Ofcourse they are. They might not be as powerful as modern computers but a 6 year old? Absolutly.Are next gen consoles strong enough to run Legendary Dark Knight mode? If so, that would be pretty damn awesome to have in the SE version.
I hope they give DMC4 Vergil a DmC alt.
That'd be dope to see him dressed in that awesome fit.
Meh, the only thing DMC4 really tries to say about Nero and Vergil's connection is that Vergil's soul helps Nero through the Yamato. Most likely, part of Vergil's soul was inside the Yamato, and that's why Nero heard ''a voice echo: power. Give me more power!'' The voice didn't come from his Devil Bringer, it came from the Yamato. Nero wanted more power, Vergil gave it to him through his Devil Trigger -- which is why Nero's Devil Trigger looks blue like Vergil's. So I think your theory is quite possible.The only problem is that they seem to go out of their way to imply that Nero has a connection with Vergil, but eeeeeeeh we'll have to wait and see what happens. Or maybe they should just get me to write it up and put the whole thing to rest.
To answer your question about what my problem is with 4 since I've mentioned that DMC4 was my least favorite game, next to DMC2, I guess.
Well, aside from the common complains, the backtracking, the story, and the characters, to start with I kinda have the same issues with DMC4 than I do with DmC. You probably remember that a lot of what was said about DmC's reason for been were also the same reasons for DMC4's choices. It started off with the 'We want to make a DMC game that everyone will like/will have western appeal,' and then I remember talk of wanting the game to sell super well, better than the previous games. A lot of what was said during development of DMC4 was repeated during DmC's and I thought that was a poor way to go about it with DMC4 and with DmC nor did I like the actual design choices they made because of said logic and values. Granted, I didn't like DmC off the bat and it took me a while to dislike DMC4's but ultimately I did admit to myself that I dislike those aspects of the games.
Now, for the things ones that are unique to DMC4. The first and possibly the thing I am most crossed with is the decision to make this game 'not scary so as to not frighten the women.' First of all women and horror are not like oil and water, quite the opposite, in fact, as there has been a surge of horror directors who happen to be women, and I happen to know more than a few who like a scare as much as any man, otherwise lines for the theatres to any horror movie would be devoid of women and that is just not the case. More important than that, though, is the actual decision to remove horror elements, even more than for whose sake/demographic it was done so for. Devil May Cry was born off horror survival and that was a huge part of what made DMC1 such an experience for me, what's give it it's lasting appeal when the gameplay has aged less than graciously. It already was heavily lacking from every title after but atleast they remember that you were fighting demons but in DMC4 there is nothing about those things that I would ever really call threatening or demonic. Yeah, Berial was impressive and very imposing but that's just about it.
Some smaller but still crucial aspects are the for example the architecture, the music, the designs, how tank-like Dante is, Nero's anemic gameplay, and a few other irks.
The architecture is too pretty, that's about it. Baroque, I think. The first few games had far more interesting architecture, from DMC1's mix of gothic, art nouveau, and Spanish, with Mexican Baroque for the book, to DMC2's modern and old European, and DMC3's fantasy and gothic designs, DMC4's just looks too clean and pretty. Yeah, Fortuna isn't an ancient, long abandoned city so for it to look as decayed or menacing as the other games but the old English/French look is just not much for ambiance. Yeah, great to visit but not that interesting for fighting the hordes of hell.
I can't be the only one annoyed with the music. The constant play of the battle themes, how there is only one per character and sometimes all you hear is the start because some fights are so short and unlike DMC1 and 3 and Bayonetta the song starts over if there is any small gap between fights rather than it continuing if the gap between fights is small enough so it would just fade back up where it ended. It gets on my nerves after only a little bit. Those intros just kill me now.
