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Check this website out, it has new pic im sure your gona love!!


Well-known Member

Good Job 'Zato', you found something good, Rep for you.

Now, from what I can make out, it seems from those scans and cg shots that Dante and Nero battle, but at the end of the battle they talk, so Dante isnt defeated in the true sense of the word, well, he loses that fight and it initiates a cutscene from which more than likely they talk and maybe decide to join up or what have you.

Also, notice Nero doesnt have the Devil Bringer covered while in the presence of Credo, the sling is no longer present.


Yeah im sure dante talke some sense into nero that the demon world is re-opening or somthing of that matter and they join forces but until the game comes out, we prolly wont know.Im just waiting to see a pic of the returning characters from DMC1 and or Dmc3.Oh yeah i did notice he wasnt hiding his arm makes me wonder,i also think that Credo is the leader of the O.O.T.S and asked for nero to defeat dante because he the only 1 thats strong enough to take him on because theres a pic of dante pulling out his guns on Credo in a Huge Temple.(Ill look for the link again and post it.)


TimeLord Detective
From the looks of them Nero is deadly serious while Dante continues playing until the end. We finally see them reasoning after the battle and from some of the pictures I think Nero got a new assignment from that new Order guy. Kyrie actually looked cute too. Finally we're getting somewhere^_^
Good one Zato.


Well-known Member
Yea, but this is a good step in the right direction, cos Capcom are guarding too many details with their lives, we need more, MORE, MORE!!

But still, good job with this post, it helps us expand our ideas and our impatience, ha ha


that zzzombiekid
Whos the crazzzy french guy??
From the looks of these pics there are many different sides of the story.
Characters we dont know, storylines we were wrong about.
This stuff is all verrry new to me, and is Nero married or something??? Did you notice a ring on his finger? And on that finger too.


Well its looks almost like Nero arm is already in its Devil Trigger Form so im Guessing that Nero wont be able to DT because of the arm,And when Dante DT its GoodNight to Nero...Its looks like Nero is having a hard time fighting with dante in dante's human form so its safe to say that nero is no match for dante unless he upgrade the Devil Bringer to some type of Godly power:) I also thinks Dante is the First Boss and or enemy you fight in the game. It will be a pain to fight dante with his Quick Silver style if he has it in the game also doppleganger will be tough,I hope the Dante Boss fight is harder then the Vergil Boss Fight in DMC3.


Wesker's #1 fan!
Dude you are freakin awsome! I love the pics, Dante is SO toying with Nero. And whats up with those order dudes? Are they even human?

Zato-OW;45175 said:
looks like Nero is having a hard time fighting with dante in dante's human form so its safe to say that nero is no match for dante unless he upgrade the Devil Bringer to some type of Godly power:) I also thinks Dante is the First Boss and or enemy you fight in the game. It will be a pain to fight dante with his Quick Silver style if he has it in the game also doppleganger will be tough,I hope the Dante Boss fight is harder then the Vergil Boss Fight in DMC3.
I knew Dante was gonna be a boss fight, I thought it was obvious. And I bet he's gonna be harder than Vergil 3. That would be the shiznit if Dante was freezin time on your @$$ while your fighting him,(quicksilver) and then two Dantes show up. (Doppleganger)Damn! I can't wait!


Speaking of New Characters,I wonder if Vergil meets trish will he have the same feeling as Dante had with her or will he think of trish as a Mockery of His mother Eva.He may try to kill her,She is a Demon after all insnt she?Your Thoughts?


Lost Soul
I don't think he'll have the same feelings as Dante about Trish. He seems uncaring in girls and that sort of thing. I also don't think he'd try and kill her. Maybe keep an eye on her, see what she does and what sort of power she has.


Well-known Member
Why would vergil want to kill her?

Unlike Dante, Vergil doesnt dislike Demons, he embraces that side of his heritage.


i was thinking he would kill her because she looks alot like his mother, and he may feel diferent towards her then dante do,as a lack of respect for his mother he would kill trish...to me that seems like somthing vergil would do,lol


Well-known Member
Awww, no one Loves me, hmph :dry:

But speaking of Vergil and Trish, besides the fact that she is a Demon, thinking about it, he may want to kill her, but not because she resembles his Mother, even though that could contribute to it, but more so cos she was a creation of Mundus and would remind him as much, the last remaining image of Mundus control over him and his Brother.


Wesker's #1 fan!
I think Vergil would want to pop a couple of rounds in her @$$ but thats just what I think. Not because any lack of respect for his mother, but because of the opposite. A mockery just like zato said. BTW I think Dante embraces his demon heritage as well, just not in the way that Vergil does.


i saved all of the pics but who is the 3 new people?
and i it just me or does that statue in the order of the sword place luk like jester?


Well-known Member
The three new people are Credo (Probably Kyries' Brother), Agnus who looks like a Scientist and Gloria, the token fighting female.

He doesn't look like Jester, but neither does he look like Sparda, he has Horns, but a Humans features and facial Structure. Notice also how Dante's Sword in one image is embedded in the forehead of the statue.


that zzzombiekid
And, in one of the pictures that really bugs me... who is nero pointing the gun to if it isnt Dante?
In the picture Dante is checking out some statue and Nero is pointing his gun at someone else...
Im confused at this pic, anyone knows???


Well-known Member
Yep. You mean this one?
I notice it too. Very strange. More...
There is another pic that confused me. This one:
Look! Nero tries to defend Kyrie from members of the Order! We can see the part of Credo's sword. Kyrie looks at him. But Nero looks at someone else (look at his fist! He's ready to fight!) Both of them looks worried.

PS: If Credo has amulets and Sparda's sword he needs the Dante's and Priestess blood to open the Demons world!
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