Devil May Cry 1 coming to the Switch (And now 2, as well (and 3, if you hadn’t guessed))

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Devil may cry 3 special edition is also coming to switch on February 20th 2020 along whit a triple pack that will contain devil may cry, devil may cry 2 and devil may cry 3 special edition...
I hate That dmc 3 Is called dmc 3 special edition in all the Switch promo images, I would have preferred it to be called by its real name Dante s awakening
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Devil May Cry 3 Team Teases "A Little Something Extra" For Switch Players

People are suggesting a style switch mechanic but that's not set in stone. Check the video of Matt Walker in the link for details.
I don't think they are going to change the gameplay and make style switch since it will totally change how dmc 3 work and it's also a new feature for dmc 4

Some people are speculating that they are going to add some dmc characters to super smash bros ultimate, or that they are going to add some extra costume to dmc3 releated to Nintendo character in game
I don't think they are going to change the gameplay and make style switch since it will totally change how dmc 3 work and it's also a new feature for dmc 4

Some people are speculating that they are going to add some dmc characters to super smash bros ultimate, or that they are going to add some extra costume to dmc3 releated to Nintendo character in game
To be perfectly honest, all I want is the ability to switch to any weapon through the pause menu. Style switch would be nice but weapon's switching, just like you could in 1 & 2, seems far more basic and obvious an addition to me.


people are only speculating on it because of these images

I think that might deconfirm it though, "ittle extra features" aren't exactly style switching unless they can now simply activate it due to less hardware limitations.
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unless they can now simply activate it due to less hardware limitations.
Why wouldn't they? The Switch has more than enough power to surpass a PS2. The idea is more than possible. It was done on PC, so it's not impossible, and they have the original staff (unlike DMC1), code, models and now the tech savvy to add any infinite number of things. Honestly, it's not even an unlikelihood.
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Was style switching out of dmc 3 because of hardware limitations?
Obviously no, since changing style was a stupid things that even a nes could have made it, it's like changing a weapon, leat alone if the switch could not be able to do that....

Not changing style in dmc 3 was a design choice so that player would have to adapt to the fight whit style they choose and decide what kind of style carry into mission and against each boss, it gives a more tactical approach to the game... Also it perfectly reflect the fact that dante is still in his youth and is learning his power step by step...

It was not until dmc 4 that the developer had the ideas to give dante the option to change style something that totally changed his gameplay in a good way, and it makes you feel like you are playing whit a more mature and capable dante, and it also reflect the more faster dmc 4 gameplay ...

If Capcom wanted they could simply put style switching into the game but it will ruin dmc 3 gameplay in my opinion, since the game was based on that, also I don't think Capcom will put an unique feature of the other dmc game in dmc 3 since there are Nintendo user that didn't play dmc 4, and if Capcom release dmc 4 on switch the style switching would have already been mastered in dmc 3, giving new player no real new gameplay mechanic when you reach dante part, since style switching was a major changing to dante gameplay in dmc 4
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Was style switching out of dmc 3 because of hardware limitations?
Yep. The PS2 didn't have the memory to hold the entirety of all of Dante's moves for every style. If it had the style system wouldn't exist. They would've just distributed the moves across the controller.
Yep. The PS2 didn't have the memory to hold the entirety of all of Dante's moves for every style. If it had the style system wouldn't exist. They would've just distributed the moves across the controller.
Is this confirmed? Because it look really strange since there are fighting game like tekken and every character on the ps2 had like hundreds of moves, the ps2 could not process 20 more moves for Dante?

Is this confirmed? Because it look really strange since there are fighting game like tekken and every character on the ps2 had like hundreds of moves, the ps2 could not process 20 more moves for Dante?
It's been common knowledge for ages. Around the time of DMC4, actually.
Is this confirmed?

It actually is. Back when DMC4SE launched, Itsuno said in an interview (it was published on Steam I think, or at least that's where I read it, might have been a copy/paste from some other site), when talking about Vergil's new moves, that he could finally expand his moveset and add new mechanics for him because back in DMC3SE, the amount of memory available didn't allow him to give Vergil much more than his already existing boss moveset from the original DMC3.

there are fighting game like tekken and every character on the ps2 had like hundreds of moves

Fighting games don't have to render whole interconnected levels with the considerably vaster amount of models, meshes and textures that require to be stored and loaded all at the same time. Like, a single mission in DMC3 requires so much more memory usage than a Tekken stage. So of course fighting games can spare the memory for huge movesets like that.

Berto is right, it was indeed a memory problem, however for the Switch version they might need to rework the enemy encounters if they wanna implement Style switching cause the game wasn't developed with that feature in mind. Could turn out to be more work than just adding Style switching in itself, so I'm not sure that's what it is. I think it's possibly just gonna be new costumes or modes.
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It actually is. Back when DMC4SE launched, Itsuno said in an interview (it was published on Steam I think, or at least that's where I read it, might have been a copy/paste from some other site), when talking about Vergil's new moves, that he could finally expand his moveset and add new mechanics for him because back in DMC3SE, the amount of memory available didn't allow him to give Vergil much more than his already existing boss moveset from the original DMC3.

Fighting games don't have to render whole interconnected levels with the considerably vaster amount of models, meshes and textures that require to be stored and loaded all at the same time. Like, a single mission in DMC3 requires so much more memory usage than a Tekken stage. So of course fighting games can spare the memory for huge movesets like that.

