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Admins I wont stop making accounts...

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New Member
I wont stop making accounts unless you give me a second chance. What I did to get banned had nothing to do with the forums especially since MSN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THESE FORUMS. So yeah I want my second chance as my username says I wont give up.

Find it in your heart to realize that msn is not affiliated in anyway to these forums and face reality you cant keep making excuses for me not to get unbanned. I am a human and I deserve my rights :mad:


New Member
The problem is that there not unbanning my account ManOfMayhem.

Thats unfair every account im making they're banning. I want a second chance too Im a human y'know anyone that was having the same problem as me would be doing what im doing. I like these forums and I want to return under the account I loved.


Sister of the Creed
Why don't you just make another account without telling the admins that your ManOfMayhem so they won't have to ban you over and over again?


Cut 'Em Up!
They will be able to see all other accounts you have on your ip address, your persistance won't help at all.

I'm not really sure what happened but I know for a fact you were banned for good reason, Credo gave you your answer in the other thread you made.


New Member
Why bother saying anything if you dont know anything about how I got banned.Okay I'll tell you what happened.

I was on MSN talking to the admin of these forums which was my good friend. I asked him whether he liked the ps3 or xbox 360 more and he said prefered the 360. I said that it was **** and & I swore at his mum and I regreted it. He then said im banning you from the devil may cry forums, I said you can't do that this has nothing to do with those forums (MSN has nothing whatsoever to do with these forums). I didnt mean to be an idiot I was angry but now I want to be friends with him again and want a second chance for my stupidity and assholeness. Please I understand what I said and I take back everything I said.

A second chance doesnt hurt :( Give me a second chance I will read the rules 50 times in order to come back.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
MSN may not have anything to do with these forums, but you insulted an admin and he punished you in kind, frankly, you had it coming, your banning was the consequence of your anger and childishness and you just have to live with it, going down this path will only get you IP banned.

In the end it's Dark Drakan's discretion as to what happens in regards to your future here, as a courtesy I'll ask him to take a look at all this, but in the mean time I will not have someone who has already been perma-banned making new accounts to bypass it, it's a major violation of the forum rules and it certainly will not help your case.

Trust me, I'm not backing down here either, stop making accounts and I'll request that your case is considered, what happens after that is not my concern, nor is it in my power, fair?


Well-known Member
Well said Angelo Credo.
I'm just going to take this opportunity that I'm in full support of Mister Credos actions her. Ban Evasions are an instant perma-ban, and the fact that he is willing to request Administration to look at this is something that is well beyond generous.

Threats against the forum, and threats about multiple-accounts/ban-evasion is NOT going to get a result, period. If you continue to create accounts for this purpose ManofMayhem, IWontGiveUp what-the-heck-ever I will personally see that you are IP banned and that, is something that you won't be able to protest.

Good job Angelo Credo, ManofMayhem or w/e, I recommend you tread carefully if you want your 'plea' to even be considered.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
We have been over this time and time again and once again i make the point. You cant hold a civil conversation therefore do not belong on a forum. I thought you were a decent member and i had a conversation with you and you just got abusive and turned into a fanboy 5 year old yelling obscenities about me and my family. Therefore you got banned, not because i felt like it (which i could have done whatever i wanted) but because if you could rant at me so easily for stating a preference in an adult manner then it was only a matter of time before you did it on the forums.

I mean if you were to meet a bar owner in another bar and insult him and his family and generally be abusive while having a conversation would he let you in his bar if you tried? The answer would be no because although it had nothing to do with his place you would probably start trouble there next by arguing with someone else for no reason. Same thing applies here, if you cant hold a civil conversation with one of the owners here then you cant be trusted to be civil to anyone else. Only yourself to blame so accept it and move on.

You will continue to get banned and the IP's shall be banned. You are proving my point right here with this childish tirade and injustice bull****. Ranting and raving is what got you here in the first place yet you have learnt nothing.

IwontGiveUp;193405 said:
I will read the rules 50 times in order to come back.

Ok here you go read these 50 times and it might sink in that you have broken the rules already & the action in there has been taken so the warning was already there...

Rules said:
*While we welcome discussing and debating issues, we will not tolerate insulting comments, personal attacks, slandering or intentionally argumentative posts (trolling).

*The staff reserve the right to edit or delete any posts or threads without notice, including the expulsion of unruly members.

*You are permitted to register a single account with the forum, attempting to create multiple accounts will result in a permanent ban of all said accounts, as well as a permanent IP ban.

Reading them and following them are 2 different things, seems you cant differentiate between the 2.
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