A half-demon can still fallable and relatable to some degree...not some empty, bland cardboard cut-out of some anime-enthusiast's interpretation of "what is stylish." Character flaws? Non-existent. Development? Completely foreign. Emotional diversity? Nope. Any weaknesses to build any kind of endurance, tension, or reason to care? His Gary-Stu level invincibility and god-tier power level wouldn't allow any of it.Haven't read any of the posts except the main one, I will after I say this
..........HE'S A HALF-DEMON! The reboot version isn't even half human!
I've said it before, I'll say it again. Old Dante had some great moments, but his potential as a character didn't extend past that of some Deviantartist's attempt to make their "dream OC." He's too perfect and invincible to be interesting in the slightest. There's no room for exploration or doing anything remotely interesting. And I wouldn't mind that, if the games took a mindless and nonsenical approach with its story like Suda51 games or the spiritual placeholder Bayonetta...but Devil May Cry as a series has always taken its plot and characters way, way more serious than it needed to be. (Dramatic confrontations in the rain, rising epic choir, melodramatic speeches about dead parents...the gang's all here). And the lackluster story only further grinds itself to a creative halt by tossing a 2-dimensional protagonist like Dante in the spotlight.