Achievement list

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Correct me if im wrong but that means we will have 5 melee weapons and 3 guns isn't that pretty standard for a DMC game? DMC 3 had 5 melee weapons and 4 guns if i recall correctly (one of which wasen't used by anyone I know) and DMC 4 had 3 melee weapons and 3 guns if memory serves (this isn't counting nero's stuff as i consider him separate but even if we include him there are 4 melee weapons and 4 guns) so this seems like the average amount of weapons DMC game comes with if one shorter then DMC 3
You're right, but you know, wishful thinking and a sense of incomplete alignment (seriously they should make the down directional button have some function) tells me there should be a bit more.
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Wait...the glaive is supposed to be both a long-range and melee weapon.

Oh... BLAST.

It counts as both a Devil Arm and a "Shuriken"... which means that NT ran out of ideas and had to use ONE weapon for TWO functions...

Great NT. Great. You just made me hate this game a little. Thank you.

See Meg? Criticism.
wouldn't that mean 3 demonic weapons and one angelic? that seems very unbalanced
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Remember when DMC4 Dante had spinning saw-blade spurs on his feet? I miss those weapons now. :(

Seriously, the Glaive could be attached to Dante's feet in the same way... somehow. It would be a stretch, but NT could somehow make it work. The Glaive could shrink and duplicate, or something. It's all part of one big shape-shifting Rebellion after all.

Hmm... maybe Vergil will get the Angel Greaves.

If he does... and if we can play as him...

it's been heavily hinted that vergil is in development but isn't ready yet. What will most likely happen is if the game sells well they will release Vergil as DLC and if it tanks then minimal DLC
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We have one Human: sword
2 angelic: glaive and sythe
2 demonic: gauntlets and axe
mabye i misread the post then because i read it as the glauve is both a demonic and angelic weapon or just a demonic one
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On topic though, the icon for defeating Mundus looks like a monster and all but then I was looking at the list for a bit and
A man with guts and honor
You reached the end of the descent on Mission 6 having killed all of the enemies
The icon on this one has 2:00 on it.
Then we have this achievement:
Where does the time go?
You completed a level in 2 minutes or less
So looks like this is the mission worth doing a double whammy for. I'd love to see someone pull it off in a high difficulty.
It's an angelic weapon he was just pointing out that it looks like lazy work because it feels like it counts for both a projectile (gun) and a melee weapon (devilarm)
ah okay im guessing it will act similar to death's scyth in darksiders one where you throw it a lot but its always very close to your body and comes back after each attack (like when he throws it forward and it slashes in front of you and cones back or you throw it and it does a loop around your body chopping everything around you and you catch it etc.
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ah okay im guessing it will act similar to death's scyth in darksiders one where you throw it a lot but its always very close to your body and comes back after each attack (like when he throws it forward and it slashes in front of you and cones back or you throw it and it does a loop around your body chopping everything around you and you catch it etc.

I figure the Glaive combos will look like this...

Still hoping for Vergil Angel Greaves... keep them figures crossed, everybody.
I hope Aquila's combat look like this:

Being able to use it to quickly cancel anything would be great
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Not necessarily. I don't know how many people like/dislike the game. I'm only talking about people on this site. And on this site, I've noticed no one who doesn't like the game can say anything negative without being attacked or nitpicked to death.


Well, from my perspective, this is the last stronghold the DmC community has against haters. What you perceive as over-zealousness is something that almost everyone else would call "justified defense".

If you go almost anywhere else, be it Capcom Unity or IGN, they'll immediately hate on the game for having 30 fps or not having a lock-on. That's absurd. The game should be given a fair shake along with any other game. And, since it's a reboot, it should be judged by it's own merits, and not by the standards the haters think they should judge it by.

Just try to come off as less passive-aggressive in your viewpoints, and I'm sure the fans of DmC will respond in kind.

"Real cooks don't need recipes..."

I'm going to be blunt. Every time you make an anti-DmC post, I can't help but get the impression that you have nothing but the utmost disgust for the game and that every "constructive criticism" you present against it has this underlying, cynical quality about it.

And then you play the victim by claiming that we're attacking you when you kind of insulted (albeit in a very roundabout way) the game first.

Just... present your complaints... and do it without saying that the game is "unworthy" of the other entries in the series.

I'm going to leave this here. I don't want to get into a debate. I would just like you to think about what you're saying about the game (if you want), and whether the added slights are really necessary.

If you feel that you're being attacked, then ask yourself why you think that is. And why people would attack you in the first place. And don't say, "It's because they're fanboys/trolls. To me, that's a rather all-too-convenient scapegoat, in my humble opinion.

Just because people like the game, doesn't mean that they're immediately willing to fight tooth and nail over it. Defending the game, and attacking others just for the sake of trolling, are two very different things.
I hope Aquila's combat look like this:

Being able to use it to quickly cancel anything would be great

Yes, it certainly would. ^_^

Ha, I had to post the second one. I personally like it better than the first.
Okay so Greg replied to the leaked achievement list.
He didn't confirm if the list is complete or not, but he did go into detail about the leaked weapons. He made some very valid points and I recommend you guys read his response.
The problem with leaks, other than that they cause me personal anguish D:, is that you're just getting a bunch of contextless facts. There's a reason we make official announcements.

Well actually there's a whole lotta reasons, but one of them is so people have a context for the new information they're getting. I urge you guys to stay away from spoilers, though with this game being an origin story, you probably have some idea of where it's headed anyway ;)

Anyway, let's look at the weapons. If we're all more or less in agreement that DMC3 is the control in this experiment, then we'll compare DmC's five melee weapons to DMC3's five Devil Arms. Note that in DmC, you'll ultimatley have access to ALL of these weapons simultaneously, whereas in DMC3 you had to choose two per statue stop or mission start. So you're able to create combos with five melee weapons at once now.

