DmC Review by Angry Joe

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The developers are releasing her statements as a personal dev diary. How do you not get that this represents the developers views of the game as well? WHO SAID IT WAS THE OPINION OF THE WHOLE DAMN COMPANY THO??? It's a developer diary not the actual feature presentation. You are confusing this with the game's manual.
Again, you're acting as if she said it to a random interviewer from IGN or something.
Again you are acting as if what she said had to be in the game.
What? Darksiders puzzle solving and weapons was very much like Legend of Zelda, to the point where its borderline ripping it off. Which is why it failed to even FEEL like Zelda (it's much more than just puzzles and weapons that are like it). Just because they say they want to be like Zelda doesn't mean it actually worked. It was all one person's opinion that they would reach that level the rest just said that they are inspired from those games which is a more accurate description..
You can't be this blind that you would take one person's word over everything else.
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Oh god, you have no idea how much of a dream come true that really was :P
Sleeping Dogs, Borderlands 2, Assassin's Creed III, DmC, if and maybe Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, and a couple of other games I can't remember off the top of my head are all not going to be played until I get a gaming PC. I don't care how long, I will play these games on a gaming PC. I want to see virtual Hong Kong in its glory. I just wish there was a Cantonese language option, that'd make it more authentic for me considering I understand, but can't speak it. Sleeping Dogs, top game I want to play on the PC. No exceptions!

Edit: I just realized that whenever Wei enters a counter stance he enters a stance similar to Bruce Lee's fighting stance.
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Especially for me, who absolutely loved Shenmue, and have been aching to go to a nice, high-tech Asian city (but can't afford to). :(
If you're looking for that, Deus Ex: Human Revolution might be to your liking also. Takes place in a cyberpunk China for a long part of the game.
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Sleeping Dogs, Borderlands 2, Assassin's Creed III, DmC, if and maybe Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, and a couple of other games I can't remember the top of my head are all not going to be played until I get a gaming PC. I don't care how long, I will play these games on a gaming PC. I want to see virtual Hong Kong in its glory. I just wish there was a Cantonese language option, that'd make it more authentic for me considering I understand, but can speak it. Sleeping Dogs, top game I want to play on the PC. No exceptions!

I'm still holding out hope for a developer to make an open-world Bullet Time shooter...essentially GTA mixed with Max Payne. But more Stranglehold than anything, with some good ol' A Better Tomorrow-like themes :p
Hell yeah! It's set in France right? Better have French language option as well. Gonna joue that all the way.

It is? Oops, didn't pick that up from the trailer... you're right, though. They should have a French option.

Anyway, if you like "The Usual Suspects", you should play Persona 4. I can't spoil it for you, other than, you'll probably like it (bonus points if you can figure out the story ahead of time).

Anyway, while that's ultimately subject to opinion, I think you'd like P4, regardless.
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WHO SAID IT WAS THE OPINION OF THE WHOLE DAMN COMPANY THO???It's a developer diary not the actual feature presentation. You are confusing this with the game's manual.

They released it as a developer diary and it is therefore a representation of the developer's views also. That's why. Also, the developer diaries are entirely focused around the story of the game and its characters.
Again you are acting as if what she said had to be in the game.

It didn't, but it shows that Ninja Theory were talking this story seriously even though many here have claimed otherwise.
Which is why it failed to even FEEL like Zelda (it's much more than just puzzles and weapons that are like it). Just because they say they want to be like Zelda doesn't mean it actually worked. It was all one person's opinion that they would reach that level the rest just said that they are inspired from those games which is a more accurate description..
It doesn't feel like Zelda but it has aspects that are just like it? They tried to make it like Zelda is my point, people are claiming that Ninja Theory wasn't trying to be serious with the story, which they were. That's my point here.
I'm still holding out hope for a developer to make an open-world Bullet Time shooter...essentially GTA mixed with Max Payne. But more Stranglehold than anything, with some good ol' A Better Tomorrow-like themes :P
Red Dead Redemption sort of did this with Dead Eye, but Dead Eye was more of a Western cowboy thing where the user can take out a bunch of guys in one fell swoop. But not the shootdodge Max made famous.

Still, holding out for a gaming PC is (obviously) making me miss out on a ton of video games, DmC and Sleeping Dogs being two. I think I stopped buying multiplatform games since January 2012. The only games I've bought are ones I've missed because I didn't know much about them, couldn't find, or were ones I had an attachment to; The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault and All 4 One. I'll only buy games that are console exclusive for now, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance's uncertainty with platforms is the only game I have issues with now. Maybe it'll be on the PC, maybe it won't I have no idea. But what I do know is the Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time will be on the PS3 (and PS Vita) only. It's biting me now in the arse, but it'll probably be beneficial in the long run with Steam sales.
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It is? Oops, didn't pick that up from the trailer... you're right, though. They should have a French option.

