Capcom Lowered Their Expectations To 1.2 Million

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I don't usually buy games full price either, but I made an exception for DmC. I also preordered the new Bioshock. That's all I'll pay full price for this year. Everything else I'll wait for a drop.
The only other games I'm willing to go full on this year will be Injustice:Gods Among Us and Grand Theft Auto 5. If Metal Gear Solid:Ground Zeroes also comes out this year I'm definitely getting that.
Why are you doing this? Great job, you baited someone....
You're being silly baiting people on this forum with the knowledge that there will be an instant reaction to anything that even seems like trolling.
Don't try an start fights or flaming. There's no point to it. The only person you degrade is yourself by starting it. ^_^

Can we just drop the whole haters and supporters thing? It's tiring, and I'm sure it's no fun for the admin here trying to sort it out.
Life needs a little bit of satire every now and then. If you have a problem with that, then you're welcome to try and prove to me why such a concept of critique, used throughout the world, can be considered "silly" and "degrading".

Also, if I were to start a fight, it would have been a "fight". A one-sided comment on their behaviour is far from that, which is the norm of my posts if you pay attention to them.
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Should have listened to the fans then possibly the sales would have rose rather than fall.

If they did, we'd get a louse rehash of DMC4 all over again.

Hey look guys, looks like my bait worked.
I think you just made yourself look silly MedicoreR, considering that I am a DmC supporter. Goes to show how you know nothing about the person you're talking to and that you're pretty much the antagonistic equivalent of what you deem a "hater".

Are you Izaya now?
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The only other games I'm willing to go full on this year will be Injustice:Gods Among Us and Grand Theft Auto 5. If Metal Gear Solid:Ground Zeroes also comes out this year I'm definitely getting that.

YOOOO! I just found out that game got delayed to September. Ain't that a b*tch huh?

Whatever though...I still preordered it. For me, DmC(which I already have), God of War: Ascension, Injustice, and GTA5 are the only games I'm getting this year.
Life needs a little bit of satire every now and then. If you have a problem with that, then you're welcome to try and prove to me why such a concept of critique, used throughout the world, can be considered "silly" and "degrading".

Also, if I were to start a fight, it would have been a "fight". A one-sided comment on their behaviour is far from that, which is the norm of my posts if you pay attention to them.
There's nothing wrong with satire, but this
Who cares if it's fun. Less sales = less sales.lololololollolololololololooooll
could be misinterpreted as trolling. It is not satire.
I like a good joke too, I spend most of the time on this forum having a joke, but what you did was look for someone to respond to you and then bait them.
And it is silly that you would post a comment like that, followed by
Hey look guys, looks like my bait worked.
You wanted to bait someone just so that you could respond like that and then insult the responder by this
I think you just made yourself look silly MedicoreR, considering that I am a DmC supporter. Goes to show how you know nothing about the person you're talking to and that you're pretty much the antagonistic equivalent of what you deem a "hater".
Do you think this forum is a test bed for some sort of social experiment of yours whereby you pretend to be something you're not and then become the opposite just to call someone out on how 'silly' they are? We are well aware that supporters can be as antagonistic as the 'haters'. We don't need to perpetuate this. It is tiring.
On a site like this, people are going to respond to such posts in anegative way and you know it. If you are a DmC supporter as you claim in that quote, then stop pretending to be a 'hater' just to rile up the other fans. ^_^

Aaaand....I'm out:lol:
Waaay too off topic.
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HATERZ are incredibly funny but retarded.

1 month ago : DmC is top seller at charts

Hater: CoD sells good too. That doesnt mean its a good game. There are so many good games sell bad.Besides its not gonna even get 500k
(Today) Hater: DmC shipped 1.2 in 1 month, lol haters win.
I suppose i can say same about suporterz. Do you see difference between words shipped and sold? Reboot actually shipped 1 million and sold much less than that so Capcom had to decrease projected sales by nearly half. It looks like their idea of getting broader audience is not working as they intented and not respecting potential customers it not a good idea in business.
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I suppose i can say same about suporterz. Do you see difference between words shipped and sold? Reboot actually shipped 1 million and sold much less than that so Capcom had to decrease projected sales by nearly half. It looks like their idea of getting broader audience is not working as they intented and not respecting potential customers it not a good idea in business.
Yep, the stores have them in, but people aren't buying, well, not the way Capcom expected.
I'm just hoping Capcom can learn from this. Also, I'm hoping that DMC is not dead to them now. almost invalid argument about that huh? Seems like every old fan and anti likes to bring every little thing to make the game crumble, especially when stuff like that was discussed almost three years ago.

