Capcom Halves Forcast: Blames "Excessive Outsourcing"

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I think it will, since RE6 was more or less a failure.
5 mil copies sold is failure? Oh wait Square was not happy with Tomb Raider 3 mil copies sold.
Who would think that both development cost and projected sales numbers going into space would be a problem.
5 mil copies sold is failure? Oh wait Square was not happy with Tomb Raider 3 mil copies sold.
Who would think that both development cost and projected sales numbers going into space would be a problem.

It's not the sales that was a failure, 5mil is quite nice. But the fans were heavily disappointed with the result of the game. At least that's the impression I got from the fanbase.
It's not the sales that was a failure, 5mil is quite nice. But the fans were heavily disappointed with the result of the game. At least that's the impression I got from the fanbase.
Of course. It looks like Capcom is trying to make made made fanbase of each of their games.
I don't think they are blaming the Western devs for anything. By "excessive" they mean that they are spending too much on them.
And I think it means they've outsourced a lot of games to different companies as well [which they have]. They probably don't want to do that so much anymore, I just hope that doesn't mean Ninja Theory too. It'll just be a shame if Devil May Cry dies off completely and Capcom never bother doing anything with the series again.

well they did say they are going back to the "roots" so i don't really think president evil is out of the basket case yet
I heard that too. I think it's more likely they might do a reboot. That, or they could mean the style of gameplay. If they could go back to the survival horror with the fixed camera angles, but with the plus of more flexable controls, that would be enough for me.

well....i think im going to have a leaving before this thread falls into chaos
I think I might too, I've seen enough wars.
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Maybe they're looking for gold?
God knows they need the money ;)

Yeah. The "lack-of-funds" thing is actually their fault, due to the fact that they spent too much and it's simply not a sustainable business model.
They aren't wrong, it also their business practices
Then what was the reasoning behind your post? Capcom said that too much outsourcing, decisions made on their part, are the cause of their problems. What is so 'typical' of Capcom stating that their very own decisions are causing them problems? It's not like they blamed the devs or anything.
Yeah. The "broke" thing is actually their fault, due to the fact that they spent too much and it's simply not a sustainable business model.

I think they need more communication in the company, I don't know if anyone else feels this way but sometimes it feels like the decisions they make are so odd it seems like there is no organising where they spend money. They seem to throw it in places it's not needed and restrict funds to what needs it.

Good example would be Street Fighter X Tekken, they spent so much making sure the on disk/digital DLC was functioning and available for purchase they forgot to make a working game.
I hope they will or allready realised that is big problem.

One of their new business ideas was to add more DLC but hopefully not. I hate being ripped off as much as the next guy but I'm not as inherently against DLC as some. It just P***** me off when the game suffers because of greed.
One of their new business ideas was to add more DLC but hopefully not. I hate being ripped off as much as the next guy but I'm not as inherently against DLC as some. It just P***** me off when the game suffers because of greed.
So you mean to tell me I can sell you a half of a disc without telling you and force you to buy the other one if you want the entire content of the game?

How do you know I didn't take that half out right before releasing the game?

DLC sure is wonderful.