rage or his demon powers to become a full devil. So I think him going DT in that trailer is a scene of him fully mastering his demon powers after conquering his demon side.

Also the E3 trailer showed him going DT and it looks like he was being possessed.......demon side go figure. Anyway, I think that when Dante goes DT he isn't all that self aware or views it like how we see it. Its sorta like how in NARUTO, at the beginning Naruto would activate his own demon fox powers and didn't know it or didn't notice he just got angry and got a major adrenaline and power boost....that is how he saw it. Same goes for Nero, I doubt he actually knows that there is a hovering spirit behind him he just knows going DT makes him stronger like I think this Dante when he goes DT doesn't know his hair just turned white and his jacket turns red and maybe he isn't really paying attention or isn't fully himself when he goes DT...almost as if demon side has taken somewhat control over him like those instances when Naruto would go fox mode (he'll know of his actions but doesn't know his inner demon is actually mildly possessing him). So when Dante goes DT, his demon side takes over somewhat allowing for Dante to not judge his actions or what just happened he just knows that he has an inner power he can tap into and cause a lot of crazy stuff to happens (this also ties into when Dante goes DT his HUB face changes from regular Dante to a twisted evil demonic Dante face....almost like a split personality). I think Dante could've always be able to go DT or at least before the game's story starts. Yeah I think you have DT on the spot (like DMC2) or at least at the near beginning (like DMC1).

How does this apply to Vergil he either A) went through this process or B) didn't have to since he appears to have white at a very young so he must've inherited more of his father's genes allowing him to be born with white or inherit it earlier making him genetically more superior to Dante...like those stories of one twin being better than the other twin through genetic dominance.

I'm hoping this is true so it can lead to a Demon Dante boss fight just so it can add more boss fights to the game (I see only 3 boss fights and 7 possible bosses).

However, if that is not the case then the picture could hint at a battle between Dante & Vergil.

The art surrounding that place definitely seems like it's foreshadowing events to come or at least the the overall themes he has to face. That duality, is he two equal halfs of opposite forces or will he have to choose his own way? Will that question apply to Vergil? Will he sacrifice what he knows about being human for more power, even if it's used to protect them?

I think it's a safe bet to say that this story is going to involve inner struggle and counter failures. When I say counter failure, I'm talking about what lengths is Dante taking to save Kat and others. It can totally backfire. Remember that secret trailer? What is he unleashing? Is he trying to unmask limbo? Is that the Temen ni gru? Is he trying to stop Mundus indirectly? AHG. I'm sorry for rambling on.

I like your theory, S. Nero, they can either roll with it or hint at something bigger later.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
The art surrounding that place definitely seems like it's foreshadowing events to come or at least the the overall themes he has to face. That duality, is he two equal halfs of opposite forces or will he have to choose his own way? Will that question apply to Vergil? Will he sacrifice what he knows about being human for more power, even if it's used to protect them?

I think it's a safe bet to say that this story is going to involve inner struggle and counter failures. When I say counter failure, I'm talking about what lengths is Dante taking to save Kat and others. It can totally backfire. Remember that secret trailer? What is he unleashing? Is he trying to unmask limbo? Is that the Temen ni gru? Is he trying to stop Mundus indirectly? AHG. I'm sorry for rambling on.

I like your theory, S. Nero, they can either roll with it or hint at something bigger later.

i imagine that Dante and Vergil will both go through different arcs and come to different conclusions that will eventually pit them against each other. just looking at how they were raised you can get some idea as to how they think:

Dante:lived life on the streets nothing handed to him, worked himself constantly to stay alive and fight off hordes of demons that were trying to kill/control him. for him there is no such thing as give up. there is no quick fix and no easy solution. life is hard so we need to work hard at it.

Vergil: life of luxury, sees things from a different perspective than the rest of us. he was able to become incredibly wealthy at a young age, so he thinks that in life there is always a way. but not everyone can do it. he tries to see the bigger picture, nothing changes unless you force it to.

so i imagine that Vergil will want to keep lilith as a ploy to defeat mundus. but allows the trade off for dantes sake not kats. as such it may become the seed of disdain that serperates the two in the end. Vergil deciding that the only way to reach an end to the war will be to <insert evil scheme> to gain the power that would end it all. perhaps when mundus falls Vergil will assert himself as the new boss "for the greater good"


Well-known Member
The art surrounding that place definitely seems like it's foreshadowing events to come or at least the the overall themes he has to face. That duality, is he two equal halfs of opposite forces or will he have to choose his own way? Will that question apply to Vergil? Will he sacrifice what he knows about being human for more power, even if it's used to protect them?