I don't like Dante's design, nor Angus', or Gloria's, or Lady's. The rest I can live with, Trish's doesn't really appeal to me, I rather get a more diverse one rather than a small alteration to the original but I'll live. Dante's face just doesn't really strike me as Dante's, and the outfit is kinda goofy. In 2 he looked bad ass, in 3 he looked like a rock star, and 1 doesn't really stick out for me but it worked well. Here, thought, I just can't look at him and think to myself that it's even an outfit that exists in the same universe as the other 3. Agnus is not interesting to me and looks like a cartoon character that shouldn't be real in the same reality as characters from 1-3. Gloria is just dressed so impractically and rather bizarrely; All that talk of Dante not been able to walk into a bar dressed like that but what about his one? I guess I shouldn't say that, I've seen some cosplayers really pulling it off. Lady is also really dressed impractically. Yeah, she's fill out in all the right places and I guess there's no harm in showing off if you got the goods but... lord.
Dante feels so heavy. He's so slow compared to DMC3 and not as animated. Even in the cutscenes he's so heavy and sluggish, like he's too sleepy to get out of the chair, where in DMC1 and 3 he was active and energetic, always pumped and ready to act. I can't use all the fancy tricks like JC'ing, or inertia, and all that jazz, I don't have the time to go on practising so as sure as I am that all that versatility makes him top notch I can't access it and so it's non existent for me and that means that he's heavy and dull compared to previous versions.
As for Nero been anemic, it's the same one other's have. Nero has so little in the way of weapon variety. I really would like more, even a glove to bitch slap and start duels with would work.
Everything else is small. The lock on here bugs me, it's not as competent as the ones in the previous games. I hate the big scarecrows and how the are so gelatinous when you hit them, there is no impact when you strike them. It feels like the enemies were all design to fight Nero and his arm so Dante often feels ill equipped when having to fight some of them. They removed so many moves from Dante in the transition from 3 to 4, like wall running. While I appreciate call backs to earlier DMC games I didn't really find the combos for Gilgamesh that interesting and would've prefered new combo animations instead. I don't mind changing weapons in the pause menu, there is no need to limit how many weapons Dante will get just because you can't access them all on the fly.
There's more but sufficient to say the little things pile up and because of the big things it gets harder to ignore them. I have a similar set of complaints for DmC but that's for another section and it's probably just as long winded. Bottom line I have a lot of complains about DMC4, big and small.
Sorry you asked?
Meh, the only thing DMC4 really tries to say about Nero and Vergil's connection is that Vergil's soul helps Nero through the Yamato. Most likely, part of Vergil's soul was inside the Yamato, and that's why Nero heard ''a voice echo: power. Give me more power!'' The voice didn't come from his Devil Bringer, it came from the Yamato. Nero wanted more power, Vergil gave it to him through his Devil Trigger -- which is why Nero's Devil Trigger looks blue like Vergil's. So I think your theory is quite possible.
Yes, but he doesn't say his *arm* echoed 'give me more power'. All he says is his arm changed, AND a voice echoed ''give me more power''. So first his arm changed, then he heard a voice (Vergil from the Yamato in Agnus's lab). I think he simply almost received his Devil Trigger in Mitis Forest -- he unlocked some of his potential, and that's when Vergil noticed him.I think his DT only looks that way because of Yamato (take DMC3 Vergil for reference, his trigger changed depending on the Devil Arm, same for Dante). And he says in the cutscene: "From that day forth my arm changed a vioce echoed, power, give me more power. So it indeed comes from the Devil Bringer.
That fudging hat lol.Except that hat.
Yes, but he doesn't say his *arm* echoed 'give me more power'. All he says is his arm changed, AND a voice echoed ''give me more power''. So first his arm changed, then he heard a voice (Vergil from the Yamato in Agnus's lab). I think he simply almost received his Devil Trigger in Mitis Forest -- he unlocked some of his potential, and that's when Vergil noticed him.
So no, I don't think it was his Devil Bringer. His Devil Bringer, after all, is blue and red. Vergil was blue as a devil, not blue and red, which means the arm is Nero's own arm.
