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Batman isn't as well known as Superman?


the horror was for love
no love for everybody's favorite big blue immigrant?


I like Superman and dig what he stands for. He may not be my favorite, but I see nothing wrong with the type of character he is.

This is why I don't like him:
The sweat goodie two-shoes boy scout clean cut do the right thing always perfect symbol of pure goodness.

It feels...fake and self righteous to me. Then again, I'm an extremely cynical person and view the world that way so...seeing someone always acting that "good" and "pure" immediately makes me distrust them and feel uncomfortable. That's not to say that there aren't any times I've liked stuff with him in it (his role in Batman: Noel and MoS comes to mind), but...yeah. :/

@VampireWicked: The only fun of a fallen hero is watching them rise again. Just like the only fun of a perfect hero is watching them fall. :wink: Imo. -would probably like Superman more if there was a rise and fall like you mentioned-


Same as it ever was
I figure Superman is more popular, because he's like the prime example of a superhero.

Batman's better though and already won in a fight.


Supporter 2014
I haven't seen it, how does it compare to the movie ?
Ok, I'll defend the Director's Cut of Daredevil (7/10) until the apocalypse, but the theatrical version isn't even worth mentioning, I think (5/10).

In short, Netflix's Daredevil is not only better than the two movie versions of Daredevil, but I enjoyed it far more than the Marvel movies (and yes, the DC movies as well).

In my opinion, Netflix Daredevil is kinda like the American Ong Bak series. And I really love Ong Bak.

I'm not saying it's better than Marvel, but I will say that I'll gladly watch it again -- I have no interest in ever watching anything from Marvel twice unless it's Captain America 3: Civil War. I'm not even going to go out of my way to see Ant Man.

I still haven't watched Age of Ultron, by the way. The hype has done nothing for me.


Fake Geek Girl.
<- is one of the few people that actually likes the Daredevil movie.

Seriously, I just don't understand sometimes the hate this movie gets. People act like it's one of the worst movies ever, and come on. It's not that bad. Colin Farell does a great, fun Bullseye. Michael Clark Duncan was a great Kingpin, and Ben Affleck as Matt was fine.

Sure, the series on Netflix is effing amazing and this movie doesn't hold a candle to it, but the movie really isn't that bad people.


Supporter 2014

So, if Batman isn't as well known as Superman, what other name could he take on to make him more famous?


one of the commenters (megawolfxxx345) said this:

batman is ghost rider. think about it: hes the hero of the night, he rides the black vehicles for camoflauge, he even stays in one city as if he was "haunting" it to avenge a death (his father). It's perfect! we change the story a little bit so that Bruce Waynes father and mom died and Bruce survives. years later, he becomes the ghost rider (AKA Batman) and represents the will of his father and Instead of bats, he can speak to ghosts.


Since Batman is sort of similar to the Lone Ranger, Zorro and Sherlock, this might not be a bad idea for alternate universe scenario (with Marvel's permission, of course).

This is Batfleck talking to his old Daredevil persona lol.



Ghost Rider -> DareDevil

DareDevil -> Batman

Batman -> DeadPool, because he was created in a pool of his dead parents' blood

DeadPool -> DeadMan, because he's been dead tons of times (like "dead man walking")

DeadMan -> Ghost Rider, because he's a ghost and he rides people's bodies



I just recently read Thunderbolts (2014) and even Ghost Rider says "I hate that Daredevil guy, I should be named Daredevil"

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Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I didn't know it was possible to know one and not the other? They're like arch enemies? Like the world isn't big enough for both of them.

I have to say though, I'm a Superman fangirl. Dean Cain *swoon back in the day* but I do like him far better with blue eyes. The comics, the cartoons, the TV shows, etc. I loved Man of Steel (I watched it again the other day) and so it wasn't as overloaded with SUPER like I grew up with, but it made those moments when he WAS super all the more effective.

Batman...meh. I dunno man. He never stood out as a hero to me. If you take away the suit and the money, all you've got is a brooding, mopy guy with a sore throat. Batman isn't even that good looking.

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
Batman...meh. I dunno man. He never stood out as a hero to me. If you take away the suit and the money, all you've got is a brooding, mopy guy with a sore throat. Batman isn't even that good looking.
i don't really want to be that guy but i'm going to be that guy

when it come's to movie batman you could be right
we don't know anything about the training of Batman (Batman (1989) - Batman and Robin) or even if he has any training at all it very well could be just the money and suit

but Dark Knight batman was trained by the league of shadows tho not very good i admit
as soon as a bigger guy came along (Bane) batman got his ass kicked in both fights

but cartoon and comic batman is a different story i could wright an essay about all the crap batman can do

but from the fact that he has mastered 127 forms of martial arts
and his mastery of Ninjutsu stealth

if you take away the money and suit batman is still a force to be reckoned with
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