DmC Definitive Edition for PS4 & Xbox One

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I don't mean to rehash the Vergil topic, but I don't think the "change of heart" thing was rushed. Though it was predictable that Vergil was gonna be an enemy, let's not forget that it was Dante who 'betrayed' Vergil and misunderstood what Vergil meant. Vergil wanted to "protect" and "respect" the humans while Dante doesn't want any of that, he just wants humanity to be free. It's like in the real world where the NSA exist and some people wanna boycott it.

Honestly, before I played Vergil's Downfall, I still didn't think Vergil was a villain, he was just misunderstood.
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I still didn't think Vergil was a villain, he was just misunderstood.

Alright guys, back on topic before LOD says, "Russian Bear will now give out warning!"



How long do you think it'll be before the price goes down?

This was all I could think of to get back on-topic.
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I did mean to ask one thing before I put that on hold for the 'missundaztood' thing. There's this cutscene where Dante gets his Devil Trigger and he lands on the ground and all the enemies launch in the air. I wonder if it's going to be the same with hardcore mode enabled? That's gonna look funny tho. In the cutscene, the enemies will be in the air helplessly and then it goes back to the game and it's like "nope. we're still here to kick your ass."
In the cutscene, the enemies will be in the air helplessly and then it goes back to the game and it's like "nope. we're still here to kick your ass."
Yeah, I was actually thinking about this yesterday... is time still slowed down or are the enemies able to move at normal speed?
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I'll say my peace and then I'll bounce.

As for Vergil, I found his DmC incarnation even more lame, with that sudden "change of heart" that anyone could see coming.

Sorry to say, but this just means you were really not paying attention to the things Vergil was actually doing in the game. Par for the course though, if you say that you yawned whenever he came onscreen. The sad part is that Vergil suffers from his character source being evil, so people expect him to "turn" at some point in DmC, out of tradition for that source material. However, Vergil does do this (out of tradition) but people see he is "good" in the beginning of DmC, and constantly wait for that turn, without bothering to pay attention to the finer details of what Vergil is doing.

At the same time, however, this isn't to say that the hints were easily noticed, the evidence is there, but it requires those last moments of Vergil's "turn" to pain the rest of the picture. All throughout the game he makes some questionable choices that are written off as a man sacrificing things for the greater good, but in the end we see that those sacrifices were made incredibly willingly because he doesn't hold humans to high regard, and the only greater good he was concerned with was his own as a nephilim.

Also - you are succumbing incredibly easy to melodrama, something that Asian work is just full of. It's very effective at making an audience feel something in the moment which is great for , but it doesn't last as long because it's all emotional idea, without enough emotional substance. You're right though, Lady shooting Arkham was very impactful, one of the only truly impactful moments in the classic franchise because it had tons of emotional substance, as is Dante reaching out to Vergil at the end of DMC3. Something like Credo's death, on the other hand, falls short because it's just a faithful servant dying at the hand of the leader he trusted. The melodrama can be entertaining, but that doesn't quite make it a high caliber of storytelling.

Okay, time to make like a fetus and head out of this topic.


On-topic, I sure am excited for that DmC-DE-! Very intrigued to see that new cutscene to see what they wanted to get in there. I know it won't be anything substantial, but I'm curious nonetheless.
@TWOxACROSS thanks for your opinion man, especially since it's expressed in such a polite way :smile:

I didn't ment to question storytelling when I talked about emotional scenes, I just meant to say that Itsuno's work in DMC3 and 4, in terms of just sheer cinematic cutscene direction (the way he moves the camera, the coreography, the shots, the visuals, imagery, the way the music kicks in etc), is superior, as far as I'm concerned, in both action and dramatic scenes (I don't know about you guys, but I often feel that some movie directors out there should learn how to shoot some scenes from videogames sometimes). I also realize though, that this is a field where subjectivity maters too, a lot.
Though I feel some people here have misunderstood that, thinking that I utterly despise DmC in that department, which is not true. Heck, there are certain moments I jizzed on my screen. As well as moments where I was shaking my head in DMC.
I'm actually thinking of making a thread listing those that I consider the best directed moments in both DMC and DmC... I'll have to rewatch the cutscenes though, so I should probably wait until DmC DE is released, since there will be a new cutscene in it.
And probably DMC4 SE too, since maybe there will be some cutscenes with Vergil...

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Interesting that you say that considering the fact that I've seen 10 slapped around a lot when it comes to Bayonetta 2. I personally can't say anything about the game due to the fact that I haven't played it.

Its a 9/10 in terms of how it plays, the visuals, the music. It when you compare the game to the first one, it plays differently.

Bayonetta 2's normal speed is like DmC running on Turbo Mode. Bayonetta 1 wasn't like that. Bayonetta 1 was a slower game, but it was more about skill and timing. Bayonetta is less about that, and more about bashing buttons as fast as you can while avoiding an enemy you can barely see attack you. Its no where near as good as Bayonetta 1 (imo).

Technically DmC is a much better game in terms of Dante's air mechanics, the camera angles, the way you can link weapons togther. Bayonetta 2 dosen't play like that. Its better than DmC because it contains a lot more moves and the weapons allow for big finishers.
I agree with Judge on Bayo 2 and as Ive stated previously, it is a button masher, and I don't think you'll be finding any combo videos of the game. Maybe a few perfect runs, but that's it.

I agree, Bayonetta 1 was a more satisfying combat experience. Bayonetta 2 is a button masher. I'm glad Platinum Games didn't do DMC5 or something like that now. Ninja Theory did much better with DmC, the only issue is that Bayonetta 2 outclasses DmC in how many moves avaliable. DmC dosen't come close to that number of moves.
I agree, Bayonetta 1 was a more satisfying combat experience. Bayonetta 2 is a button masher. I'm glad Platinum Games didn't do DMC5 or something like that now. Ninja Theory did much better with DmC, the only issue is that Bayonetta 2 outclasses DmC in how many moves avaliable. DmC dosen't come close to that number of moves.

I don't know about that though. I felt Bayo 2 was just more fun with all the weapons from both the first and second game added in. Plus, there's still fun to be had in classic button mashers. Bayo 2 doesn't really strike me as that though. In terms of comparison to DmC, I do agree that Bayo 2 has more moves. The reason DmC has less moves is because NT wanted Dante to have a single weapon to do the attacks needed. Like why put in a roundtrip with the sword if you have Aquilis's round trip? Comparing Bayo 1 and Bayo 2, I've felt a bit more fun with the second one because of the combo variety and sheer things going on. Though Bayonetta 1 was better with the final boss battle then Bayonetta 2.

I hope if DmC get's a sequel after this Definitive Edition that they do something like they did in Bayo 1 with the final boss.