You talking about Other M? Oh, I don't think that travesty is gonna happen again. Handing Metroid over to the jiggle physic guys doesn't even seem like a sober decision and I will never understand why they went to Team Ninja.
" Hey you know who should make the next Metroid and change Samus up, the guys who made Extreme Beach Volleyball and the DOA series. They understand women." I really think they were drunk.
It's not Team Ninja that ****ed the game up, it was the from-Nintendo director. Even when he acknowledged flaws from his own game design (like the fact that the control scheme was horrible) he didn't change them, because he felt he put too much work into them to change them. And he also declared Metroid Prime to be non-canon after fans got upset about Other M, just to **** off the Retro Studios fans I guess. Also, the Team Ninja guys were pretty much at the director's mercy. Everything he said went, no matter what. They had no say, and they got misblamed for everything that happened to Other M. I'd be surprised if they ever wanted to work with Nintendo again after that.