Or maybe I just don't care. Do whatever the f*ck you want.I do have one, but if you want to prove a point why should my money be spent on it?
Or maybe I just don't care. Do whatever the f*ck you want.I do have one, but if you want to prove a point why should my money be spent on it?
what ever you curOr maybe I just don't care. Do whatever the f*ck you want.
You say he looks awesome. Others might say differently. They aren't wrong. Neither are you. It's subjective.The only thing by Dante that makes me think he looks weird is his leather coat and pants and the weapons.
Everything else by him looks pretty normal to me.
But i really don't get where the funny part about him is.
I mean unless your exchanging laughable with weird.
He is in great shape in contrast to most cosplayers ive seen.
Like i said a cosplayer walking around as Dante, would get stares and some people would laugh at him.
But if Dante walked around in real life, few people would laugh at him because he looks freaking awesome.
He is in great shape, his hair is natural, and though his clothes are weird its much better looking than what cosplayers are wearing.
The only thing by Dante that makes me think he looks weird is his leather coat and pants and the weapons.
Everything else by him looks pretty normal to me.
But i really don't get where the funny part about him is.
I mean unless your exchanging laughable with weird.
He is in great shape in contrast to most cosplayers ive seen.
Like i said a cosplayer walking around as Dante, would get stares and some people would laugh at him.
But if Dante walked around in real life, few people would laugh at him because he looks freaking awesome.
He is in great shape, his hair is natural, and though his clothes are weird its much better looking than what cosplayers are wearing.
No...it's a fact, dante looks great:You say he looks awesome. Others might say differently. They aren't wrong. Neither are you. It's subjective.
No it's not.No...it's a fact, dante looks great:
I was thinking of his physical condition.No it's not.
I mean, I like Dante. But to say it's fact is plain dumb.
@.@No...it's a fact, dante looks great:
Don't you mean Dante walks into you?Dante walks into a bar.
I walk into Dante.
End of story.(This goes for either version of him, by the way)
This is why i say you make illogical statements.ANY VERSION OF THE OLDER DANTE WILL FALL VICTIM TO THE SAME FATE! STAHP.
Demon dress up like any version of the older Dante and go walk your local mall or something I don't know. See how many people will think you look so cool and NOT give you a bunch of awkward stares. Don't forget to shout "Party's getting crazy!" and "Woooooo!" randomly. Film it and post it on youtube. I'm pretty sure we'd all get a great laugh.
That just depends on who you're asking. You can't safely just say that. What's attractive and what's not attractive varies from person to person. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I know girls who say the original Dante is ugly.This is why i say you make illogical statements.
1) I am in bad shape. And i dont have natural white hair. Neither do i got a red coat with same great quality as Dante.
2) Dante isn't a character who goes around everywhere and shouts "Wooohooo!" or "This party is getting Crazy!!".
This is why your illogical, because you paint it as if he says nothing but "THIS PARTY IS GETTING CRAZY!".
And i have agreed many times: People would give Dante stares, but it wouldnt be because he is funny. It is because he is unusually dressed.
But ask any girl, and show them a picture of DMC 3 with his abs showing:
"Do you think this guy looks hot?".
See what they answer.
No...it's a fact, dante looks great:
All this being said I really think this design of Dante is pretty sweet. I wish this was his look in DmC.
Here is a pic of "DAnte" (lies its Vergil).
My point is though that most cosplayers dont have a body like this. So they aren't really a great representation of Dante in real world.
The way he worded it is stupid. It doesn't mean the general idea is wrong and your example is silly and doesn't make any sense.If this whole argument is based upon what Tameem said then he is an idiot.
DmC and DMC are both fiction, it doesn't matter if one takes place in modern times or not. DMC Dante can fit in DmC's world the same way how DmC Dante can fit in DMC's world.
Here is why..ever watched/read a TV/movie/comic/cartoon/anime/manga/book where its a modern day setting in contrast to ours if not like ours and there is one character that shows up and stands out greatly and the average bystander/normal character will point this out because of it like say the Blade comics/movies, Blade stands out from the rest of the average humans due to his clothes despite looking like an average black guy.
If DMC4 Dante was walking around in DmC or Limbo City he would fit in if people pointed out he looked weird or different. He if anything wouldn't fit in if no one said a word or act like it was normal and ignored his existence as if he wasn't part of that world.
Same goes for Bayonetta, that takes place in a world similar, f*ck it its practically the same as ours but probably in a different setting (70s, 80s) due to reference to actual historic figures such as Queen Himiko and some African queen as well as actual events such as the Vietnam War. You only have Bayonetta wear frivolous outfits, everyone one else (albeit to Luka probably, Father Balder definitely, and the soldiers....maybe) dress normally for that time period. Plus doesn't Bayonetta disguise as a nun when not on combat duties.
Tameem's point of view or opinion of what is cool, normal, or common in today society is either his opinion or bullsh*t for we live in a world where there are plenty of divergent/different ideals and concept of what is normal, acceptable, or not. I mean a while back I saw a monk, dressed in his ceremonial garb or whatever they call it, walk around in the streets of New York City and he stuck out like a sore thumb compared to everyone who dressed like your average normal person by Tameem/DmC's standards.
I mean by today's standards its not okay (or normal) to walk around nude or be naked in public it doesn't mean that nudists don't exist today.
Now onto the argument of if Dante walked into a bar he would get laugh at......probably it depends on the bar. A bar in Texas, they'll probably be fine with him...think he is a cowboy or something.
Now if he walks into a bar with Lady and Trish by him (who look normal enough mind you although they would probably think they're sluts...although I've seen worse walk in broad day light in even kid/public areas), they'll probably think he is a pimp and his outfit was an unique pimp outfit....
The way he worded it is stupid. It doesn't mean the general idea is wrong and your example is silly and doesn't make any sense.
People who are nudist and walk around naked in public usually do that in NUDIST COLONIES. You can't go out and public and just strip naked because you'd get arrested for indecent exposure and people would most likely think you're on drugs or something.
It's true what was cool back then really isn't cool today. Sure what's cool and what's not cool is subjective but just look back on the times. Each decade like the 70s, 80s, and 90s all brought a particular identity. My mom who's teenage years was spent in the 80s were something called "Heads." A sense of style usually revolving around all that badass 80s rock music from back in the day. Each decade all brought their particular trends in movies, music, fashion, attitude, etc. etc. Each era had a theme.
Is saying what's cool back then isn't cool now wrong? Not really. Don't be delusional. Sure you like what you like but there is always going to be with every generation and decade the stuff that's "In" and the stuff that is considered uncool. There's also stuff that's considered "Timeless" but that's a different can of worms. That's the way the world works. Get used to it.