Well if you remember that area, the goal was to unchain a giant "something".
The area itself was something that didn't look like any of the other areas and there is this memorable park like thing where Dante fights.
There is definitely a reason why they are not showing more of that area.


First of the Dead
Welp me and Suzaku had some theories today. :)
We got on the topic of Nero being introduced in DmC, but he will not play a big role until a later sequel.
Okay my theory was that perhaps Nero is an orphan that the Order takes care of so therefore they treat him like one of their own. And one specific person that takes interest in Nero is Vergil. Vergil considers Nero an apprentice and Nero cares alot about Vergil, he looks up to Vergil like a role model or father figure. So basically Vergil trains Nero in the ways of fighting and realizes that Nero's abilities are limited because he is human. So Vergil promises Nero power by performing a ritual in which Vergil stabs Yamato into Nero's body and transmits an amount of demonic energy into Nero, so the more Nero trains the stronger the demonic energy will get.
So near the end of DmC Dante kills Vergil and guess who witnesses it..........that's right Nero. Dante doesn't acknowledge the child and goes on to fight Mundus. Nero enraged by Vergil's death becomes irrate and crazed and goes over to Vergil's body and absorbs his left over demonic energy. Nero then dedicates his life to gaining enough power so he can track down and kill Dante, which would lead up to the sequel when both Dante and Nero are older. :)


Well-known Member
2) The 2 guys appears to be fused together or is fusing together to become 1 being (hinting at Dante fully mastering or completing his demon blood).

3) The biggest of them all, it shows 2 guys who look the same and appears to be using the same weapon on each side fighting each other.....like an inner war.

The inner fight could be between his angel and demon sides since they are opposing forces. At some point his demon side gets the upper hand and that causes his DT to manifest.Neither side may win either but come to some sort agreement to complete his powers as a hybrid and not just a demon or he forces the two sides to sumbit to him somehow.

Awesome theory btw.


Devil Player

Well-known Member
I was watching the video with the train mission, when I noticed that Dante gets some kind of object ( which seems to be incomplete).

( watch between 16:05 and 16:12).

Now watch that video:
( watch between 1:02 and 1:07).

The object that Dante gets, looks like the same object that Kat is using to rotate and adjust the place in the trailer. Notice that in the train mission, everything is upside down, you can see screens inverted and so on. That mission probably happens after Overturn.

My theory: Kat was kidnapped, her object was destroyed, everything was messed up, by being inverted. Dante must recover the object and find all the parts in order to complete it and restore the true order.


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
i think Vergil is aiming to replace Munduds as leader of the demons. perhaps for the power but i think it may be the whole you cant stop evil only control it thing.you got a problem the bring it i gots maaaad skillz



Smile it confuses people
I was watching the video with the train mission, when I noticed that Dante gets some kind of object ( which seems to be incomplete).

Now watch that video:
( watch between 1:02 and 1:07).

The object that Dante gets, looks like the same object that Kat is using to rotate and adjust the place in the trailer. Notice that in the train mission, everything is upside down, you can see screens inverted and so on. That mission probably happens after Overturn.

My theory: Kat was kidnapped, her object was destroyed, everything was messed up, by being inverted. Dante must recover the object and find all the parts in order to complete it and restore the true order.

I think it's meant for something else like a puzzle, the design isn't the same as Kat's.

And I got my theory on something else :lol:





100% plausible


Well-known Member
i think Vergil is aiming to replace Munduds as leader of the demons. perhaps for the power but i think it may be the whole you cant stop evil only control it thing.you got a problem the bring it i gots maaaad skillz


Agree. the small moments i saw Vergil in the Gamescom trailer, he remind me of character like Abraham Reyes in Red Dead Redemption. Greg from Capcom-Unity tweeted once that one of DmC influence is the movie Devils Advocate. Maybe demons have its place in the world only Mundus was out of line. And Vergil think he can do a better job as the new boss of the demon world. But to quote Harvey Dent, "die a hero, or live long enough to see your self a villain".


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
i heard this song in the DmC mix on combichrists DmC page. when i heard it i was reminded of the final battle with Vergil in DMC3 for some reason. i have the feeling this song may be played near the end of the game. now im thinking Dante stays behind in limbo to slow down the demon horde while Vergil and Kat block it from the other side. thoughts?


Smile it confuses people
i heard this song in the DmC mix on combichrists DmC page. when i heard it i was reminded of the final battle with Vergil in DMC3 for some reason. i have the feeling this song may be played near the end of the game. now im thinking Dante stays behind in limbo to slow down the demon horde while Vergil and Kat block it from the other side. thoughts?