So assuming the three guns revealed in DmC are all we've got in the gun department, we're down two from DMC3's five. It is worth mentioning that the guns will also all be accessible at all times, meaning that ultimately, you'll have eight weapons accessible at all times in comparison to DMC3's four or DMC4's. . . seven for Dante, two for Nero? Correct me if I'm wrong.

I. . . guess I'm still not supposed to talk about the "Kablooey," though I'll suffice to assume that you've at least gathered that it blows stuff up. It does! I won't say how or to what magnitude, but let's go ahead and agree that this more or less accounts for the primary function of the Kalina Ann. Sadly, the gun doesn't feature the Ann's grappling hook, but then again, you'll be grappling stuff all the livelong day in this game, so that function is irrelevant.

So we're down a laser gun and a rifle. Or two other new guns. I don't know about you guys, but I always felt like some of the guns in DMC3 were extraneous, sort of just a distraction to offer players that temporary euphoria of getting stuff. Spiral, in particular, can be fun to mess around with, but I don't think there are a lot of "serious Spiral players" out there. Hard to justify sacrificing mobility for a gun that's slightly stronger but also considerably slower than the shotgun.

I think NT really wanted to create a loadout where every single weapon and every single move was practical. It's true that there was fun to be had in picking and choosing in the past games, but DmC's really trying to dig into the core of what works about this series.

Also, let me just say that despite not showing it yet, the Aquilas weapon is actually my fave, and it opens up a lot of cool possibilities, complementing the rest of your aresenal very well and upping the speed considerably. It'll be in our next livestream later this month.

Not sure if that was the whole Achievement list or not, but I guess we'll just wait and see.
So we're down a laser gun and a rifle. Or two other new guns. I don't know about you guys, but I always felt like some of the guns in DMC3 were extraneous, sort of just a distraction to offer players that temporary euphoria of getting stuff. Spiral, in particular, can be fun to mess around with, but I don't think there are a lot of "serious Spiral players" out there. Hard to justify sacrificing mobility for a gun that's slightly stronger but also considerably slower than the shotgun.

DANG!...I love Spiral and Artemis!!!
I know that alot of people here are very anxious about not been spoiled and are very invested on the story so spoilers are hurting their experience, been there, but personally? I am not. I won't loose any sleep if I see the whole game before release or kick myself for spoiling any or all surprises in this game. I say more spoilers.
Wait, they're streaming Aquila this month already??

I can't believe that was planned, I think the planned course was probably for they to stream a more experienced player (Greg) playing through the demo, so I honestly believe the leak made them show it earlier than they planned, so I'm really glad for that leak, sorry Capcom
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So we're down a laser gun and a rifle. Or two other new guns. I don't know about you guys, but I always felt like some of the guns in DMC3 were extraneous, sort of just a distraction to offer players that temporary euphoria of getting stuff. Spiral, in particular, can be fun to mess around with, but I don't think there are a lot of "serious Spiral players" out there. Hard to justify sacrificing mobility for a gun that's slightly stronger but also considerably slower than the shotgun.
L2Cancel, friend!

Well, from my perspective, this is the last stronghold the DmC community has against haters. What you perceive as over-zealousness is something that almost everyone else would call "justified defense".

And then you play the victim by claiming that we're attacking you when you kind of insulted (albeit in a very roundabout way) the game first.

I found it funny how both these paragraphs exist in the same post.

You talk of people having "justified defense" as you feel you are not welcome elsewhere, then go on to say that a long standing member to this site is playing the victim and that is un-justified.

The reality of the situation is, this forum is not just a place to discuss games for a lot of us. Before DmC was announced, many of us considered our home, a place to get away from the hassles we have in life, where we can relax and make good friends. A place like that where you feel truly comfortable is hard to find.

Now put yourself in our shoes, I like to imagine that people respect my opinion of DmC and I get on well (I hope) with a lot of the "pro" crowd. However I have had my opinion berated over the past 2 1/2 years and in the very place I like to call home, to the stage that whenever I post I worry it's going to be taken the wrong way and then usually decide not to.

I understand many of the "pro" crowd are used to having their opinion put down as well, but you have to remember, that doesn't happen here and if it did the users are quickly banned or make one thread and are never seen again.

I also find it funny how you state Meg claims to be getting attacked by others when she herself is insulting this game....the key word being THIS GAME. She's not attacking you, she's not saying anyone who likes the game have in-valid opinions she is simply stating she does not like it, why must people feel the need to defend this game as if it has emotions or they have personal stock in it, are you just not secure enough to realise that people have a different opinion than you? (the same thing oh so many people wish would just apply to the haters)

Once again her posts contain no malice, no hard feelings, no insults, just an opinion of a computer game. Have you considered it may in fact be that people get very defensive regarding this game and mis-interperate her posts?
ah dang i guess there will be no more actual weapons
I guess it makes switching between them easier but still
I still want at least one more weapon to the angel and demon alignments
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snip for space

I for one do not consider this site my home. :P But it is disconcerting to be a long time member and then suddenly not be able to say anything without feeling like I'm walking on eggshells because I don't like DmC.

Although, as much as I dislike what I've been seen of the game, the reboot has lead some great people to this site (you know who you are), and that makes the reboot existing justified in my eyes. I mean, have you guys seen some of Chocoghost's sigs? :w00t:
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