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Antagonist To Protagonist: Game Villains That Deserve Their Own Game


Fake Geek Girl.
Who doesn't love a great villain? Sometimes, we love them so much, we wish we could play as them instead of fight them. What villains do you think deserve their own spinoff game? I'll start with my list.

Gannondorf- The Legend of Zelda

-The recurring big bad from the Legend of Zelda series should totally get his own time to shine. I'd like to have a more action oriented adventure where we play as Ganon in his quest to overtake Hyrule. Maybe be the alleged timeline where the hero loses with a final battle against Link himself. All I know, Gannon is a badass we wanna play as.

Bowser-Super Mario Bros. Series

I imagine a more strategic game with Bowser commanding his army of Koopas and other creatures would be the way to go with this. Do you guys remember a game called Overlord? Maybe something like that. You can have this idea for free Nintendo.

Waluigi-Super Mario Bros. Series

WAAAAAHHHHH. Wario got a game, why not good ol Waluigi?

This sexy beast is begging for one.
Wesker- Resident Evil

-One of the most memorable Saturday morning cartoon villains in gaming.

Liquid Snake-Metal Gear Solid

-Metal Gear as we know it is pretty much dead. So I kinda don't want this to happen in a way, especially since Konami has already proven that they lost their way with the series. But I can't deny a Liquid spinoff would have been kinda cool. Next to a spinoff about the Boss and Cobra Unit, this had potential.

What about you? What villain should star in his own game?


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014

Handsome Jack - Borderlands

He was playable in The Pre-Sequel through a DLC pack and his part in the Telltale series was great, but he needs a full game set around him, he's just such a great villain.


Albert Wesker - Resident Evil
Yes Wesker needs a game, Resident Evil has already hit rock bottom and still digging, so we may as well get a over the top Wesker game while the franchise is still stupid.


Vergil - DMC

Vergil is the only character I'd take for a full DMC game if Dante isn't the main star, he's got so much background to explore and would make for one hell of a game.

Mileena - MK9

I wanna see her in a full game, her violent and playful nature will make for a fun game.


DmC hype
The Illusive Man from Mass Effect didn't get much attention in my opinion, I'd love to see what he's all about and most notably what's up with his eyes.


Earthbound Immortal
The villain I want most of all is Ryuji Goda from the Yakuza series. Yes, I know we got to play as him in Dead Souls but that was a non-canon spin-off. I want him in a proper game. I don't care how Sega has to write him in!

The only other person I can think of is Henry Cooldown from No More Heroes. While not a villain per se, he is the final antagonist you have to face in the game. Again, we were teased with a single level to play as him in the second game and it was one of the best levels because it was him. Come on Suda51!

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Good topic choice. Now, let's see...what antagonist would I love to be able to play as?

The first one that comes to mind is Mithos Yggdrasill from Tales of Symphonia.
[URL='http://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwis1svYxN_OAhUHHh4KHYWUD-4QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fboards.na.leagueoflegends.com%2Fen%2Fc%2FGD%2FKK6EHY8c-is-anyone-aware-of-a-mithos-yggdrasill-ezreal-custom-skin&psig=AFQjCNHJWl6fJxUNhcIw_hu1tZn3tQGOig&ust=1472316474643405'] [/URL]

There are two things I would love out of this: one involves either the ability to read or play his adventures from 4,000 years ago, when he and his three companions (his older sister, Martel, Kratos Aurion, and Yuan) embarked on their journey--in which said journey is what turned him into the first game's villain. The other thing I'd like is to be able to play his side of the story from Tales of Symphonia, going through the steps he took to keep Lloyd and gang on their toes. I'll admit, the former has a larger vote.

The second character that comes to mind dances on that line between being a Hero (literally), and being a villain. The ever charismatic (and dangerous) Reaver:

Particularly in Fable II, I think it would have been cool if they'd added DLC allowing you to play as either of Sparrow's companions, with their own campaigns--Reaver, naturally, being the companion I'd be most interested in playing as. As to Fable III, I would have just been happy to interact with the character more, or to even actually fight him in a boss battle. It would have made for a good challenge, with some interesting dialogue throughout. :laugh:

Beyond those two, I honestly can't think of any others. Not only has my gaming repertoire dwindled significantly over the years, what games I do enjoy/would like to pick up again either A) Do allow you to play as any character, even the "villains", or B) Lack enough story in order to churn out a game from the antagonist's point of view.


A self-diagnosed misanthrope
The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3. She's one of the most influental characters, at least for me and I'd like to sift through her many achievements. For God's sake, she holds the unofficial record of being the first woman in space. The first! And she gave birth to one of the series' most prominent deuteragonist/tritagonist/antagonist.

Shame Konami are not letting go of the Metal Gear IP.


Earthbound Immortal
I can't believe I forgot about this person.