Things change.
I know, and jesus, the game sold a million already, A MILLION. Enslaved Odyssey to the West didn't even make that in a year. I'm curious what the PC sales are, guess we'll have to wait longer to find out about that one though.
I know, and jesus, the game sold a million already, A MILLION. Enslaved Odyssey to the West didn't even make that in a year. I'm curious what the PC sales are, guess we'll have to wait longer to find out about that one though.
Not sold but shipped. Thats a big difference.
There's nothing wrong with satire, but this could be misinterpreted as trolling. It is not satire.
I like a good joke too, I spend most of the time on this forum having a joke, but what you did was look for someone to respond to you and then bait them.
And it is silly that you would post a comment like that, followed by

You wanted to bait someone just so that you could respond like that and then insult the responder by this

Do you think this forum is a test bed for some sort of social experiment of yours whereby you pretend to be something you're not and then become the opposite just to call someone out on how 'silly' they are? We are well aware that supporters can be as antagonistic as the 'haters'. We don't need to perpetuate this. It is tiring.
On a site like this, people are going to respond to such posts in anegative way and you know it. If you are a DmC supporter as you claim in that quote, then stop pretending to be a 'hater' just to rile up the other fans. ^_^

Aaaand....I'm out:lol:
Waaay too off topic.
It certainly is satire as a whole. I demonstrated the irony of being ostentatious, hateful, and incitive. And thus far, MedicoreR has been an avid "hater" for people who have opinions against DmC. If it makes you feel better, I was well aware of this user's reputation when I wrote that and I wouldn't have done the same to any person more level-headed.
I know, and jesus, the game sold a million already, A MILLION. Enslaved Odyssey to the West didn't even make that in a year. I'm curious what the PC sales are, guess we'll have to wait longer to find out about that one though.

Enslaved is one of the most underrated games I've EVER played.

Not sold but shipped. Thats a big difference.

The game is almost at 700,000, but like Acorn said, the PC sales could make the game sell a million.
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Reactions: Downfall almost invalid argument about that huh? Seems like every old fan and anti likes to bring every little thing to make the game crumble, especially when stuff like that was discussed almost three years ago.

Things change.

Uh, just because it's old, doesn't mean it's less valid at all.

Although, they never actually said they wanted to sell 5 million in general. It was just implied. Which, again, doesn't really match up as a "valid" piece of evidence showing Capcom wants to sell 5 million.

The game is almost at 700,000, but like Acorn said, the PC sales could make the game sell a million.

I kinda doubt it since there were torrents for the game on the PC version. When I looked at it, there were around 20k leechers when it was first released. Most likely more people found out about it and continued to download the torrent, as well as other torrents from other sites.

When Capcom/NT put DmC on the PC, they probably lost potential sales because of how easy it is to pirate things on the PC. I'm not entirely sure though.
Uh, just because it's old, doesn't mean it's less valid at all.

Although, they never actually said they wanted to sell 5 million in general. It was just implied. Which, again, doesn't really match up as a "valid" piece of evidence showing Capcom wants to sell 5 million.
Besides, 5million is a very ambitious sales figure for any game unless the game is COD.

I kinda doubt it since there were torrents for the game on the PC version. When I looked at it, there were around 20k leechers when it was first released. Most likely more people found out about it and continued to download the torrent, as well as other torrents from other sites.
Wow, that's quite a lot of potential sales to lose out on. But then again, do people who torrent buy games anyway? I guess it would depend on the game. I'm not going to say all users of torrent pirate everything.
When Capcom/NT put DmC on the PC, they probably lost potential sales because of how easy it is to pirate things on the PC. I'm not entirely sure though.
And that's the risk a company takes these days when they choose to make a game for PC. It is likely to be torrented and pirated.
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Enslaved is one of the most underrated games I've EVER played.

The game is almost at 700,000, but like Acorn said, the PC sales could make the game sell a million.
VG chartz isn't very accurate so I doubt its around 700,000. And the DMC4 numbers don't include PC sales numbers as well..

I think the intial underwhelming reveal and ~ year of nothing new really killed any hype train for the game. Like they say first impressions mean a lot, even if they aren't accurate assessments of the final product. Also DMC4's mediocrity (not in combat) might have left a bad taste in people's mouths in addition to how underwhelming Enslaved was... (and RE6 being mediocre too). Basically perfect storm of bad PR and previous mediocre titles to sour people's tastes who don't play demoes or read reviews to make their assessment of the final product.

actually your kinda wrong, the report was made in 2010 after DmCs announcement and they just say
"we looked at the market and saw that there were other action games selling four million, five million, all these copies."

indicating nothing tbh.

Not sold but shipped. Thats a big difference.

the game sold over half a million copies in its first week world wide, its now down to over 700000 last i checked( about a week b4 pc was released) so...yh, thats a thing.
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Reactions: Downfall almost invalid argument about that huh? Seems like every old fan and anti likes to bring every little thing to make the game crumble, especially when stuff like that was discussed almost three years ago.

Things change.
Actually looking at the comments in that article just proves my point of how stupid this fandom can be. Notice how this is an article from over 2 years ago and what's in the comments is still the same exact crap the butthurt fans have been saying to this day. None of those people gave it a chance at all despite nothing being known about that game at that time. It really was the stupid freaking haircut. I don't care what they say. It just wasn't their anime looking Devil May Cry and they were already condemning it.

As much as a fan as I am, even I'll admit that they back-pedaled from 2 million to 1.2 million. I don't think there was ever an official sales figure before that, though (not counting the interview where that guy said five million, it wasn't official).

What third-person action games right now (or even back then) are selling five million? Or even close to that?

Damn right.