Devil May Cry: Demon's Crisis

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Orrick went limp in Tyther's hand, but Tyther hit his skull full force anyway. He tossed the slumped body into the tiny trash bin inside the bar and turned to Resa. "Want me to get rid of that? I know a perfect spot for it."
Solid turned to the other, and smirked. "My name? Heh, Solid of course. After my father Solidus." he remarked heartedly. He then wiped the blood from his face and spit what went into his mouth onto the floor. "Can't you see the resemblance?"
"Well no cause this is the firts time i hear the name". He droped his guard and sayed his name. "My name his Moises, i am a human thought im used to see demons, you gived that man a good kick in the ass".
Tyther looked at Resa and looked back at Solid incredulously. "Seriously? I'm not ready for that kind of commitment. Besides, I bet she'd much rather kill me than date me. And that was kinda cruel. I never make comments like that to you. Just because I'm the younger brother doesn't mean you get to pick on me you know..."
"Relax. There's no need to get flustered younger brother." Solid said calmly. He then though about the fist comment he made and laughed. "She wants to kill you? HA! You act as though i'd let her try." he said trying to assure him. "I guess that's your luck huh, Tyther?"
ziz finally found the bar. he walked in. he looked around and then said " oh come on. after all that time i wasted trying to find this place. the bar is trashed and... is that a corpse in that trashcan?!" then suddenly a dagger appeared in his hand. he tossed it towards a beer bottle sitting on on of the surviving tables. the dagger peeled the cap off the bottle without damaging or disturbing it in any way. he walked over and picked up the bottle " this better be worth the terrible decorating in this place."
He looked at his feet. "Yeah. My luck's always been bad. I mean, I suppose being part wolf is supposed to be an honor, but it's brought nothing but trouble for me. And I don't think she wants to kill me, I just think she'd rather do that than date me. I mean, I'm not that physically appealing, if you catch my drift." He looked around the bar, and then noticed the trashed window. He winced when he caught sight of it. "Okay, I suppose that was my fault because Mr. tall-dark-and-evil threw me there. I don't have any money to fix it though..."

Tyther turned as the door opened. He tried extremely hard not to snicker when the newcomer exclaimed at the sight of the body, but couldn't suppress his awe at the man's knife skills. "How did you learn how to do that?" He asked incredulously.
ziz looked curiously at the lycantrope in front of him. " heh... no one with fur has ever asked me a qestion before. the answer is simple. practice. i know that is a lame answer but it's true. there are no tricks to it. just my amazing skill... so what happened here anyway."
Solid scowled at the newcomer then turned away slightly. "Who is our new guest?" he called pressing, sounding sort of anxious. Solid was growing tired of this place, and sighed at his brother. "Don't get too surprised." he said to his brother.
Tyther looked around and put his hands on his hips. "Where do I begin... Well, I fell off a building, ended up getting half-dragged here, got a drink, went to the bathroom, Moises, that guy over there, showed up, my brother showed up after the guy you see in the trash got here, and then we kinda killed him. Long story cut short, it's been one hell of a day." He thought for a moment and added. "I'm half human, but it really doesn't show, does it? Oh, almost forgot. Do you have a name?"
Solid stayed silent, awaiting the man's answer. Thinking to himself 'Skillful, ha! don't make me laugh.' of course this was his ****y over confident self. Though it seemed to be turned up a couple of notches more than usual. Solid found himself maybe coming of slightly as rude.
ziz answerd tyther " i can't beleave its reached the point where i have to introduce myself. its been years since i''ve encoutered anyone who dosen't know. i am ziz. the world best weapon smith and one of the best devil hunters. the best currently avalible to be exact and i'm not the only one to say that."
"Hmph... sn' that a coincidence..." Solid said with a smirk. "I myself, am known as the Devil Hunter--Hunter... IF you know what I mean." the young wolf ****ed his head back and looked to his brother. "So does that mean you kill demons on sight?" he asked mockingly with a hint. "Guess I better watch out then." he chimed with a hint of sarcasm, clearly not taking the hunter's words seriously.
ziz looked at solid with mild amusment. his shadow dissapeard and suddenly there was a compleatly black figure behind solid. it grabbed solid and held him in place. ziz drew his kodachi and pointed it at solid's throat. " im not one of those silly kids playing at fighting demons. only those with the blood of sparda have ever been able to challange me. the powers i have gained are more than you could hope to defeat. i didn't give up my humanity for cheap tricks." suddenly ziz smiled " but killing you whouldn't be any fun i'd much rather just relax so try not to cause any trouble." he sheathed his sword. and the figure holding solid dissapeared. " so dose anyone here know how to have any fun"
"Huh its looks like we got a frozen one around here". He walked towards Solid and asked him. "Do you are ok i think this guy as more power that we thinked". He walked slowly behind Ziz and asked. "Dont you have something more to do that messing around".
Tyther grabbed the man. "Okay, first off, we weren't gonna hurt you, but if you want to hurt my brother, you have to go through me. And if you try that shadow trick, I can just dispel it. Shadows can survive in the light, and that's exactly the element that I can control." He was bluffing, but if the man called his bluff, he was finished. "So, lay off buddy."
Embarassed, and ****ed of about the fact that a hunter could catch him off his guard, he immediately retaliated. "Sparda? My father could have defeated Sparda easily, if it weren't for the treacherous demon king destroying him. Though he was a loyal servant to that scum, he killed him fearing his power. Unfortunately for him, he was killed by Sparda... the one who should have died in my father's place!" Solid stood up and gripped the handle of his blade angrily. "Your pathetic abilities are miniscule at best, when tested against those of a true demon." Solid in the blink of an eye was face to face with the hunter. "Don't underestimate this demon's power, it may cost you your life."
Moises walked towards Tyther. "Drop him he doesnt look like if him is going to respond". Moises put his hand in Tythers shoulder. " Even if you control light, we dont have why to maked the bar looking worse".
Tyther reluctantly released his grip on Ziz. He hardened his gaze and stared long into the man's eyes. "If you EVER hurt my brother again, you'll have the both of us to answer to. Now if you'll excuse us, we have a bar to clean up." He motioned to Solid to put his sword away. "He's not worth our time. It'd be much faster if he was just kicked out of the bar."