I know right? Sloppy storyline, a new Hero who aside from the Devil Bringer (in which we don't have so much free use. We can use the snatch, but otherwise they created a whole different cut-scene-like sequence for each monster. I appreciate their work and all, but since the game/Nero is pretty much this hand, I would prefer to do with it as I pleased, like with the sword) the only new thing about him (gameplay wise), is the ability to Rev. Otherwise every of Nero's combos could be Dante's. In my opinion, giving him a huge sword like Dante's was a mistake, but of course they wanted for Nero to replace Dante so it's understandable.
Allow me to disagree here. From the moment the game starts, we get a preach about who Sparda is and what he has done. Even we the "old" fans don't know much about him. Only his appearance (which is only a costume in the end), his weapons and that he is the father of Dante and Vergil. All these info are neat, I'll agree, but a new fan doesn't need to know them to accept Nero. All they know is that Sparda is some super powerful guy, revered as a god. Pretty awesome to use him as a reincarnation or using someone with his blood/powers. So yeah, making a character connected to that badass,
could appeal to fans. According to Capcom's mind it already worked the first time, with Dante.
Continuing with what I said, people don't really need to bother. Capcom hoped they wouldn't feel the need to bother, that's why they included the story of DMC thing. Capcom hoped to create a new fanbase around Nero, that's why it didn't even bother trying to connect the dots of some of the previously unanswered questions. So, they only went with this: A new guy, still connected to the legendary Sparda, new character, new powers to appeal to new fans - we can't be using Dante forever (Vergil: Foolishness Capcom, foolishness
) so why shouldn't it work? And that's what they did. Created a young Dante with new moves. And awesome moves, I'll admit. However that's all there is about him. It's nice shrouding him in mystery to make him more interesting, but if you are not going to reveal who he is then instead of interesting, it becomes annoying Capcom. He could have found a single book in Sanctus' place or something explaining his origins. Just ONE cut-scene, but no. Oh well.
That's where they fail again. They didn't screw up with Nero. They screwed up with Devil May Cry 4 as a whole. I know many people who only have played Devil May Cry 4, and prefer Nero to Dante. This for me, a veteran of the Devil May Cry series, is incoceivable (Dante ftw!) but it shows me that in their original plan Capcom DID succeed, and Nero IS loved. However when you make the plot to the game a joke, because that's what it is. Every character goes back and forth changing their mind and doing foolish actions without meaning.
Examples: Agnus doesn't like Nero because he can. He is afraid Nero will destroy his secret lab. So what does he do? Attack Nero. Yeah, well, of COURSE your place is going to be wrecked mister. You could just say you're a member of the order and ask Nero not to touch anything. But nooo, you don't like Credo either so you wanted to annoy him by killing his friend.
Credo has his priorities wrong as well. I like Nero. Now they tell me to beat him. Even though I like him, it's an order so I will do it, there's nothing wrong with that. Hey wait, they use my sister! Bastards! Nero, we're cool now
Dante, please save Nero.
And Dante is the best example. He goes to Fortuna. Has Trish infiltrate the order and give them the Sparda as a means to acquire a good rank and learn of their plans. Dante is bored with that approach so he goes and kills everyone. After that he goes for a stroll in the jungle. Then he finds Nero and asks for Yamato. He beats him but doesn't take it. etc. etc.
Nero's character WAS well received. It's because they made a half-assed job in both his origins AND DMC4 story, that it didn't go well. But alas they missed the point or they became tired with dealing with the old DMC, and gave a new shot with the reboot. That's how I see it anyway.