Hm, by looking at Suda ideas i think he could capture DMC crazy style but i am not so sure about gameplay. We will see how Killer is Dead will look and play.
Wait a second, Nordic Games? I thought they are just publisher, not development studio.
Well the topic at hand is who will make a great DmC: Devil May Cry follow up.
Suda though creative (more so than NT) and if Capcom spends the time to have them make a good DMC most likely won't be the DmC2 that DmC fans want.
Grasshopper Manufacturer Presents DmC2: Devil May Cry 2 with...
- Extra Japanese camp
- A true parody of American consumerism and media corruption
- Media and animu stereotypes
- A new cockier Dante who takes no sh*t and is twice more sensational and over the top of DMC3 Dante with actually funny jokes
- See a not so serious story that actually took itself seriously and origins reboot of the westernized DmC turn into a random Japanese parody of modern day America
- More over the top and zany characters
- Watch as Kat become a roller skating demon slaying cheerleader
- Meet DmC Lucia who speaks with an Australian accent and Trish who speaks with a British accent
- Face bosses such as Garplespunk, a titan demon tranny who shoots lasers from her nips, and Bushizuzu, a giant golden baby demon that eats, poops, and sleep
- Now with a message of how corruption and rebellion in pointless that you can't win but reinforced with a final boss that represents these morals as you can't beat him to signify this message and you though Jasper Batt Jr. was bad
- Bosses that are actually challenging and creative
- Replacing metal, agrotech, and dubstep with pop, techno, and J...I mean Kpop as well as other popular mediums of music in America to appeal to tweens and baby boppers
- You though the stages in DmC were trippy well be prepared as DmC2 throws even more trippier stage designs..You think your on acid.
- Experience Dante's life after DmC as he does side jobs such as mowing the lawn, walking people's pets, working at a gas station, and exterminate bugs. Live his life as you make him pet his dog named Cerberus and feed it and what him take a dump and brush his teeth.
- A new mode where you can hit on chicks (human, demon, angel, or aliens) and get laid. Its like GoW sex minigame but it actually requires effort.
- Watch as Dante and his evil rival twin Vergil attempt out show each other to prove whose got the bigger dick as they battle evil demons conglomerate and twisted angel aliens....yes that is right ANGEL ALIENS from stealing the sun resulting in mankind's demise.
- Be prepared for 10x the f*cks, sh*ts, a$$, and b*tch with clever lines such as "See You in Hell F*ck Face!" or "Get bent demon a$$ sucker".
IGN-"A great game but its better off being called No More Heroes 3, Lollipop Chainsaw 2, or The Wacky MisAdventures of DUNTE ZA DEMON SL8ER."
Suda-"I wanted to make a game that embodies Western culture as of late. How we Japanese truly feel about American media and culture."
Capcom-"Yeah we felt that with DmC we divided the fanbase but with this DmC2 by Suda we think we can actually make the DmC fanbase so angry they'll lose hope in DmC and join up with the DMC fanbase to hate this game so then that way we can follow up with an actually good DMC5 and they'll want it. GENIUS!!!"
Tameem-"This Dante is truly edgy and embodies the parody of Western culture. Suda did an amazing job with the themes that we introduced into DmC. A truly fun game and worthy successor to DmC."
Kamiya-".......the f*ck...?"