Not to sound like I'm poo-pooing Jump Canceling or anything, because I'm not. Although I am with Chance on them, because I never really liked watching videos where all that's being done is cancels into the same move over and over again. The sad part is my first exposure to JCing was a whole damn lot of that stuff, and it really turned me off to it. I understood the application of it (I even used it for rapid firing shotgun shots), but seeing it done in a way that turned the combos into a twitchy-looking mess went against everything I loved about DMC - it didn't look cool at all! I think it might have been the way things go though, where the meta is changed by the discovery of this new ability, and so for a while all the stylish combo vids overused them. I really began to like Cedrus' combo vids because it was more about setup and such, and not just twitchin' out in the air.
Yeah, there's TONS of little nods to the classic games that have gone largely ignored, overshadowed by that wig gag.
Check out this DMC1-era image that, as far as I know, only ever appeared in a Japan-only artbook. Look familiar?
Unfortunately I missed the last stream some hours ago...
Was there anything new? What can we expect for the future? Damn, I missed that chance, lol.
You're going to need to get familiar with twitch.
Oh, yesterday I tried to watch the twich, but it was already over. That's why I asked if I missed anything...
Now that the twich is available, my previous post probably shouldn't exist anymore, lol.![]()
There's a jump cancel in the original DMC3 e3 trailer (after the air hike) at 2:42It certainly did, after it was discovered TrueStyle tournaments had a vast amount of canceling. I'd like to think over time their use mellowed into a perfect blend that puts together form and function, rather than all dat twitch.
Speaking of, looking back at the DMC3 Crazy Gameplay Video, if at the time the dev's pinnacle of showing off "crazy gameplay" had zero Jump Canceling, I'm more inclined to believe that it was a serendipitous glitch...
...granted, there's still some Enemy Steps used for good measure, but not exactly for Jump Canceling as we know it today.
Either way, it's a pretty neat trick to learn and utilize. If only Dante's Bold Cancel in MvC3 was easy enough to figure out![]()
I think it does matter how they're turned. I think I did it once without turning them but that was probably from AI issues.On another note, I was thinking about this today with DmC: there's those tutorials around for turning enemies around so you can pop them back to you with kablooey and such, but is turning them around an integral part of doing such a thing? I feel like I may have done it without it, or I may have totally not noticed that I had turned the enemy around![]()
All enemies have a different stagger with kablooy ive noticed. Some fall on their backs some stagger back a couple steps or so. Learning enemies ques are essential for set ups.I think it does matter how they're turned. I think I did it once without turning them but that was probably from AI issues.