I am hoping that all weapons will have at least 6 mid air moves, including swordmaster:
That would be awesome, they could make so much variety there.
Another idea is super moves. These could be done by holding L1 then releasing, and pressing a button. This would do alternative demon release attacks. In DMC3 you just had the one explosion, but you could have like:
Hold L1, release, triangle - Super combo for the weapon which is equipped. So Dante transforms whilst doing the attack, and uses up appropriate orbs for how long you held L1, and it does proportionate damage. Kind of like the super combos in Street Fighter etc.
Hold L1, square - super combo with gun
Hold L1, X - super jump, could cause an explosion on the ground, sending Dante really high - could hit enemies above like a missle, and hit enemies ont he ground at launch because of huge fireball
Hold L1, O - Super Style move - depending on which style you are on at the time. So you would have alternative sword and gun combos for each weapon, and you would have a super trickster move - maybe you get an extra Dante appear per orb used up, busting out across the screen really quick, smacking things in the proximity. And with royal guard it could be a super tough release palm strike.
Also I'd like to see a wider variety of taunts, so you could press a direction + select to choose from 4 taunts for the level that you're at, meaning you'd have a total of 21 taunts. I get tired of hearing him say the same things.