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How did you feel when you first heard about DmC?

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Taking Back Lordran One Boss At a Time
You guys probably know me as a big-time DmC supporter. I see myself as a realistic, somewhat cautious supporter.

But what most of you may not know is that I hated DmC when it was first announced. And I mean hated. I thought it was the worst move in gaming history--Dante changed and it just seemed very...un-DMC-ish. As soon as I saw that trailer for the fourth time, I was ready to petition against it.
I saw nothing good about it--until I saw the first gameplay trailer.

Watching Dante slash at his (disappointedly easy looking) enemies and switching between a scythe, that dastard sword (can't tell if it's great or just long), and that axe filled me with so many ideas. It reminded me of the first time I played in the Bloody Palace in DMC 4, how I had all the freedom to experiment and expand my understanding of the gameplay of Devil May Cry--how I'd use Lucifer and crash down with Gilgamesh and my enemies back with Pandora.

I fell in love with that surreal art style and the more robust looking animations for Dante. I loved the creepiness of his enemies and that strange cockroach demon. I watched the Japanese demos multiple times and started following the news almost religiously everyday.

I mean, now I'm more calmed down because I figured with the likes of Gaflima and chocolateghost, I don't need to go hunting. But yeah, this is my story.

So now I want to ask you guys: What were your first opinions? Have they changed from the beginning? Give us your story!

P.S. And I swear: If I see any fighting, I'm reporting. This is about opinions. Nobody should be stepping on anybody's foot just because they don't agree. We're Devil May Cry fans no matter what, aren't we?


Humanoid Typhoon
My reaction to the first demo was " this is just what i've been waiting for"
I've played too many Hack and Slash games that don't give you the style or depth and control that DMC offers. As for the trailer itself. I was confused but i already knew that it was going to be a prequal to dmc3 because he did seem younger and angst more than cocky and self aware of his abilities. I sometimes think that maybe this Dante hasn't been stabbed through the check before, and doesn't know his limits and i think that would be an awesome thing to see. I want to see Dante face when he gets brutally stabbed and wonder why the hell is he still alive. Also Vezild, i thought the same thing too about how the combat reminded me of the Bloody Palace. It just seems like you have more moves to pull off right at the beginning of the game and i will be experimenting very often.
I approved the game because it looks better than any other hack and slash out there, especially asuras wrath. I don't think there is anything that comes close either.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I liked the first trailer alot as its own thing and tried to desperate defend it.

I joined two-three different forums and got my ass kicked on IGN for this game so I hope its worth it.

But as of now, I'm 50/50 as some of their decisions like completely changing Dante seems stupid to me and they have bad pr.


Humanoid Typhoon
I liked the first trailer alot as its own thing and tried to desperate defend it.

I joined two-three different forums and got my ass kicked on IGN for this game so I hope its worth it.

But as of now, I'm 50/50 as some of their decisions like completely changing Dante seems stupid to me and they have bad pr.
I don't think the decision the change Dante was all that bad. At first it was hard to take in, thats because he didnt look like Dante. But instead of judging the concept of Dante not being totally over the top and cracking lame jokes, i took a step back and imagined what he would be after he was left alone when Vergil left. Like way after his mom died. And i would think Dante would be kind of wild, not having too much direction. I think thats a very good concept of the Dante that i know. I'm just glad he wasn't like Naruto when he was young. I hope this new Dante gets the s**t kicked out of him. I hope its has at least 4 levels of difficulty(not including easy) and i want to see Dante getting beat down in cutscense too. I hope somebody really ****es NeoDante off because i've been waiting too long to really kick some legit demon arse.


TimeLord Detective
The more different it becomes from the original, the happier I get. I'm perfectly ok if the only thing that remains kinda the same is the gameplay. That way I can focus in the game as if it's something completely new and enjoy it as much as I can.

Otherwise as long as it bears the "Devil May Cry" name, it kinda feels weird/lonely, what with no old-Dante etc.


Well-known Member
When I first saw the trailer I was confused. I hated everything about it. I remember thinking, "who is this and why are they introducing another new character when they haven't even explained Nero yet?" Then I heard "My name is Dante" and my hear sank. I was so mad that they were rebooting in this way and that freaking Ninja Theory was gonna be in charge. I had played Enslaved and there was nothing good about it.

Soon after that I calmed down and while I was still angry I didn't feel like spraying my hate everywhere. Over time I got more and more annoyed with NT, Capcom, and the game. I think it looks like crap and it's being made by a crap developer with help from a crap publisher. Whoot. I'm not gonna give this game a chance because it's "Devil May Cry." Heck no. I don't buy stuff based on the label on it.

My dislike has largely turned in apathy. I really don't care about the game or anything related to it. All the whining and crying and bull from all sides has made me disgusted. I don't even want to think about DmC anymore.

/rant over


smug jerk
I approved of the first trailer, simply because it meant, there was another DMC-game coming. I didn't care for the old art direction much, so I didn't midn the change at all. To me it was as simple as that: It's a new Hack' n' Slash game, let's do this then.

Browsing through the internet I was shocked to see that much hate for the new game, since I was expecting people to be as psyched as me. That's when I joined the facebook-group and started defending the game with all I had. My english improved massively over the course of a few weeks, because of that. :D

After I've read so much about this game, about engines, about developing tech in general, I have a pretty good grasp of what's happening with the franchise and for now I am very content with what I see of the new game.
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Gilver FTW!
Almost 90% of the community hated the trailer when it first came out, believe me, I used to be quite active when the first trailer was released. However, it really looks like they really are trying their best now, and I respect that. I'm not going to jump on this game though, I'm going to wait until there are some walkthroughs on YouTube, watch parts of them then decide, based on gameplay and story, if I buy this game or not.


