Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition Review (HD ver.)

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What rating out of ten would you give the game personally?

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Ryu Yamato

Sep 22, 2014
Honestly, I'm just gonna straight up say that this is one of my favorite games, so there may be some bias here or there. While the story is nothing to write home about, it's still decent, but the characters and voice work was done excellently, especially Dante and Vergil. The game still looks great, and the HD treatment is definitely a step up above the original (obviously) and runs at a very smooth 60 FPS.
The gameplay is the main course of the game and boy, is it good. The depth presented within the combat engine is still unmatched by all but one game (that being DMC4), even by today's standards. The style system is done very very well, allowing the developers to give Dante a larger moveset than he ever had before, them being Swordmaster (enabling the user to perform melee-centric attacks), Gunslinger (giving guns the spotlight), Trickster (allows the player to have more maneuverability) and finally Royalguard (which gives the player the ability to block and counter). This allows for a range of players with different play styles to enjoy this game, as they can focus on the style they wish the play with, and level them up to increase moves and usefulness. The style gauge at the top right hand corner is also greatly improved from DMC. The style meter both increases and decreases rapidly, encouraging players to vary up their attacks and do it quickly. Also, this style gauge is not there just for show, however, this gauge serves a purpose of giving more red orbs (the game's currency) to the player the higher the style gauge. Another feature that links into the style system is the taunt mechanic. Taunting not only makes you look and feel cool, but is also raises your style gauge, making a cool little risk-reward system that is totally optional, giving players the opportunity to show off if they wish to do so.
The gameplay here offers up a ton of moves, swords and guns that allows the players to experiment to do as they please through the game, as it contains a variety of enemies, and even player created combos and techniques such as jump cancelling, distortion and flying. Not only does the game feature all of this, but it also contains a new playable character in the form of Vergil, Dante's twin. Though he doesn't have that many moves for each of his three weapons, he is able to carry three melee weapons (the dark-forged blade Yamato, Beowulf and a Force Edge and Yamato dual wield) at once, as well as a projectile weapon that allows players to shoot and melee at the same time. He feels good to play as and is super fun to play as too. Another feature of the special edition is the new Turbo mode feature that makes the game run 20% faster, making the already fast paced combat even more frantic and enjoyable.
As much as I would like to, I can't just keep saying how good this game is, so I'll need to address a few flaws. The first being the backtracking required throughout the game. While that isn't a particularly game breaking problem, it does feel a tad lazy and boring. Another thing that isn't great is the fact that Vergil doesn't have his own story and missions, which I don't mind too much, but it would have been nice to see a couple of new stages thrown in there for him. The biggest flaw that I can say about the game is that it feels somewhat...restricted. The fact that even though the game has 5 guns and melee weapons, it only allows you to bring 2 along with you, which I'm not quite sure what the reason is, it may have something to do with weapon switching becoming more cumbersome if you have so many weapons on you at once, but the game also only allows you to have one style selected at a time. This could have been easily sorted out by putting them on the d-pad (like in DMC4) but they put menus on the d-pad which easily could have just been out in the start menu, though implementing the Doppleganger and Quicksilver styles would be harder to do in this case.
Overall, the game remains to be one of the best games the Hack and Slash genre has to offer, and its popularity will not be fading away any time soon.
The reason why only 2 guns per type and one Style at a time were available is because of memory issues. Game memory and processing power wasn't enough to handle all that data simultaneously, which DMC4 was able to do cause of the better technology it relied on.

Today it's only possible to do that on PC thanks to the Style Switcher mod.
I've said my piece on this matter many times, and I don't feel I need to elaborate as much as I've already had. Putting it shortly, this game literally brought the worst part of Devil May Cry forward: it had the worst camera, the worst controls, the worst difficulty curve, the worst backdrops, the worst character designs, the worst soundtrack, and by and large the worst story. And those are my controlled opinions about the game.