Are you sure it's a soundtrack for DmC? If it is then I would agree, I could see it being a sort of near to the ending/the ending kind of music after some aftermath or large event such as Dante and Vergil fighting. But where you did you find that song on thier page relating to DmC? Could you please link? ^^


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
OMG! Then that must be the music that plays if and when Dante and Vergil fight! Listen to the lyrics, it was would so match up to that o_o


who the hell is EIJOEJIOWEHIWOEWH ? were talking about dante here

either way, i think its a tune fitting for a closing scene of the game. ie Dante wins against mundus, victory for the order and salvation for humanity....then suddenly demons from across limbo come charging out at him to assert themselves as the new don/boss. and what better way than to kill Dante. so he's surrounded and has no way out. he decides to seal off limbo behind him to isolate them from humanity while Vergil and Kat are stuck in the human world and watch in horror as dante battles wave after wave of demons until.......roll credits.

after credits we see Rebellion standing upright in a pool of blood and demon bodies everywhere . then a demonic hand black as night grabs the hilt and we hear an unholy roar.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Welp me and Suzaku had some theories today. :)
We got on the topic of Nero being introduced in DmC, but he will not play a big role until a later sequel.
Okay my theory was that perhaps Nero is an orphan that the Order takes care of so therefore they treat him like one of their own. And one specific person that takes interest in Nero is Vergil. Vergil considers Nero an apprentice and Nero cares alot about Vergil, he looks up to Vergil like a role model or father figure. So basically Vergil trains Nero in the ways of fighting and realizes that Nero's abilities are limited because he is human. So Vergil promises Nero power by performing a ritual in which Vergil stabs Yamato into Nero's body and transmits an amount of demonic energy into Nero, so the more Nero trains the stronger the demonic energy will get.
So near the end of DmC Dante kills Vergil and guess who witnesses it..........that's right Nero. Dante doesn't acknowledge the child and goes on to fight Mundus. Nero enraged by Vergil's death becomes irrate and crazed and goes over to Vergil's body and absorbs his left over demonic energy. Nero then dedicates his life to gaining enough power so he can track down and kill Dante, which would lead up to the sequel when both Dante and Nero are older. :)

That sounds cool, but Vergil stabbing Nero and Nero gaining his power sounds too easy. Maybe some satanic ritual where Vergil drops his own blood into Nero from an opened wound.

i think Vergil is aiming to replace Munduds as leader of the demons. perhaps for the power but i think it may be the whole you cant stop evil only control it thing.you got a problem the bring it i gots maaaad skillz


It's ironic that that guy's shirt is blue and we're talking about Vergil taking over:shifty:

I think it's meant for something else like a puzzle, the design isn't the same as Kat's.

And I got my theory on something else :lol:





100% plausible

I can see Dante doing that funny enough.:D
i heard this song in the DmC mix on combichrists DmC page. when i heard it i was reminded of the final battle with Vergil in DMC3 for some reason. i have the feeling this song may be played near the end of the game. now im thinking Dante stays behind in limbo to slow down the demon horde while Vergil and Kat block it from the other side. thoughts?

That would be pretty rad. But I'd rather the final battle song be this but instrumental.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
i heard this song in the DmC mix on combichrists DmC page. when i heard it i was reminded of the final battle with Vergil in DMC3 for some reason. i have the feeling this song may be played near the end of the game. now im thinking Dante stays behind in limbo to slow down the demon horde while Vergil and Kat block it from the other side. thoughts?

God......that image scares the sh*t out of me........my computer's sound is goneand my phone is being a retard so I can't access internet but I can view the video on Xbox Live Youtube and since I haven't watched it.....I need to see it....so later.


The inFAAMous
Me and a friend were joking about Dante actually being Leon, hence our new Dante. I couldn't for the life of Me figure out what this mysterious extra bar was between My health and ammo. It had to be Devil Trigger.


(I think it actually turned out to be remaining herbs or something but that's not as exciting)


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
Me and a friend were joking about Dante actually being Leon, hence our new Dante. I couldn't for the life of Me figure out what this mysterious extra bar was between My health and ammo. It had to be Devil Trigger.


(I think it actually turned out to be remaining herbs or something but that's not as exciting)


im impressed that you can still enjoy the game considering


The inFAAMous
^ HAHA. Oddly enough I actually pointed out to My friend that the 6 looks like a giraffe getting head, we could easily see the giraffe, but that image will certainly help seeing the lady!

Oh, and I didn't bother purchasing the game, 5 minutes on Jake's campaign made Me sick to My back teeth. R.I.P. Resident Evil.
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