Anyway, if you like "The Usual Suspects", you should play Persona 4. I can't spoil it for you, other than, you'll probably like it (bonus points if you can figure out the story ahead of time).

Anyway, while that's ultimately subject to opinion, I think you'd like P4, regardless.
I want to add that Persona 4 is more like Scooby Doo. It's a great game, its tone isn't really the usual suspects though, it's more Japaneesy and very lighthearted in its style and presentation even though it does have a murder mystery.

The Usual Suspects is something more like L.A Noire or Heavy Rain ( even though I didn't like Heavy Rain ). Persona 4 is still great though.
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It is? Oops, didn't pick that up from the trailer... you're right, though. They should have a French option.

Anyway, if you like "The Usual Suspects", you should play Persona 4. I can't spoil it for you, other than, you'll probably like it (bonus points if you can figure out the story ahead of time).

Anyway, while that's ultimately subject to opinion, I think you'd like P4, regardless.
I have never watched "The Usual Suspects" I've only seen the quote and watched the clip where the quote is from. But it seems really interesting. But I do want to play Persona 4 and the other Persona games but they're all on the PS2?, PSP, and one or two are on the PS Vita; Persona: Arena does not count. I do have a PS2 though. It's just a matter of whether the old thing is going to die on me or I should wait or find out if they're on the PS3. I might have to buy a Vita because of them, Final Fantasy: Type-0 (hopefully it makes it over here, please Square Enix), Gravity Rush looks interesting, and whatever else is on the so-called dead system. Cross-buy was a great move on Sony by the way. Might make people use their Vita more.
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They released it as a developer diary and it is therefore a representation of the developer's views also. That's why. Also, the developer diaries are entirely focused around the story of the game and its characters.

It didn't, but it shows that Ninja Theory were talking this story seriously even though many here have claimed otherwise.

It doesn't feel like Zelda but it has aspects that are just like it? They tried to make it like Zelda is my point, people are claiming that Ninja Theory wasn't trying to be serious with the story, which they were. That's my point here.
My point is that you would take one person's view to trample over everything else. Take Tameem's words, he actually wrote that thing (it's really hit and miss for me), take the actual people that had a point to make in the story are to blame.

Actors tho. They perform, if they feel the themes are Shakespearean (note: one person said this) then it's that person's opinion. No one said that the character Phineas has a heart, only the actor
Should I believe him since the character openly said to kill the child? Hmm. No. That's his interpretation. I have mine. You have yours.

Stop actually putting this "Shakespearean" bs as fact. The game's story isn't great. That is true, but to trample as if they where trying to make this "Shakespearean" is what irks me off. You see what I'm getting at? That's what's just idiotic to uphold here.

If you continue to say that this is what they where trying to do, then I'll just agree to disagree, dude. It's your opinion. Doesn't make it less dumb to me.
I want to add that Persona 4 is more like Scooby Doo. It's a great game, its tone isn't really the usual suspects though, it's more Japaneesy and very lighthearted in its style and presentation even though it does have a murder mystery.

The Usual Suspects is something more like L.A Noire or Heavy Rain ( even though I didn't like Heavy Rain ). Persona 4 is still great though.
Well what d'ya know? It exists.
My point is that you would take one person's view to trample over everything else. Take Tameem's words, he actually wrote that thing (it's really hit and miss for me), take the actual people that had a point to make in the story are to blame.
And Tameem himself has been voicing his desire to want to make video games considered a serious art form. Her statements and Tameem's own coincide with one another.

Stop actually putting this "Shakespearean" bs as fact. The game's story isn't great. That is true, but to trample as if they where trying to make this "Shakespearean" is what irks me off. You see what I'm getting at? That's what's just idiotic to uphold here.
They were trying to make it serious art is my only point, and people in this thread claimed otherwise.

If you continue to say that this is what they where trying to do, then I'll just agree to disagree, dude. It's your opinion. Doesn't make it less dumb to me.
Seriously, you're flying in the face of not only the actor's statements released in a developer diary but Ninja Theory and Tameem's own views on games.

I meant that the twist in the P4 story is a lot like the twist in The Usual Suspects. Sacri is right, though, it's a lot like Scooby Doo combined with Monster Squad.

