It's not always the case. I had a talk with someone on tumblr recently and the reason he didn't like the new DmC was because he said didn't feel like DMC in sense of the story/characters. And I can agree a little with that, but that's why I told him just to treat it as it's own thing.guys these haters are unreasonable and plain mean. you just need to put them in their place. but not harshly do it gently but firmly. like this:
He was angry when we started our discussion (his tags have some nice F drops on them :lol I just explained things to him. Like for example he didn't like Dante swore, so I told him that wasn't what Dante was all about and showed him the Home Truth's video (and I also explained the differences between the anime and western style of storytelling). He later admitted being wrong about Dante on terms of the cursing, but still prefered the original series with the anime approach. We talked about other stuff too, but he had his mind in the right place at least.
That's usually how I take haters or thoses doubtful on the game, I challenge them by giving my opinion of what I see or what they don't get, but not aggressively, at least I try my best not to. Often it leaves some in a more calmer mind set. I've only ever met one person on the net that was a real troll through and through. But if the chance ever comes up again to talk with Mr Troll, I still won't resort to cursing.