Dante Reacts to New Dante [VIDEO]

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Event doesn't like the game, and that's fine, but he shouldn't be making hour-long videos then, constantly bringing it up, and apparently calling interested parties "sheeple" in MrRandom's case. For me, it's a very extreme end of not liking something without having all the information, and instantly seeing anything about the game as bad no matter what. I don't like that, as much as I don't like the extremists on the other side who keep calling them out :/

I'm afraid "freedom of speech" allows him to make as many videos as he wants and you are not required or forced to watch them. Some people out there do have this incredible and ludicrous propensity to find and look at things on the internet, at which they become offended, and declare that somebody else 'shouldn't be doing it' because they don't like it. No. That's not how the internet works. If you don't like something, you don't watch it. Simple as, because nobody literally straps you into a chair, forces your eyes and ears open, and pours their opinions into your brain. If you sat through his stuff it is because you allowed yourself to. If he wants to bring it up, that's his business, again you don't have to subscribe to him or go near him. If he calls people insulting names then as long as he wasn't provoked first, there might be a case.

Speaking of which—

In Randomlulz's case, did he really send Event a pro-DmC rant video? Why? What would be the purpose of that exactly, other than to screw around knowing the guy wouldn't be interested in it because he is not pro-DmC (and never has been)? Event claims "he knew troll bait when he saw it, and didn't watch it", then caught 'Lulz LOLing on the forum about it. All sounds very 'adult' to me.
I'm afraid "freedom of speech" allows him to make as many videos as he wants and you are not required or forced to watch them. Some people out there do have this incredible and ludicrous propensity to find and look at things on the internet, at which they become offended, and declare that somebody else 'shouldn't be doing it' because THEY don't like it. No. That's not how the internet works. If you don't like something, you don't watch it. Simple as, because nobody literally straps you into a chair, forces your eyes and ears open, and pour their opinions into your brain.

In Randomlulz's case did he really send Event a pro-DmC rant video? Why? What would be the purpose of that exactly? Event claims "he knew troll bait when he saw it and didn't watch it", then caught Lulz LOLing on the forum about how Event had no yet responded to the video. All sounds very 'adult' to me.
IF ONLY! Most people who don't like the game watch the trailers anyway. Why don't you try telling Event that? I'm interested to see how he would respond.
I'm afraid "freedom of speech" allows him to make as many videos as he wants and you are not required or forced to watch them. Some people out there do have this incredible and ludicrous propensity to find and look at things on the internet, at which they become offended, and declare that somebody else 'shouldn't be doing it' because THEY don't like it. No. That's not how the internet works. If you don't like something, you don't watch it. Simple as, because nobody literally straps you into a chair, forces your eyes and ears open, and pour their opinions into your brain.

I could say the same for a guy who dislikes something so much that he compiles the newest information about it, so he can talk about it for an hour every couple of months. If he's such a stand-up guy, then I'd imagine there's more important things he could be doing than adding superfluous fuel to an already raging inferno.

I'd be inclined to think he does it strictly for views, but that's explicitly just a theory, and mine alone.

In the end though, I just really don't care. My life will not change one way or another. Just wanted to add what little I knew about this stuff.
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I could say the same for a guy who dislikes something so much that he compiles the newest information about it, so he can talk about it for an hour every couple of months. If he's such a stand-up guy, then I'd imagine there's more important things he could be doing than adding superfluous fuel to an already raging inferno.

An hour every couple of months is hardly anything to worry about, or some constant irritation, particularly as I say when nobody is literally holding a gun to your head and forcing you to listen to it, because they're not. Some folks getting way too worked up about some guy's opinion far away that doesn't matter in the least to you.

I'd be inclined to think he does it strictly for views, but that's explicitly just a theory, and mine alone.

In the end though, I just really don't care. My life will not change one way or another. Just wanted to add what little I knew about this stuff.
That's great. You have explained your position and not just mindlessly insulted the guy, which is good for us as a site, because people can see all of this and what we are doing and saying from the outside. The forum is transparent, anyone can see it without being a member, and we're on display here. I've heard this forum declared by others to be a 'bunch of kids' and to be honest, I think we can do better than that.
The time it would take to compile, compose, and record the content for an hour long video is already way more time than anyone should spend on something they don't like, and have little interest in >_< That's why I tend to think people who do stuff like that are damaged, or are in it for some sort of profit.

Anyway, time for me to make like a tree, and get outta here.
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That's great. You have explained your position and not just mindlessly insulted the guy, which is good for us as a site, because people can see all of this and what we are doing and saying from the outside. The forum is transparent, and we're on display here. I've heard this forum declared by others to be a 'bunch of kids' and to be honest, I think we can do better than that.
We already do. This forum is far more civil than the likes of gamefaqs or capcom unity. Admittedly, there have been a few bad eggs around here but they're nothing compared to those two.
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To be honest, I think the guy is jaded. He looks to be around my age or a little older so he's provably been gaiming for as long as I have if not longer. As a person who dedicates his time to report to people of the happenings of the video game industry the last decade must've really done a number on his views of said industry. Why wouldn't he be angry? I'm angry at alot of the things he talks about, most recently some reports on the behaviour of EA. All these evils that take place in an industry we love and seeing it moral decline makes one angry and I, for one, am glad a dude like him is around, even if I don't always agree with him or think that he is unfair at times.
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The time it would take to compile, compose, and record the content for an hour long video is already way more time than anyone should spend on something they don't like, and have little interest in >_< That's why I tend to think people who do stuff like that are damaged, or are in it for some sort of profit.