I prefer to say that it's Harry Potter combined with Dexter. But to each his own.

The first edition of Persona 4 is on the PS2. The second edition was Persona 4 Golden, which came out in November. I haven't been able to put it down. Which is why I haven't been posting here as much.

Note if you do decide to play either version of P4:

Start on Easy Mode. This game is hard, on any difficulty level, especially for newbies.

Catch every Persona in the dungeons that you can. Don't worry about fusions, just fuse the ones you want/need like Incubus, Black Frost and Trumpeter.

Save up on TaP sodas, Soul Drops, and Snuff Souls and use only two game days for each dungeon (not counting the first time you enter, which is more or less an extended tutorial).

Never check the fridge unless you come home from dungeon crawling. The food in there will take up an entire time block. It's a good thing because you can't do anything else after dungeon crawling, and you don't want waste a whole time block because of fatigue.

Always find something to do. Fill out every space in the time block that you can. Never "do nothing" and waste a whole time block.

Finish every Social Link that you can. Make sure to find a matching Persona with each Social Link.

Fuse Incubus as soon as you can (level 30, I think) and level him up to get Spirit Drain. After that, you can explore the dungeons all you want.

Before you can do that, however, go back to the first floor of the first dungeon and use physical strikes to defeat easy enemies so that you can spam cash for the fox that gives you Spirit Points. They're really expensive, so, you'll always need a ton of cash.

Reset the game every time you study so that you can get double the Knowledge Points. It has a 50/50 percent chance of happening, so, you don't need to reset that often.

Reset if you get a pop quiz answer wrong, if you want. For test weeks though, don't bother.

Other than that, I would have to post an entire walkthrough for you to really get into really get into the mechanics. But even then, following a walkthrough to the letter is a pain. Just play and have fun.

Don't worry about your mistakes, either. New Game Plus is easy because you can carry most of your stats over. You can even play on Hard Mode at this point, if you wanted to.

Good luck.
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I already agreed to disagree dude. Let it go, you dunce.
You agreed to disagree while posting a long comment elaborating on why you thought what you thought in the exact same fashion. If you wanted to just let it go you would've just left instead of coming back to try to get the last word.
I meant that the twist in the P4 story is a lot like the twist in The Usual Suspects. Sacri is right, though, it's a lot like Scooby Doo combined with Monster Squad.

I prefer to say that it's Harry Potter combined with Dexter. But to each his own.

The first edition of Persona 4 is on the PS2. The second edition was Persona 4 Golden, which came out in November. I haven't been able to put it down. Which is why I haven't been posting here as much.

Note if you do decide to play either version of P4:

Catch every Persona in the dungeons that you can. Don't worry about fusions, just fuse the ones you want/need like Incubus, Black Frost and Trumpeter.

Save up on TaP sodas, Soul Drops, and Snuff Souls and use only two game days for each dungeon (not counting the first time you enter, which is more or less an extended tutorial).

Never check the fridge unless you come home from dungeon crawling. The food in there will take up an entire time block. It's a good thing because you can't do anything else after dungeon crawling, and don't want waste a whole time block because of fatigue.

Always find something to do. Fill out every space in the time block that you can. Never "do nothing" and waste a whole time block.

Finish every Social Link that you can. Make sure to find a matching Persona with each Social Link.

Fuse Incubus as soon as you can (level 30, I think) and level him up to get Spirit Drain. After that, you can explore the dungeons all you want.

Before you can do that, however, go back to the first floor of the first dungeon and use physical strikes to defeat easy enemies so that you can spam cash for the fox that give you Spirit Points. Those are really expensive, so, you'll always need a ton of cash.

Reset the game every time you study so that you can get double the Knowledge Points. It has a 50/50 percent chance of happening, so, you don't need to reset that often.

Reset if you get a pop quiz answer wrong, if you want. For test weeks though, don't bother.

Other than that, I would have to post an entire walkthrough for you to really get into really get into the mechanics. But even then, following a walkthrough to the letter is a pain. Just play and have fun.

Don't worry about your mistakes, either. New Game Plus is easy because you can carry most of your stats over. You can even play on Hard Mode at this point, if you wanted to.

Good luck.
Holy ****! That's a lot of things to do and remember. And this is why I suck at RPGs especially if they're "timed" like this. Curse you Majora's Mask (not a RPG though, but still, "timed"), I couldn't beat you as a little kid because of my poor videogame skills back then. But I beat you when I was older. Can't wait to play Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII with its "timed" gameplay. Yay . . .
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