It's not the worst Devil May Cry game by far, but it's the most disappointing one for me personally. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though. That's always good to hear.
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I've said my piece on this matter many times, and I don't feel I need to elaborate as much as I've already had.
While DMC3SE is my personal favorite, I understand your completely valid criticism from an objective standpoint.

What I actually did however, was make the negatives work for me (instead of letting them ruin my experience).

Wolf can't do that apparently, because he's not hardcore enough. :P
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I'm glad you enjoyed it, though. That's always good to hear.

It's also good to hear someone capable of express negative thoughts in a positive attitude.


As for me, pretty much agreed with the review.

Combat is, even today, only rivaled and surpassed by DMC4 in terms of depth and stylishness. Variety in combos, in an absolute sense, can even be considered superior to its sequel, since it has the richer arsenal in the series and 6 Styles instead of 5. Really too bad it has that limitation, but even then, you can still do a crap ton of stuff with one Style and 4 weapons.

The boss fights are almost all very good and inspired, with the exceptions of Hell Vanguard and Leviathan imo, and also Vergil 1.

Story is very well paced and overall, a step further compared to the previous two titles, and its sequel too, making it the best in the series.

As for the downsides, the worst thing has to be its platforming sessions, which really are a pain in the ass due to a terrible camera (thank GOD you can at least reset it with lock on in combat) and relatively stiff animations.

Soundtrack was personally a hit and miss with me, even though some tracks are memorable like Devil Never Cry or Sibling Rivalry.

Camera is a problem sometimes.

The PC port is something abominable and rightfully generally recognized as one of the worst ever made, and only gets on par with console versions because of mods (especially the awesome Style Switcher).

Backtracking is there, but it's a pretty short part and in comparison to DMC4, you won't even notice it LOL

Overall, I'd say it's still a great experience, it's a deep ass game, you can very well find yourself still learning the most advanced combos 10 years after its release (LOL like me).

It is arguably the most difficult DMC game, but don't be too scared, even a noob like me back then could beat it at Normal without too much frustration (SE, mind you).

A great ride.
DMC3 is an outstanding game and there is a reason why it is the prominent game in the franchise.

That, however, does not mean it's a perfect game.

For one, the inability to change styles and weapons, even in the pause menu, doesn't do the game any favors, hardware limitations or otherwise.

There are also a lot of really boring parts to this game. Sections where the game slows down and they feel more like a chore than real fun. I blame that on the atmosphere of the game; For all the things the game does better than the other games, it still lacks the atmosphere that made the first so great. Despite all the great visual and backgrounds there are a lot of areas that don't really animate the world and don't add much to the overall of the game so they are noticeably less than other areas and bring down the experience.

I can't think of which at the moment but some of the enemies are far more tedious than challenging. They are a real pain and find that the inability to really use anything but a single tactic on them can be quite a downer when going up against them.

There are a few weapons I will never use. For the most part, they are bad ass, but I won't be using all of them on a regular basis. I just find them less accessible than the rest and I just don't get the urge to use them that often.
DMC3 is my favorite game. It's got awesome action, great boss fights, has the best weapons of the series (imo), great level design and atmosphere, and I can't even tell you how many hours I've spent over the years listening to Devils Never Cry. I even like the story, for an overall campy/cheesy series (not a criticism, I kinda view DMC as the Evil Dead of video games) I kinda like the dysfunctional family sup-plot.
It's one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Fantastic combat, unforgettable bossfights, fun characters, best level design, weapon design and atmosphere in the whole series in my opinion, great soundtrack, it's fun to replay through and I actually enjoyed the pretty cheesy story. Sure, it's not perfect but a perfect game doesn't exist. Yes, it might seem dated to some people but it's still one of my favorite games of all time. No action game has come close to surpassing it for me.
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Games like Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs were nearly perfect (in accordance to my personal tastes, I mean).
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Games like Darksiders 2 and Sleeping Dogs were nearly perfect (in accordance to my personal tastes, I mean).