Spoiler warning for the Killer of Persona 4.
Tohru Adachi. The (seemingly) bumbling detective who can't solve the recent Serial Killings...that he is secretly the culprit of!
Seriously, the Killer was one of the most interesting characters in P4. Especially since their episode in P4:Arena suggested that they wanted to atone for their crimes. I totally want a game with them as a Punisher type Dark Hero who hunts down evil Persona users or Shadows/Demons or whatever.
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Fake Geek Girl.
The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3. She's one of the most influental characters, at least for me and I'd like to sift through her many achievements. For God's sake, she holds the unofficial record of being the first woman in space. The first! And she gave birth to one of the series' most prominent deuteragonist/tritagonist/antagonist.

Shame Konami are not letting go of the Metal Gear IP.
I would have put the Boss, but I don't consider her a villain. You may have had to fight against her, but she ultimately saved the day. Her sacrifice stopped the world from going in to nuclear war. So yea, while a game about Cobra Unit would be awesome, the Boss isn't technically a villain in the series. Liquid Snake is.


A self-diagnosed misanthrope
I would have put the Boss, but I don't consider her a villain. You may have had to fight against her, but she ultimately saved the day. Her sacrifice stopped the world from going in to nuclear war. So yea, while a game about Cobra Unit would be awesome, the Boss isn't technically a villain in the series. Liquid Snake is.
She's an antagonist though. And if you go by that logic, few people in the Metal Gear Solid series are full fledged villains. Solidus is actually fighting the Patriots, Ocelot is also fighting the Patriots through some convoluted plot that takes a while to take in, even Major Zero who is the big bad of the series is actually simply following the wrong interpretation of The Boss' will the same as Big Boss. And Liquid? Doing the same. Fighting the Patriots.

Only ones that deserve to be called villains in a traditional sense were Volgin and Skull Face.


Earthbound Immortal
No they're not! Clearly you didn't play enough to get the super secret ending.
Lol. :D

Actually it's funny you should bring it up. Have you heard that...
Originally Dojima was going to be the culprit but was changed after being considered too dark?
I would have much preferred that person be the culprit, but I digress.


I Saw the Devil
Lol. :D

Actually it's funny you should bring it up. Have you heard that...
Originally Dojima was going to be the culprit but was changed after being considered too dark?
I would have much preferred that person be the culprit, but I digress.
I like that. I would've liked for Kyrie to be the villan, too but I guess they just don't have the grotas to give the real twists a chance.


Elite Hunter
Paxton Fettel (F.E.A.R.)


"They tried to bury their sins, but instead planted the seeds of their doom. A war is coming, I've seen it in my dreams. Fires sweeping over the earth, bodies in the streets, cities turned to dust. Retaliation."

Yes he was playable in F.E.A.R. 3. But 1) I'd rather that game not exist and 2) I want a game solely dedicated to this spooky motherfucker. Possibly bringing back the atmosphere from the first two games please.

Letho of Gulet (The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings)


"I paid the monk who treated me a lot of orens to stay silent. Actually it was only a loan, 'cause I killed him later. Only the dead can keep a secret."

Arguably the best villain in the series, this guy is both smart and badass, and goddamn has he got charisma. I'd love a spinoff centered on him.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
The villain I want most of all is Ryuji Goda from the Yakuza series. Yes, I know we got to play as him in Dead Souls but that was a non-canon spin-off. I want him in a proper game. I don't care how Sega has to write him in!
Aside from this character getting a game, which I would absolutely buy on the grounds of how ungodly awesome it would be to strut and own the streets for Kamurocho as The Golden Dragon himself, I'd love to get a Star Fox spin-off from the perspective of the Star Wolf Team. Maybe showcase their origins, explain how Wolf lost his eye and what his connection to James McCloud's death was, show what it was like to regularly fight the Star Fox Team during the Lylat Wars and feel the frustration of constantly failing...

I've wanted to control the Wolfen starship and combat the Star Fox Team in an actual campaign for years. It's like DmC2, the pipe dream I know will never be fulfilled.

Of course, thanks to Shadow the Hedgehog and FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus, the notion of making a spin-off game about a non-protagonist anti-hero is now an unspeakable hazard.


DmC hype
Jaron Namir - Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Can't believe I didn't think of him sooner. So he is sorta an antagonist in Human Revolution, but he is barely given screentime by the devleopers, even though his design is excellent and they could've done a lot woth him. According to the wiki he somehow has a happy family life while being a top of the bill Spec Ops agent. I think he'd make for a pretty good story if he was just fleshed out a bit more.


Supporter 2014
Lan Di: his rise to power before the events of Shenmue.

Melfice: his journey of madness during Grandia II.

Joker: his takeover of Arkham Asylum.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
The force Unleashed using the ideas for a Dart Maul spinoff.

A persona game with the ShoBoat himself, Sho minazuki.

Arkham is my favorite DMC villian so I wouldn't mind if he got some DLC down the road.

I wanna play a pokemon spinoff from the perspective of an rookie Team Flare member (they have the best outfits).

Or if they remake any of the main Pokémon games, they should remake it with you playing as the rival of that specific story.
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