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Batman isn't as well known as Superman?


Legendary Devil Hunter
So I've heard people argue over who's more popular, Batman or Superman?

And I've heard it said a couple of times (first time from Angry Joe)

That Batman is indeed currently the more popular character, but Superman is the better known character.

That....doesn't make sense to me. Isn't Batman also known world wide? I thought they were pretty equal in the regard that pretty much everyone's heard of them.

I'm not trying to argue who's better....although

Just I thought they were equally known


"Fair" DmC Skeptic
Batman I feel is definitely more well known given he gets more attention in mainstream media thanks to his video games (arkham series) and movies which in both cases he has way more than superman.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I think the Arkham games have made Batman more popular then Superman. Plus, Batman's honestly got a deeper character then superman in my opinion. Another thing that makes Batman popular is because he's just a normal human being whose trained for years and has a large assortment of gadgets.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I would say Batman has more exposure since he's had more cartoons (both shows and movies) and the Dark knight trilogy/Arkham games under his belt. Heck even in Young Justice he was the most consistently used adult hero so people have been saying for years he was overused.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
funny enough, the only reason batman is in it is because snyder made a joke about batman being in the sequel and the studio execs took it seriously


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
Everyone and their grandma knows who both are.
well. of course everyone knows who they ARE. they're the granddaddies of comic books. but i'd be willing to bet that the average joe would be able to explain batman in greater detail than superman


I Saw the Devil
That Batman is indeed currently the more popular character, but Superman is the better known character.

That....doesn't make sense to me.
Well, it's simple. Batman is the more liked among those who know them but all in all Superman is the more famous character.

Superman has a much more colorful history in media than Batman does. Back in the day a Superman animate series was produced that became pretty huge milestone in comic book history. The studio who was asked to make it wanted to polity refuse to make it and so they said that a Superman animation could be done at 1 million dollars per episode, the problem was that the people who approached them said 'OK, sounds good' and, well, how were they going to refuse back then. In case you are not getting it $1 million was a ridiculously large amount of money back then, making the production something unheard of at the time and with it's success putting Superman in the public eye as the iconic superhero.

Move forward a few decades and Superman has become a joke outside of comic books. He is no longer take that seriously and he is not really that respected. However, move forward to 1978 when Richard Donner releases his rendition of Superman and once again Superman becomes an icon with the first 'real' superhero movie like nothing like been seen before. The first modern one that arguably has paved the way for all others that came after.

That is the two firsts in the media. Yeah, there were provably other feature films based on superheroes before Superman but none of them were as well made or well received. Superman was the first animated superhero and his film was the first that showed, to quote the poster's tag line, that a man could fly.

And those two are just outside of the influence he's had on comics. Superman is to comic book superheroes what Niel Armstrong is to astronauts. I personally like Batman better but the influence of Superman cannot be denied.
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