I've just found some news....

edit: It seems someone else posted the video, but at least the description is new, lol.
- Footage is a mixture of the Xbox One and PS4 versions.
- Music track is "Barbas Theme" off the DmC Noisia soundtrack.
- 0:25 - Triple Angel Evade. This is new to Definitive Edition
- 0:28 - Circling Osiris Streak - This was technically doable before, but much more practical to execute with the manual lock-on--pretty much works no matter what, as long as you're locked on.
- 0:40 - Caliber chasing. Doable without manual lock-on, but the hard tracking makes it a more reliable/exploitable(?) technique. Try it out and do cool things!
- 0:44 - Another crazy circling Osiris Streak.
- 0:56 - The action syncing up with the music here is what we call a "happy accident."
- 1:05 - Dodging to the side while locked onto an enemy will cause Dante to circle around the enemy, allowing all sorts of new tactics. Note the reduced input time for the Stinger, allowing me to dodge and sting all in one fluid motion. Dreamrunner doesn't know what hit him.

edit: It seems someone else posted the video, but at least the description is new, lol.