Berto is right, it was indeed a memory problem, however for the Switch version they might need to rework the enemy encounters if they wanna implement Style switching cause the game wasn't developed with that feature in mind. Could turn out to be more work than just adding Style switching in itself, so I'm not sure that's what it is. I think it's possibly just gonna be new costumes or modes.
Well That s weird as dante had more move than vergil if you equip two weapon and two gun, and swordmaster style... And game like God hand had more than 100 moves to do and thousand of combos to chain, strange

Well it could make sense than, but I still think it was a good design choice to not let you equip more than one style at a time, you had to me more careful has to Wich weapon and style you carry trought mission
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The thing is, Style switching isn't coded in the game, I believe they had to go around a bunch of hardcoded parts to get it in on PC, since the engine couldn't handle it originally.
I think it really depends on how easy it is for capcom to do and if they have the original source code still (wich I believe isn't always a thing)
they might need to rework the enemy encounters if they wanna implement Style switching cause the game wasn't developed with that feature in mind.
Well, they did it in DMC5 so maybe doing it on a less sophisticated game will be a far easier patch now that they've done it once, and with a much bigger game. I know they said 5's enemies would adapt to whatever Dante's active style was. I honestly didn't feel any difference in 3 with any of the styles but I've been know to miss details like that.
Well, they did it in DMC5 so maybe doing it on a less sophisticated game will be a far easier patch now that they've done it once, and with a much bigger game. I know they said 5's enemies would adapt to whatever Dante's active style was. I honestly didn't feel any difference in 3 with any of the styles but I've been know to miss details like that.

Well DMC5 was made using modern tech and designed for the ground up that way. DMC3 is not and made using 15 year old tech Capcom doesn't use anymore. Implementing style switching may be more complicated than people claim it is. However Capcom has made additions and upgrades to really old ports but those are minor upgrades and separate game modes like in the MegaMan and MegaMan X Legacy Collection and online functionality to their classic fighting games. I don't think they ever went back and added massive game changing features to decade(s) old games. But who knows.

I do find it funny so many people (especially those degenerates on Resetera) already assume its style switching. That picture actually doesn't confirm anything. Ohhh they tell you what style you're in a really cheap looking font you got off the internet. Wouldn't the HUD indicate style switching like in DMC4 and DMC5 HUD. It looks exactly like DMC3's HUD but with an extra cheap looking ugly font added on top. I mean if you played DMC4 & 5 you can tell where the styles would be on the d-pad (but what about Quicksilver and Doppleganger) but this is on the Switch so a good chunk of people picking this up probably never played DMC that much or at all. Would be negligent design on Capcom's part unless they fix that in the final release (but why not include it into the picture).

Also speaking of that not only that why would they outright give away their big new feature on the website (that they should have control over) so nonchantly especially when they make a big deal about making announcements for the game and do nothing about it...yet because when it was leaked by PlayStation DMC5 had online play before Capcom announced it (Capcom had them have it removed) and when Steam added those tags forr updates for DMC5 (Capcom also had those removed). They basically showed us their hands before they dealt it. That is so not like Capcom or any other company.
I do find it funny so many people (especially those degenerates on Resetera) already assume its style switching.

And I can already picture them with pitchforks and torches if it turns out it's not Style switching. Just like they were yelling at Capcom when they learned no DLC was coming despite the fact that it was already said from the beginning there wasn't gonna be any post launch content aside from BP.

Getting mad for made up expectations not being met is one of internet's specialties.
On the official site if you go to the game sistem voice, it implies that there will be style changing , however this could mean nothing since it's referring to Nintendo player, it could mean that you can change style compared to dmc 2 were you could not
Well DMC5 was made using modern tech and designed for the ground up that way. DMC3 is not and made using 15 year old tech Capcom doesn't use anymore.
It's technology they used, their technology. It is still the Capcom staff and, most likely, the people who made 3 in the first place. 5 might've been made from the ground up but they still used what they learned from making 3 to develop it. They already reanimated the same moves, so if they had to it would be easy to again. This isn't like asking someone to fix an old 1950's television when all they've ever worked on was HD sets. It's more like asking a man who's designed skyscrapers to fix or improve a house he made 10 years ago, which in truth is not that long ago.

I do find it funny so many people (especially those degenerates on Resetera) already assume its style switching.
It is the most logical choice. What other additions do you think would be most requested? Aside from a graphical upgrade there aren't many things that the fans have craved for.

That picture actually doesn't confirm anything.
That is true. They could just be spicing things up. While it is the obvious choice one shouldn't just leap into conclusions.

Ohhh they tell you what style you're in a really cheap looking font you got off the internet.
That's from the official page. That pick of the gunslinger hud being different is official.

Also speaking of that not only that why would they outright give away their big new feature on the website
Teasing. Why not? Intentional or not it draws attention.

Just like they were yelling at Capcom when they learned no DLC was coming despite the fact that it was already said from the beginning there wasn't gonna be any post launch content aside from BP.
There is an ancient buddhist concept that says to find truth you must get rid of your desires. It's not like the desire for a tv or candy. Those are material desires and are easily overcome. It refers to the desire for people, things or even the world to be what you want them to be rather than what they really are. If you believe a person hates you no matter what they do you will always see their actions as hateful. If you believe someone loves you it is the same. If you think the world is out to get you everything that happens on a daily basis is evidence to that fact.

In this case their desire to believe that they planned a set of DLCs led these people to cover their ears to not just what they were told from the horse's mouth but logic and good old normal sense. When you are proven wrong it's not a matter of admission but rather a sense of betrayal. Maybe betrayal is a bit melodramatic but it is the general idea. It might seem like a contradiction to what I said about material desire but in this case it's not a matter of possessions but rather for something to exist that isn't there.
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