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
When I first saw the trailer I remember just praying and hoping that this new guy was not Dante.

I remember hoping that this new guy would get his azz kicked at the end of the trailer or something by the real Dante. But once he said "my name is Dante" my heart sunk and I immediately started to dislike it.

Since then however NT has made "improvements" to his look and has even shown us some cool gameplay.

But I am still very much skeptical about this game and its direction and wish that I had my beloved Dante back and DMC5 instead of a reboot.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I hated the New game when i first saw it... but as they've released trailers, my opinion has changed quite a bit.
I was really impressed with the trailer that saw the 'church' floor tearing apart, and i liked the brightness and detail in the trailer of 'The secret.'

Still scared about the direction they'll take with Vergil if he is included in the reboot


Well-known Member
well I made a rage comic about it

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I don't think the decision the change Dante was all that bad. At first it was hard to take in, thats because he didnt look like Dante. But instead of judging the concept of Dante not being totally over the top and cracking lame jokes, i took a step back and imagined what he would be after he was left alone when Vergil left. Like way after his mom died. And i would think Dante would be kind of wild, not having too much direction. I think thats a very good concept of the Dante that i know. I'm just glad he wasn't like Naruto when he was young. I hope this new Dante gets the s**t kicked out of him. I hope its has at least 4 levels of difficulty(not including easy) and i want to see Dante getting beat down in cutscense too. I hope somebody really ****es NeoDante off because i've been waiting too long to really kick some legit demon arse.

I just meant look-wise as it doesn't seem like a priority for me. The series had bigger problems than his look,

I do like the living city trying to kill him bit. That seems inspired.


Well-known Member
I was almost a full- fledged supporter myself. I sware to goodness, Dante looked like a straight- up bad@$$! Slamming his fists into craters, his sword changing shapes, and his guns too! Everything sold me, from the slight visions of his past to the burning of his opponent's head with a cigarette, the mysterious voice of the reporter/analyst to Dante's anger- induced howls. However, my opinion quickly changed with the mention of his name. I knew it, from the second I saw the color of his guns and identified them as Ebony and Ivory, I knew that he was Dante but I was hoping that I was wrong. Ultimately, my suspicions were confirmed and I found myself filled with utter disappointment. I became a (I guess you would call it) "half- supporter" when I saw the Fight trailer. I found myself enthralled in the "mystery" of the hooded girl, the familiarity of the new Dante's (hint of) personality, and the... beauty of the Angel gameplay (the only part of the action I truly fell in love with). But alas, DmC is DmC, and DMC is DMC. Despite it being a reboot, DmC just doesn't bring back that familiarity neither the sense that it and the old DMC are connected in anyway. In fact it isn't, so why does it exist? What purpose does it serve? Really, none whatsoever, which is why I'm still not sold on it.


Well-known Member
Well, I hated the first trailer and... I still do. But subsequent trailers have been much better and I feel cautiously interested now. I wanna see more about the new Dante and his lady friend too. I want to see more of that world. Though, preferably not the crazy torture institution, or the "looks like a drugee" aspect.


"Plough the lilies"
I really hated it when i first saw it and made me almost punch my monitor.However as times go by i turned 50/50.
The gameplay looks good and all the other aspects but what really made me rage is the insults so that is why i'm 50/50 in this game.However my last comment will be after the game is released and have played it all.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
Im still neutral in my reaction. First time I was been sure, ****ed off that dev's changed Dante look, now these trailers more pleased me but Im still not retrieved from that change look shock.


Well-known Member
I liked it, but was somewhat sceptic at first. When I found out this was a reboot and not a continuation of the original series, I was pleased though, as the overall feel of the first trailer was quite different than that of the past games.

My enthusiasm has only grown as more info we've gotten, as with gameplay and such. Whatever the rest of the community has to say about it doesn't affect my opinion about it, nor will it ever shake it. My opinion is my own and I form it from the facts and the footage we get from the official source.


Well-known Member
Since I saw Ninja Theory's logo on it I was already excited, and the trailer got me very hyped, I loved it


Humanoid Typhoon
In fact it isn't, so why does it exist? What purpose does it serve? Really, none whatsoever, which is why I'm still not sold on it.
Same as any other game. Entertainment.

I know a lot of people have fallen madly in love with the DMC franchise and i can respect that because there are things i enjoy more so than others but, for me, video games are just a time filler, much like a really good book if done right. As long as it can hold my attention everytime i play it it, it serves it's purpose. I've beaten the crappiest of the crap games on the ps2 and ps3 line up and i have no regrets about it. Sure i've bought some games on the opening day and if it sucked, i wouldn't have the oppertunity to return it back if i didnt like it!! But since i earn money and save money for my video game addiction, it just comes with the territory. And maybe for some of you, its a really hard spending 60bucks for a brand new game and you have to be fully convinced that the game will be good and thats very understandable. And because of that, you have to be skeptical, and need other people to tell you whats good or bad, as for me, i like to be the judge myself and if DmC sucks hard b*lls, well then, thats just too bad for me. It wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last time.
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