It's not just repeating the same levels over and over again. It's the game forcing you to repeat poorly made levels over and over again. When you're fighting, it's fine. But every other aspect is just BS. You might as well just replay Bloody Palace over and over again.
And I do replay Bloody Palace over and over again (when I have hours and hours of free time in one piece). Because gameplay gives good enough replay value that little else is necessary.
Why wouldn't you want the game to be better? I thought you liked Devil May Cry? If you sit back and accept the kind of quality DMC 4 provides with most of its bad design choices, then you're just saying you're ok with them giving you half assed games over and over again.
You're putting words in my keyboard. I never stated any of that. I just said that:
1) gameplay is the most important aspect of the game
2) backtracking does not really bother me
Would I like better designed levels, no backtracking, more innovation in weapons design etc.? Yes. But the fact that game has flaws doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable despite those flaws. DMC 4 is a good game that could be far better. But at least it is not some PoS game where designers made magnificent levels, huge weapons inventory, nice story too boot... and forgot to include quality gameplay.
Besides, most if not all of DMC 4s bad design choices were forced on it by rushed schedule. Backtracking? There wasn't enough time to design separate levels for Dante. Nero's limited arsenal and moveset? Again, while Dante already had many moves and weapons ready from before, there was no time to design good ones for Nero (though I have to say that Nero's arsenal and moveset does make sense from story perspective, considering his lesser experience). Stairway of Boredom?* Quite likely lack of time again.
*Also Stairway of Despair - a level where you fight all the bosses again before facing Sanctus.