Anyway, time for me to make like a tree, and get outta here.

Well, each to his own. I'm sure there are things we each do that would not fascinate one another particularly.

He does not come across as someone who dislikes the franchise, or wants to dislike the new game simply for the ever-loving hell of it, at least not to me. He comes across as someone who was skeptical from the word GO of the integrity and reasoning given behind CAPCOM's decision to pass DmC to NT and 'Westernise' it, and continues to be skeptical of their reasonings: i.e. that Dante was 'stale' and needed redoing (as opposed to the fact that this was a moneymaking decision); or was skeptical of their poor PR handling (which it has been, there's little doubt about that), was skeptical of NT's ability to create this game to the technical and gameplay standards of previous DMC titles (which it does not appear to be especially better than); and is skeptical of the hype that was and is being generated about the game; is critical of what appears to be an acceptable but not a 'ground-breaking' action game when what we really expected and were told was to be a 'step up' from the old, etc.; is skeptical of the fan division and defence of this game combined with the apparent refusals to acknowledge these things, or where the game actually fails or does not impress, because if you do not dissect or look properly at your products as a consumer then you are losing the power of quality control. Consumers, or buyers, decide to an extent the quality of the next games that will be made because the golden rule of business is: MAKE MORE FOR LESS. If companies can get away with cutting corners, they usually will. So if a low standard is acceptable one year, it'll come again the next. Unless consumers absolutely destroy a product because it is terrible, then a company will put the effort in next time to get it back up to scratch. We saw this in action with DMC2 and then, DMC3. They saw it was a poor effort and tried to do better because people said it was a poor effort. He points out the role consumers (gamers) have in the cycle of all this.

This is what people are not getting. Clearly he is fan of DMC in general or he would not have knowledge to speak of the older games. But he is NOT a fan of CAPCOM's decisions with this franchise or of their tactics in trying to sell this to a wider audience, of their blaming the fans for not automatically liking this decision or NT, or of the corporate greed and sneaky tactics companies use to try to get people on side. He is not a fan of how CAPCOM and NT have treated the very people who made this franchise a big deal in the first place, i.e. the fans, and how they are being treated even as consumers in this case.

And I would certainly agree with him on plenty of points knowing the VG industry and business worlds much better than I once did. He is not just "someone who hates DmC", therefore.
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Well, each to his own. I'm sure there are things we each do that would not fascinate one another particularly.

He does not come across as someone who dislikes the franchise, or simply wants to dislike the new game simply for the ever-loving hell of it, at least not to me. He comes across as someone who was skeptical from the word GO of the integrity and reasoning given behind CAPCOM's decision to pass DmC to NT and 'Westernise' it, and continues to be skeptical of their reasonings: i.e. that Dante was 'stale' and needed redoing (as opposed to the fact that this was a moneymaking decision); or was skeptical of their poor PR handling (which it has been, there's little doubt about that), was skeptical of NT's ability to create this game to the technical and gameplay standards of previous DMC titles (which it does not appear to be supremely better than); and is skeptical of the hype that was and is being generated about the game; is critical of what appears to be an acceptable but not a 'ground-breaking' action game when what we really expected and were told was to be a 'step up' from the old, etc.; is skeptical of the fan division and defence of this game combined with the apparent refusals to acknowledge these things, or where the game actually fails or does not impress, because if you do not dissect or look properly at your products as a consumer then you are losing the power of quality control. Consumers, or buyers, decide to an extent the quality of the next games that will be made because the golden rule of business is: MAKE MORE FOR LESS. If companies can get away with cutting corners, they usually will. So if a low standard is acceptable one year, it'll come again the next. Unless consumers absolutely destroy a product because it is terrible, then a company will put the effort in next time to get it back up to scratch. We saw this in action with DMC2 and then, DMC3. They saw it was a poor effort and tried to do better because people said it was a poor effort. He points out the role consumers (gamers) have in the cycle of all this.

This is what people are not getting. Clearly he is fan of DMC in general or he would not have knowledge to speak of the older games. But he is NOT a fan of CAPCOM's decisions with this franchise or of their tactics in trying to sell this to a wider audience, of their blaming the fans for not automatically liking this decision or NT, or of the corporate greed and sneaky tactics companies use to try to get people on side. Etc.
I'm not condemning you or anything but you seem to like to say stuff people with a rational mind would already know.
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This thread didn't appear to be overflowing with rationality when I spotted it this morning. Just mud slinging.
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I think we've gone off tangent long enough. We should just leave this thread as it is.
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Yes, now that I've rationalized it a little more, perhaps we should.
I must say one thing. Gaming is socially considered an "unhealthy pasttime".
Then it is quite reasonable that "Hating a game for a constant period" is more unhealthier than that.

That's why I try not to get too involved with the video game fandom.

When I heard one of my favorite games was getting made and it turned out the next one sucked, I got so mad for an entire month that I almost gave myself a hernia.

damn you DMC4.
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