I'd agree. Still, as you said though, they might be nearly perfect for us but Darksiders 2 actually got a bunch of reviews which were saying that it's just decent. Which is also why I think there can never be a perfect game since there'll always be someone complaining about it. The only kind of a perfect game which could exist is a perfect game for you personally.
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I'd agree. Still, as you said though, they might be nearly perfect for us but Darksiders 2 actually got a bunch of reviews which were saying that it's just decent.
The gaming press was extremely unfair to Darksiders II, mostly because they were all jaded and considered it another "God of War"-clone like its predecessor. Even though, DS2 takes more inspiration from Legacy of Kain, than anything else... know, that game that God of War took EVERYTHING from.

Darksiders II is probably the closest thing we'll ever get to a hack n' slash RPG. Dragon's Dogma came close, but it leaned more towards RPG in some places. know, that game that God of War took EVERYTHING from.

Darksiders II is probably the closest thing we'll ever get to a hack n' slash RPG. Dragon's Dogma came close, but it leaned more towards RPG in some places.
I agree with this. DSII and Kingdoms of Amalur are probably the only things we'll get that's closest to the "Real Deal" (in terms of pure game mechanics, I mean).

Yeah, GoW took just about everything from Soul Reaver. It's both surprising and shameful that so many gamers out there don't know where the "True Original Sources" for some of these games come from.
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I agree with this. DSII and Kingdoms of Amalur are probably the only things we'll get that's closest to the "Real Deal" (in terms of pure game mechanics, I mean).

Yeah, GoW took just about everything from Soul Reaver. It's both surprising and shameful that so many gamers out there don't know where the "True Original Sources" for some of these games come from.
DAM i love the legacy of kain series to death and i never even considered that god of war took so much from it
thinking about it now its makes so much sense

it a really shame that more people don't know about legacy of kain there some of the best written games iv ever played

oh yeah DMC 3 ten outta ten
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@WolfOD64 Oh yeah, I can totally understand. Still, there was some valid criticism such as some bosses being a little disappointing, the game being less focused than the original and some dungeons being way too short.

@Vergilius Kingdoms of Amalur was judged too harshly. I actually loved the game and finished it unlike a few other rpgs like Skyrim.
@Foxtrot94 Aye. I mean, it was a good game and I enjoyed it but the main quest didn't keep me playing. Still, I don't usually finish RPGs, which is also why Kingdoms of Amalur was a pleasant surprise for me.
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i consider it a perfect complete game.

when it came out, it was a breakthrough, the control was top notch, story was top notch, camera was top notch, combat was top notch, only i don't understand about the combat having depth, never went deep into it, so..

the game made me feel like i'm watching a cool french movie with a good story, with me in it, the game was huge and grand for it's time, it felt long and tiring to finish, and one thing for sure, it set up standards for the genre..

the characters were perfectly portrayed, dante was a young loud rebelious teen with a background, vergil was our favorite type of anti-hero with a purpose, arkham/jester was a trickster with his own agenda, lady was a representation of human with all our limit in such a world.. the bosses were unique and memorable, the weapons were unique and memorable, our paths thru the game was unique and memorable..

the game was presented with a serious theme and added with slight humor, i'm seeing the humor as slight because it was to portray dante's youth, he wasn't clowny there, he was loud, confident, arrogant and a smug, youth are like that.. and i haven't played any game able to match the quality of DMC3..

PS : i never played the vergil part, like i said it felt long and tiring, and for me it's a waste of time to do it all over again with a different character --we are going the same path as dante playing as vergil right? i forgot.. anyway, something stopped me from playing vergil..

PS again : i'm not being biased, i love the game, but when it was released, the game was flawless unless somebody could point out a better game before dmc3 came out
inever went deep into it, so..

Aw really? Not even tried?

I was too noob at the time to do hard combos, but later, when I grew up and understood the mechanics better I delved deeper into it and man, a whole new way to play it opened to me, the way a Devil May Cry game is supposed to be played.

Even though I'm still here 10 years layer, trying to do gun cancel right and use Artemis' multi lock properly LOL

P.S: you didn't vote dude! XD