Devil may Cry Movie 2010

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Lol no they didn't. Matrix looked as if they were trying not to hit or hurt each each other and actually every Matrix movie looked this way, you can tell they were not pros at what they were doing. Matrix 2 and 3 for an example used ALOT of CGI because of the limits of what the actors could do. War was a good movie actually but still looked fake which I'm a Jet-Li fan, Transporter 2 is cool but the fight scenes seriously have nothing on FF:AC off the wall fight scenes. The fight scenes in a CGI can go far beyond with no limits really because they are not using Real Live actors, well maybe some motion captures but that's about it.

See I liked the RE movies but then again they were nothing like the games at all. This is why I didn't see the point of them even making the movie if its not going to portray the series. It's like a Zombie movie that says RE. I just don't want to see that happened with a DMC movie.
a movie doesnt have to be the game exactly to give be amazing like the games....the stories can differe a bit...though dmc has to be dante and the whole story blah blah blah...but with all the "off the wall" action in cgi, it doesnt do the game justice cuz it looks just like a game...the audience can't relate to that..people like movies they can relate if u have action that is so far from believable,why not just make it a game...if u have so much cgi, why not just make another game and put it in a cutscene...i mean really...that would give them so much more money, which is all they care about...where's with liveaction, people go to theatres to see...they like relating...they like to see something that's believable no matter how far-fetched it is
Zato does have a point - liveaction DMC will look ridiculously fake because, as we know, gravity apparently doesn't exist for Dante and company. The effect will be similar to the Dragon Ball movie - disappointing and downright laughable at times. And, I wouldn't want Hollywood to even touch the series unless they're going to ad something canon to the story line.

In defense of the RE and DB movies, though, I have to say, it wasn't all that bad. I was able to relate to the characters a lot more, which is a major accomplishment on the director's side because prior to the movies I didn't realize they were based off existing material.

And GGC has a really good point about that, too. The relating bit. I thought FF:AC was brilliant as far as CGI goes, because I am in total lust with CGI movies - but I didn't get it. I didn't play the game, so to me, having them run around and screaming 'mother' had me laughing in confusion. I just couldn't relate to any of it. Yeah, the fight scenes were kickass, but the storyline? What storyline? It was like a long cutscene they decided to copy to dvd and call a movie. So I understand where you're coming from in this perspective GGC.
GamblingGambitCloud;190816 said:
a movie doesnt have to be the game exactly to give be amazing like the games....the stories can differe a bit...though dmc has to be dante and the whole story blah blah blah...but with all the "off the wall" action in cgi, it doesnt do the game justice cuz it looks just like a game...the audience can't relate to that..people like movies they can relate if u have action that is so far from believable,why not just make it a game...if u have so much cgi, why not just make another game and put it in a cutscene...i mean really...that would give them so much more money, which is all they care about...where's with liveaction, people go to theatres to see...they like relating...they like to see something that's believable no matter how far-fetched it is

I see what your saying BUT who can really relate to Dante or anyone in DMC? They live amongst a world where Sparda is basically Jesus and demons the size of buildings run wild. Its just not a series you can really relate to even if it was a live action film. If they did make it a RLA film and it hit the movies then it will make more money then a CGI depending on what actors they use and that's just sad to me. People who know nothing about this series will love the movie while the people who actually follow this series will feel left out and disappointed.
Zato-OW;190821 said:
I see what your saying BUT who can really relate to Dante or anyone in DMC? They live amongst a world where Sparda is basically Jesus and demons the size of buildings run wild. Its just not a series you can really relate to even if it was a live action film. If they did make it a RLA film and it hit the movies then it will make more money then a CGI depending on what actors they use and that's just sad to me. People who know nothing about this series will love the movie while the people who actually follow this series will feel left out and disappointed.

lemme counter that with my own question...who can relate to any movie? like the matrix for example....or dragon heart....sweeny todd....any of them...who has been theough any of it? no one...yet the audience still makes the connection because they see and feel the raw emotion...and that effect just doesn't hit you the same in cgi
Why because its a real actor? Reading a good novel gives out raw emotion too and your reading nothing but words you can only imagine what the person is feeling. See what I did there? I've seen a lot of sad animes that gives out just as much emotion as RLA movies. There is a dark line if the story isn't real and that's what I'm trying to say. When you know its not real it won't hit you the same as a movie that we know is real like most WW2 films.
That's the thing, the emotion ISN'T REAL! They ARE ACTORS!!!!! FAKE EMOTIONS! You ever seen the movie AI? It's very much like that.
It depends if the movie is based on real events or not. Well at least for me it does. I can't speak for everyone else but if I know the movie I'm about to watch will be science fiction then I won't take the actors seriously. If it's a realistic(Like a WW2 film) war movie then I usually have a different feeling about it because I know it really happened and its in the present time and possible future. If a animation and a RLA movie are both science fiction then they usually leaves the same affects seeing as we know they both aren't real events.
Okay if you say so. People see things differently and me and you just see things different. I just feel that DMC is better off on the CGI route unless Capcom wants to only make cash which is a shame because they are already billionaires.
Well in DMC you play out the actual fights so in the cut-scenes they just leave most of the action out. They can use a CGI to clear up a lot of plot holes and screw ups they have done in the series.
I expect if a dmc movie is made people will be looking for plotholes and screwups anyway. (i know i will ;))
If they cover everything in one session about things that actually matter like Vergil being killed by Mundus or not then it would be perfect. The plot holes in this game are just from things not being explained well. They pretty much cleared up most things that happened with DMC3 and DMC1. DMC4 is an exception because DMC5 isn't out yet.
so then why not make it at least sensible so people can enjoy the value of emotion and acting and make it live action instead of some long boring cutscene...that would be utterly pointless..because in case u haven't noticed, people don't like WATCHING videogames...they'd complain that it wasn't a game with which case people would be causing capcom more ****
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