I think Vergil quite obviously aids Nero when he goes into Devil Trigger -- that's the reason why he has summoned swords and says things like ''jackpot'' and ''scum'' when he taunts. That's the reason why he sounds like Vergil when he gets the Yamato.
Yeah, like I said, he heard Vergil's voice coming from the Yamato in Agnus's lab. His arm didn't say 'give me more power', the Yamato did. That's why it ''echoed'' -- it came from a long distance and felt weak in his mind. The closer he got to the Yamato, the crazier he got with his arm. And then when he finally got close enough (Agnus's lab), Vergil finally possessed him completely.But he's talking about the time his arm changend and that he began hearing a voice afterwards, which means he heard that voice before he got the Yamato. That was all I wanted to say about that, I'm not gonna go into therories here about where Nero came from or what the Devil Bringer itself is.
Ah well, I guess it's a matter of interpretation in the end, and not really worth arguing about, I just wanted to give my 2 cents on that matter.
What is this?! You make it sound as if DmC Devil May Cry was a Devil May Cry game or something!Okay guys, in all honesty, I think the reason Capcom included the DMC4: SE teaser at the end of DmC DE's Reveal is because, maybe---and this is just a crazy idea I'm throwing out, here---they consider both games to be part of the same franchise, or something.
What is this?! You make it sound as if DmC Devil May Cry was a Devil May Cry game or something!
Obviously besides the half demon cocky superhero talking smack to demons, wielding a multitude of weapons like guns and swords, with fast and furious combat obsessed with style and spectacle, over the top cheesy elements, fighting against evil's oppression, who eventually fights his polar opposite brother with a superiority complex obsessed with power, I don't see how it in any way shape or form it is a Devil May-
Wait a second.........![]()
I noticed it in some way. Original Devil May Cry made me think of all the stuff I liked while growing up, DmC makes me feel more like meh and not that fun and maybe a little of must shake my cane at the kids and yell at them to get off my lawn.The real reason is mostly because it's not the corn and cheese of anime and the nostalgia of 90's cool but DmC is more modern northern comics B-movie interpretation of cool.
Both games poke fun at tropes that they are built up from. I hate how no one here can see that and argues which had a more serious story.
Quite a bit of people here seem to be fans of basically only 3 and or 4. Thus the way they define the series as a whole, is pretty different than what really defines Devil May Cry.I noticed it in some way. Original Devil May Cry made me think of all the stuff I liked while growing up, DmC makes me feel more like meh and not that fun and maybe a little of must shake my cane at the kids and yell at them to get off my lawn.
Ever since I noticed how much that first time Dante and Trish meet reminds me of the old detective cliche (minus the fighting), I wished they made Dante a proper paranormal investigator. Stylish mercenary is certainly cool, but I'm a mystery fan first.
Quite a bit of people here seem to be fans of basically only 3 and or 4. Thus the way they define the series as a whole, is pretty different than what really defines Devil May Cry.
I'm not the only one here who believes there was a spirit and charm lost once Itsuno and his team took over.
That first video made me all tingly again, like when I first saw the teaser for DMC4 SE. His response was pretty similar to mine. Also, Shall Never Surrender being played after that... that fit so well. Really nice.I've had a fun time checking people's reactions to Vergil.
I swear, if it wasn't set up too perfectly I would think this was real.
It's a pretty solid bet DMC4 is still gonna be the dominate DMC game in terms of sales even with the DmC DE releasing, DMC4 sold 3 million copies and DmC sold around 1.2 million, so the DmC DE has to sell another 1.8 million copies to beat DMC4 which I don't think is likely.And honestly, as someone who does like DmC, I hope more people buy DMC4: SE than DmC DE. Why? Because it's my favorite game in the series...and if more people buy it, maybe it'll influence Capcom to make DMC5 more like its predecessor, instead of reviving all the horrible ideas from quite possibly the worst DMC game besides 2.