The rules are hazy, but it seems that you need to execute Streak when an enemy is starting to launch in the air. Once the enemy reaches its maximum launch height, you cant do it, which is why you cant launch an enemy with Hightime or Tremor and get a circular Streak. May only be applicable to Prop and Revenant Bomb.I've seen it done in the current versions, but I have no idea what the input is.
Here are a few combinations that work:
*Revenant Bomb, Streak right when the enemy explodes
*Prop, cancel it right after the firs thit with Angel Evade and Angel Evade back to the enemy (evade twice without moving the analog), Streak
*Prop and hold the shoot button for Ebony and Ivory or Revenant, then let go of the shoot button to cancel the prop (make sure you don't get a charged shot. You know you did it right when Donte puts his guns back in his pockets), Streak.
*Prop, Ebony and Ivory cancel it when the enemy is slightly above you, streak
*Prop, cancel it with a jump, Streak right when you touch the ground.
There must be something with the targeting system involved, because in the trailer of the Definitive Edition, you can see Donte do a circular Streak after a full Prop, which is impossible in the current version of DmC.
Event would definitely teach some of the higher ups at Capcom and Ninja Theory a couple of advanced mechanics towards PR.Better him then EventStatus
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